It started raining not long after she left the Las Pegasus Casino. Having always loved the rain, Rainbow Dash didn't exactly rush home, in fact, she took her time, allowing the water to drench her body and mane. She made her way up along the pathway to her large house, and reached the door. Rainbow reached into her saddlebag and pulled out a small key. She unlocked the door and trotted inside, freezing in place after just a few steps. Something was off.

She couldn't put her hoof on it, but something didn't feel quite right. She felt a presence.

"T.A.N.K.?" she called out, cautiously stepping further into her house.

There came no response.

All was silent, save for the sound of rain pattering outside. Swallowing, she began down the halls and turned a corner into her living room to find a strange sight before her.

There stood a tall white pony with a long pink mane on the other end of her living room, faced away and staring out the window that overlooked the Quiet Sea. Rainbow stopped in her tracks.

" 'I'm the Iron Mare' " said the stranger "I'll admit, it's original."

"Who the hay are you?" asked Rainbow Dash.

The thin pony turned around, revealing a pair of pale violet eyes.

"I'm Fleur De Lis. The director of DEFENSE."

"Oh" was all Rainbow could think to say.

"I'm here to tell you that you're not the only superhero out there. There's plenty of others just like you. Ponies willing to put their lives on the line for the greater good. Rainbow Dash, I'm here to speak with you about the Harmonian Initiative."

Rainbow tilted her head.

"The what?"

Author's Note: Surprise final chapter! Hope you all enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Check out my other stories for a continuation of The Marvel Ponified Universe!