On My Nerves Part Two

AN: I would like to thank my reviewers and a special thanks to Sami-SDGForce for helping me continue this.

Prowl was walking down the hall reading his data-pad when he felt arms wrap around his mid-section and pull him back into someone. "Hey Prowler." Jazz said in a seductive, husky tone.

"Jazz! Let go!" Prowl yelled as he tried to get away from the mech who was holding him captive.

"Oh come on Prowl!" Jazz whined, "All I wanna do is hangout with you!"

Prowl growled,"I have work to do, and I don't call molesting me as hanging out." "But all you do is work Prowl! You need to relax." Jazz said and held Prowl a little tighter.

"How can I relax when I'm being assaulted by you?" Prowl said and struggled to unwrap Jazz's arms from his mid-section. "Assault? Hm more like friendly grabs." Jazz said, amusement dripping from his voice.

"What you are doing and have already done, are not friendly." Prowl said then stopped to think for a moment, "Prime told me that you were in the brig."

"I couldn't stay away from ya Prowler."

'Oh Primus I have a stalker' Prowl thought. "Jazz please leave me alone, or at least stop touching me."

"I'll stop groping you, if you go have a couple of drinks with me." Jazz said with a smirk.

"You will stop touching me." "I'll stop grouping you." "Fine. Let go of me and lets go." Prowl sighed at the annoyingly persistent saboteur.

"Alright." Jazz unwrapped his arms from Prowl's midsection and grabbed his hand, "Come on." Jazz said with a smile and started dragging Prowl to the rec room.

"Jazz let go of my hand." Prowl said a little annoyed as he stumbled to keep up with the Tic.

"No. I'm gonna stop groupin ya, but I can still touch ya." Jazz said with a happy smirk.

"It feels more like you're grouping my hand instead of touching it." Prowl said and tried to tug his hand out of Jazz's.

Jazz smirked and turned his helm back to look at Prowl, "Be happy I'm not grouping your aft… that is unless you like that." Prowl glared at Jazz, "No. I do not like that."

"You probably only like it if we were alone." Jazz teased. "No." Prowl said annoyed.

"Oh, we're here! And ya know ya like it. Ya just don wanna admit it." Jazz said, pulling Prowl threw the doors of the rec room and led him over to a table in the corner, "Stay here. I'll get us some energon."

Prowl sat down with a sigh as he watched Jazz walk over to the energon dispenser thinking, 'today is gonna be a long day." A couple of seconds later Jazz came back and gave Prowl one of the two cubes he had. Then he took the seat next to Prowl, scooting a little closer to the SIC.

"So Jazz. Why have you been touching and grouping me?" Prowl asked and took a sip of his cube.

"Well you're so sexy that I just can't keep my hands off you." Jazz said with a grin. Prowl stared at Jazz, "And what would the real reason be that you have to assault my body with your hands?"

"Ooh! That sounds so dirty Prowly!" Jazz's visor lit up and he started laughing.

"Jazz, take this seriously. I need to know why you keep doing this." Prowl said and thought, 'Just in case if I need to take you to Ratchet to get you repaired"

Jazz's visor turned to a darker shade of blue as if he was blushing, "Well… um… I kinda like you a lot." "In what way do you like me?" Prowl asked.

"In the 'I want to be your spark mate one day' kind of way."

AN: Here it is! I will be continuing this. Please review and tell me if you like this story or not, have a wonderful day!