Danny's day was a far cry from the best day ever. It was so far in the opposite that he was almost tempted to free Desiree just so he could wish it never happened.

But he knew better than to do that. He was sure she'd only make it worse. Heck, make a worse day to live through just to spite him. He wouldn't put it past the wishing ghost to do that to him as revenge.

Luckily the day was nearly over. He was relaxing in his bed ignoring his homework because he was just too sore to care about it right now.

But how today had sucked.

He had gotten home late last night from ghost fighting and was hoping to catch up on some well deserved sleep when he had noticed his desk lamp was on. He walked over and remembered what it was he had been doing before his ghost sense alerted him. He had a huge essay to write, and for once, had started working on it. He was almost done with it too!

Danny panicked for a moment and then quickly went back to his essay hoping he could still get it done before school.

Luckily he had been able to finish it that night. Unluckily he didn't get any sleep. He was kind of half hoping Lancer wouldn't mind as much if Danny slept in class if he turned in the essay. In Danny's dazed state he forgot how unlucky he was, especially at school.

That's when it all went downhill. He had turned in his paper and then quickly took his seat in the far back corner so he could take a quick power nap. He was rudely awakened near the end of class by Lancer.

"Mr. Fenton!" Lancer's voice cut through Danny's dreamless state causing him to jerk upwards violently.

"Hu? What? Where? I didn't do it!" Danny quickly shouted before he could fully take in his surroundings.

The class didn't do much to hide their laughter, even his friends snickered a little. Thanks guys.

"That's not what I was going to ask you Mr. Fenton. I want to see you after class today. I wanted to discuss something with you." Lancer said after the laughter had dulled to a few snickers and suppressed giggles.

"Oh, uh, sure thing, Mr. Lancer." He replied hoping no one would notice the embarrassed hue that was quickly spreading and darkening across his face.

After class Danny hung back as the other students left and made his way shamefully to the elder man's desk. He was actually unsure what he had wanted from him. Was he mad about him napping today? Had he noticed something? Was this going to be another one of those mandatory detention study things?

"You, uh, wanted to see me Mr. Lancer?" Danny asked hesitantly.

"Yes. It's in concern for you paper. And I guess your study habits as well." Lancer said as he reached for Danny's essay.

"Oh?" Danny asked still unsure of the situation. He had been doing a bit better lately. Tucker stepped back up to be his time manager and actually was able to remind him what their homework was so he could finish it. Sometimes Tucker would do a few things for him as well. Minor things like simple work sheets. At first Danny didn't like it, but with his grades falling down the drain and the threat of having to repeat his courses he quickly changed his mind. And he still did the major assignments so it wasn't like he was cheating. Either way, Jazz didn't know.

"You aren't in trouble Daniel." The teacher's voice broke the silence and Danny's thoughts. "The start of this essay is quite good, very well thought out actually, I can see you researched it well." He smiled as he gazed at the paper, then frowned as his eyes scanned the rest. "But then about half way your hand writing becomes so messy and frantic I can't even read it." The bald man leaned back in his chair and looked back up to the smaller boy. "I want you to rewrite it. It has a lot of potential, just as you do."

Danny did his best to repress the groan. Rewrite it? That took him all night! He didn't have time for this! But what could he say? No? Thanks Lance, but I only wanted you to grade half of it anyway? He sighed and took his paper back. He looked it over seeing if he could read it himself when he paused.

He could read his paper just fine. In fact he had no idea what Lancer was going on about. Sure it was a bit messy near the end but it was defiantly readable.

Without meaning to speak aloud "Should I type it instead?"

"Usually I prefer the written word to be, well written, but I think that might be best. Your hand writing gets to be more of a hassle these days." Then Lancer added, "Maybe it's the late nights?"

Danny jerked his attention back to his teacher. Oh god what did he know!? "Late nights?" he repeated hoping to not sound as desperate as the thought he did.

"Yes, it's rather obvious. Your work is sloppy and more often than not you're sleeping in class." Lancer shook his head "I don't know what's keeping you up all night but maybe you should do your homework first?"

Danny couldn't help but laugh. He regained a bit of his composure as he stored that little joke for later. "Oh, I'll try that next time. Thanks for the advice Mr. Lancer."

Lancer blinked a few times not sure why his student seemed to find that last part so funny. He sure was an odd kid. "Right, well if you could have that done by tomorrow that would be great."

Danny nodded and turned to leave when Lancer continued. "Oh! And don't tell anyone about this. I wouldn't want to have to give extensions to the lazier students."

He smiled and nodded, "Sure thing." Who did he have to tell anyway? His friends had turned in their papers already. Danny left the room and headed to the cafeteria hoping he still had enough time to get something good. Now that he thought about it, the only person who had complained about the assignment was Dash. His complaints sure sounded like he didn't do it. Did Lancer think they were friends?

Danny busted out laughing. Dash and me friends? What crazy reality was Lancer living in? That's even better than his lame advice to do homework before staying up all night. Yeah I'll just tell the ghosts to wait a few hours cuz I'm busy with school work. Please.

Oh but the thought of Dash being his friend? That was rich.