On My Nerves

Jazz was running down the halls of the ark. The reason he was running was Prowl. "Can't catch me Prowler!" Jazz yelled behind him, earning a growl from the angered SIC.

"Get the frag back here Jazz! You're in so much trouble!" Prowl yelled as he chased the saboteur.

"Not gonna happen baby! I'm free!" Jazz chuckled when he heard Prowl growl again. He looked behind him to see how close Prowl was, and he yelped when he saw that Prowl was really close.

Jazz turned his helm back around just in time to see Optimus coming around the corner, but all he had time to do was put his arms out in front of him before he crashed into Prime. Next Prowl crashed into Jazz, sending them all to the floor.

"What the-" Prime groaned. "Ow! Damb Prowler." Jazz said angrily.

"Oh look! You two finally decided to mate with Prime. Good for you!" Sideswipe said, smirking as he walked around the pile of mechs on the floor. "Sideswipe, brig now." Prowl snapped at the red twin. Sideswipe rolled his eyes and kept walking to the rec room to meet up with his twin.

"Please get off of me." Prime said slightly annoyed. "Sorry Sir." Prowl got up and hefted Jazz up onto his feet, keeping a vice grip on Jazz's arm to keep him from running.

Optimus stood up and stared down at his TIC and SIC, "Mind explaining why you two decided to take me down in the hallway." "Well Sir, we didn't mean to, and it was all Jazz's fault" Prowl said calmly.

"My fault!?" Jazz said dramatically, "You were the one who knocked us all to the floor, so don't blame this on me."

"Already did," Prowl said with a glare, "We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." "Actually you were the one who chased me down this hallway, so it's your fault." Jazz said in a 'matter of fact' voice.

"Alright, stop. I don't care whose fault you think it is. Right now you're both to blame. Tell me why you two were running down the halls." Optimus said in his 'I am Prime' voice.

Jazz tried to get Prowl's hand off of him so he could run before Prime knew he was in trouble, but Prowl just twisted Jazz's arm behind his back in a cop-like way.

"Ow, Prowly! That hurts!" Jazz whined. "He was running from me because he doesn't want to go to the brig." Prowl said and tugged Jazz's arm tighter behind his back when he struggled.

"Why?" Prime asked. "Jazz was inappropriately touching others without their consent." Prowl said with another tug of Jazz's arm. "Ow! Prowl, that actually hurts. Stop." Jazz said slightly mad as he struggled to get Prowl to let go of his arm.

"Jazz stay still," Prime commanded, "Who and where was he touching?" "He grabbed my aft," Prowl said and glared at Jazz, "in front of everyone in the rec room."

"Why would you do that Jazz?" Optimus sighed, it was very tiring to deal with his TIC and SIC when they had little fights like this one. "I can't help it when Prowlers aft looks so good that I just gotta touch it." Jazz said with a smile.

"Grhg! You are so annoying!" Prowl growled and pushed Jazz into Optimus' arms, "Do something with him." With that said, Prowl turned around and walked away. "Just look at that perfect aft, Prime. You can't tell me that you don't wanna grab it." Jazz said as he watched Prowl's hips sway as he walked.

Prowl stopped and turned his head back to glare at Jazz for a moment, turned his head back around and continued walking. "Is it just me, or is he sexy when he's mad?" Jazz asked Optimus, who just stood there staring at Jazz. Then Optimus grabbed Jazz and dragged him to the brig, where he discarded the mech into a cell and walked off.

"Hey Prime! That's not cool!" Jazz sighed and settled down into his temporary confinement, "Dang. Now I can't see Prowler."

AN: just wanted to write Jazz and Prowl. Please review, thank you.