"You're Amelia." He tried again to sound shocked but found it amusing instead.

"And you're late." She huffed storming on.

"I'm late," He asked confused. "I never promised to come back. In fact I told you I don't do domestic." He rubbed the back of his head. "You hit me with a cricket bat."

"Twelve years." She stated firmly not breaking her stride.

"But a cricket bat."

"Twelve years and four psychiatrists." She said coldly to him. That caught his attention and he grinned again.

"Four?" He asked happily.

"I kept biting them." She mumbled.

"Why?" He was curious now and couldn't keep the joy out of his voice.

"They said you weren't real." She snapped at him stopping. He grinned at her.

"Perhaps I'm not." He mocked her. "Do your imaginary friends always come back to play?"

His laughter was interrupted by the Atraxi. The same announcement was playing but this time it was coming through the speakers of an ice cream truck.

"No, no, no, come on. What? We're being staked out by an ice-cream van." Amy asked him.

"If that's what you think." He went up to the van and leaned on the counter looking at the man. "Can you turn that off?" he asked him pleasantly.

"It's supposed to be Claire De Lune." The Ice cream stated.

"Still I'd like you to turn that off." He smiled as the man flipped a switch and the van went quiet, except he could still hear it faintly. Nearby a runner was messing with her earphones and he marched over to her and took them, he listened to the message for a moment before turning them off as well.

"Doctor, what's happening?" Amy asked as she followed him across the park and he opened the door to the nearest home and entered the residence. Amy followed him inside as he smiled warmly to the elderly lady sitting in the chair flipping channels. Every channel showed the same thing. An Axtraxi eye and the message that the message that unless Prisoner Zero vacated the residence the human residence would be destroyed.

"Hello, sorry to burst in. We're doing a special on television faults in this area. Also crimes. Let's have a look." He took the remote from the lady's hand and started to flip the channels faster.

"I was just about to phone. It's on every channel." She turned to look at Amelia. "Oh, hello, Amy dear. Are you a policewoman now?"

Amy looked embarrassed "Well, sometimes." Amy muttered.

"Amy, who is your friend?" She asked curious.

"I'm not her friend." He sat down the remote and offered his hand to the woman. "I'm the Doctor." He soniced the radio and it began to play the message in french, than german and Italian. "Okay, so it's everywhere, in every language. They're broadcasting to the whole world." He went and looked out of the window.

"What are you looking for?"

"Okay. Planet this size, two poles, your basic molten core?" He did a couple of quick calculations. "They're going to need a forty percent fission blast." He turned away from the window as he heard someone new enter the room. He looked at the young man as he spoke again. "But they'll have to power up first, won't they? So assuming a medium sized starship, that's 20 minutes."

"Twenty minutes to what?" Amy wondered.

"Are you the Doctor?" The young man asked.

"He is, isn't he? He's the Doctor!" The elderly lady sounded happy as she continued. "The Angry Doctor. All those cartoons you did when you were little. The Angry Doctor. It's him."