Last Chappie! I feel so accomplished! I know it's a bit sad, but I still have tons of other Georgie stories! I'm trying to get a Ringo story in there on my list, but I can't come up with anything...suggestions are welcome!

So, ECC309, your time has come! SO has your, Tee-Bone...

ECC309- Clara Bluejay

Tee-Bone- Willa Bluejay

SO! Read it, and I hope you all enjoyed this! Even though I didn't really put as much effort into it as I probably should have! I promise to work harder next time! PLEASE review! I must know what you think! And if I forgot about any cameos from a while ago, please forgive me. I tried to find 'em all but I might have missed a couple...

ANYROAD! Read the last chapter and like it! GGRRR!


The plane trip was excruciatingly slow. Leslie was bored out of her mind. She couldn't go to sleep and she didn't have anything to do other than to take pictures. She was dying to do SOMETHING. She was sitting by herself and staring out the window. It was too dark on the little plane to see anything and besides that it was cloudy.

George and Emily were sitting together, but they were passed out asleep. John and Cynthia were sitting together and John was reading a book while Cynthia slept on his shoulder. Paul was sitting by himself stretched out across the row of seats looking just as bored as Leslie.

She stopped herself from looking at Paul and went back to looking out the window. She pressed her forehead to the glass and sighed.

She suddenly heard, "Psst...Psst, Les..." She sat up and looked at John, who was looking at her, since he evidently heard it too. She gestured to him asking if he'd done it, but he shook his head. Leslie made a face and got up. She looked at George and Emily. They were both still asleep. She looked at Paul was was looking up at her from his reclined position in his seat.

"Hey, Les," he said sitting up, "Will you sit with me?" Leslie giggled and plopped down next to him. She crossed her legs under her and rested her chin on her fist.

"Are you bored?" Paul asked out of the blue. Leslie nodded and so she talked to Paul for a while before she felt like she'd lost all her energy. She was tired and Paul was watching her with amusement.

"Are you tired, love?" Paul asked with a giggle. Leslie nodded and she shivered a little. She picked up a blanket and pulled it over her before she put her head on Paul's shoulder. He put his arm around her and he kissed the top of her head. He fell asleep too.

It had been a few days after they got home and Leslie was looking through all the pictures she'd taken. She looked at all the secret pictures of Paul she'd taken. She laughed when she found the pictures that George had taken when he stole her camera from her. She laughed even harder when she realized John and Paul must have nicked her camera from her room when she was out with Holly. There were tones of random pictures of John making silly faces and pictures of Paul in weird little poses.

"What're you laughing at?" George said narrowing his eyes at her in playful suspicion. She grinned and handed him the funny pictures. He smiled while he looked at them, "What are you gonna do with all these?" Leslie shrugged.

"Hang them on my bedroom wall with the rest of them I suppose." she said sorting through all the pictures she'd taken.

"Your wall's already covered!" Emily said, "Besides if you hang anymore up you'll cover all your paintings." Leslie chuckled and shook her head at them.

"Naw, if I cover the walls, I'll just re-paint all the stuff on my walls to my ceiling." she shrugged again and George laughed.

"What if you can't reach the ceiling?" he asked teasingly. Leslie sighed.

"The I'll just have to paint it all on the music room wall." She said in a serious tone. Emily froze.

"Don't you even dare joke about that." she said in a deathly serious tone. Leslie's eyes got wide and she held up her hands.

"So sorry," she said, "I was just joking, Em. I wouldn't paint over Georgie's pretty words." Emily made a face at her and Leslie saw George blushing.

"Oh, Em I got you something better than pretty words!" George said, "I've actually got music for those words now."

Emily cheered, "I wanna hear them!" she said excitedly. George shook his head at her and she pouted, "Why not?"

"Because I'm trying to get it on the next album and I want it to be a surprise." he said batting his eyelashes at her. She slapped his shoulder and he pouted a little, "What? I write you romantic words on your music room wall, make a song out of them and now you're hitting me? That's real nice Em." Emily just looked at him blankly before she sat down next to him.

"Oh, Em I have Clara and her sister coming over so we can work on a project for school. Can they stay for dinner?" Leslie asked suddenly. Emily shrugged and nuzzled into George's shoulder.

"I suppose." Emily said. George smirked.

"But is it just Clara and her sister coming though?" George asked with a suspicious look in his eyes.

"Weeelllll," Leslie said slowly. George smirked.

"Well?" he asked urging her forward.

"I was paired up with Clara and a boy called Bennett, and I invited him over too." Leslie said, before she gave her sister a sideways look, "I couldn't leave him out. He has to help."

"And?" George asked clearly trying not to crack up.

"And he's...uh..." Leslie trailed off and scratched the side of her face.

"He's what, Les?" George asked, nearly hysterical.

Leslie huffed, "He's really cute, OK? Gosh George why do you have to be so mean!?" Leslie asked turning a bright red color. Emily laughed and George was practically rolling on the floor with laughter. Leslie crossed her arms over her chest and waited for them to stop.

"It's just so fun, Les." George said before he gave her a look of pure adoration for her. She threw the pillow she was leaning against at him. George smiled a toothy smile at her and got up from the couch. The door bell rang and Leslie got up from the floor.

"Ahh! That's him! Oh my gosh what do I do!?" George squealed. Emily laughed and Leslie glared at him.

"You go away and don't scare him off." Emily said shoving him back into the kitchen. George gave her a hurt expression and she pecked his lips quickly before she followed Leslie to the foyer.

Leslie opened the door and She smiled at two girls and a boy who were waiting to come inside. Emily let Leslie take care of them and got George to help her with dinner.

The boy was obviously Bennett and he was tall and thin with dark brown hair that was a bit long. The two girls were Clara and Willa. They were sisters. Willa had brown curly hair with green-ish eyes. She was a tad short. Clara was around 5'5'' and she had brown hair and blue/grey eyes.

"Hi guys," Leslie said letting the three in the house.

"Hey, Les," Bennett said smiling at her. She smiled back and tried not to blush.

"Uh, we could sit wherever you guys want." she said motioning around her. They all nodded.

"We just need a lot of space and a place that you wouldn't mind maybe getting paint everywhere." Clara said chuckling. Leslie smirked.

"OK, that's simple." she said, "We'll go in the music room."

She walked toward the kitchen and opened the door, "Em, we're painting in the music room, I'm putting all the guitars in your room." Emily nodded and went on to the music room. They covered the couch in plastic before she pushed it against the wall over George's lyrics so Emily won't freak out of they get messed up. Then they got started. Bennett made a point first of telling Leslie that he liked all the colors and drawings on the wall.

When they'd finished for the evening he asked her out.

Weeks later, George and Emily were sitting on the couch relaxing after a long day of wedding planning and recording music. Leslie had gone out on a date with Bennett, which George wasn't liking all that much, but got over it when Emily made him sit down on the couch with her. They were watching TV together and it was getting kind of late.

"hm," Emily hummed sitting up from George's shoulder.

"What?" George asked raising his eyebrows at her. She bit her lip.

"Leslie should've been back by now." She said getting up and looking out the window. George pulled her away and he scrunched up his nose.

"She's fine," he said, "She's out with Bennett."

"Oh so you do like Bennett?" Emily smirked. George kissed her and shrugged.

"Sure, but don't tell him or Leslie that." he said, "He's nice lad I think." Emily giggled and kissed him again.

"Well anyway, I'm gonna go to bed now." she said, "Don't stay up too late waiting for her." George swatted at Emily and she walked away from him.

George sat back on the couch and sighed.

Meanwhile, Leslie was getting out of Bennett's car. He walked her up to the front door and she smiled at him. He tucked her hair behind her ear and she blushed.

"I had loads of fun, Bennett." she said biting her lip. Bennett smiled at her.

"I did too." he said taking her hands. Leslie was getting a bit impatient with him. They'd been on a few dates, and she thought they always went really well, but he had yet to even attempt to kiss her. She sighed and they looked at each other for a few seconds.

"Uh, Leslie, I was wondering, you my mum's been asking about you, and she keeps asking if you're my girlfriend and I just," Bennett stopped his nervous rambling and huffed, "Will you be my girlfriend?" Leslie giggled and blushed again.

"Sure, but does that mean you're finally going to kiss me?" She asked moving her hand up his shoulders. He gave a crooked smile and laughed. She got up on her toes a little and he leaned down. They were so close and Leslie was thrilled out of her mind, but the porch light started to flash. She looked to the window and knew it was George.

"Ignore that." she mumbled just before Bennett finished off the distance between them. Leslie felt rather happy to have Bennett. She liked him a lot and he really seemed to like her. When they broke apart Bennett promised to call her tomorrow and then she went inside. She shut the door and sighed happily.

"Ah, young love..." George teased, "You're late." Leslie's smile fell and she rolled her eyes.

"Last time I check, my name was not Leslie Harrison, nor is your last name Peters." She stated, "Therefore you are not my father." George huffed and she walked up to him.

"Well did you have fun?" he asked rolling his eyes ad throwing his arm around her shoulders.

"Course!" Leslie said as Emily came in. George made a face at her and she laughed.

"Oh, George told me not to tell you, but he told me that he likes Bennett." Emily said before she stuck her tongue out at him, "OH! And he also said he thought Bennett was a 'nice lad'."

George huffed and shewed Emily away. Leslie smiled at George and she hugged him.

"I already knew you liked Bennett," She told him as he hugged her back. "He thinks you're pretty gear too."

George kissed the side of her head and sighed.

"George?" Leslie whispered as Emily turned off most of the downstairs lights. He hummed back a response, "I love you." George smiled and he squeezed her tighter.

"I love you too, Les." he whispered back, "But, it's late now and you have school tomorrow, Leslie Harrison!" Leslie laughed and she pecked his cheek before she went off to her room. Emily came up to him and she kissed him and teased him about how sweet he was to Leslie. He actually threatened to go home if she didn't stop teasing him.

Within the next month, George and Emily got married and George played "Something" For her at the wedding. It made her cry. Leslie got to see Holly again and learned that she was moving to London with her mother soon. Leslie also started working with George Martin to learn how to make records.

Leslie continued to date Bennett, and she found that he was extremely frightened by Paul and John. Leslie was just happy he was OK with George.

She was happy and Paul seemed happy too, so she was even happier, even if they weren't exactly happy together...

Now that you've finished it, that last line made me think about the song by the Turtles, "Happy Together . I love that song...Anyway, if you made it this far you've finished the story! YAY! Now, go and review and then go to my profile and vote on my poll for my next sequel story!