Rain tapped on the hood of the Impala as it sat parked in the hotel lot. The boys were on a shifter hunt that was taking too long in Dean's opinion. They had caught up to it at a park earlier, but it slipped away. Thunder crashed overhead when Dean came out of the bathroom after cleaning his cuts. He looked over to Cas who was sitting at the small table with Sam. Sam shut his laptop and looked at Dean as if to say 'don't-make-out-with-Cas-while-I'm-in-the-room'. Dean just shot him a grin as he picked up a Chinese food container and sat on the bed. He turned on the T.V. Flipping through the channels he settled on Batman Returns and started eating. "Hey Cas" he called, "come over here and watch this with me." Castiel complied, sitting next to Dean, leaning on him slightly. The night continued like this for the most part, Sam occasionally hitting Dean with a pillow because he started making out with Cas.