Here is chapter 2! :) I am sorry it has taken me a while to upload, I wanted to have a clear idea on where I am going and also I have been really, really busy :(

And I have had a hard time trying to add some romance in it and I am having heaps of trouble trying to find the right words in my very small vocabulary :(

So yes I hope you enjoy this chapter! :)

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Pandora Hearts or it characters.

Chapter 2

"Come on Gil we can't leave without you!" Ada shouted from the other side of the door, Gil had finished getting changed and he felt like a fool, he hated the outfit and the dress-like-thing was only just covering his bottom. Gil tried to yank it to go lower but luck was not on his side today, the heels were also hard to walk in to make matters worse, and not to mention the underwear, it was white with frills!

Gil slowly opens the door to see Ada and Oz who were both trying not to laugh, Gil just glared at them both, he was extremely embarrassed! He was using his hands to hold the skirt down, he had blushed from ear to ear, and his gaze was on the floor.

"Y-y-young m-m-master, please c-change t-t-the punishment!" Gill wailed as he had tears flowing down his face.

"Nope! I love what you are wearing and the pretty bow in your hair! Gil I think you were meant to be a female why not come outside now and play with us?"

Before Gil could reply Oz went behind Gil and lifted the back of the skirt up, Gil froze, did his Young Master really just do that? Gil's face went a beat red and he started to tremble.

"My, my Gil I really do love the underwear choice~"

"M-ma-master" Gil felt his knees shake; he couldn't handle it, he feel to the floor, making sure that his underwear wasn't showing.

"Onii-Chan! Don't tease Gilbert!"

Oz looked at Ada, she didn't seem too impressed but that didn't really matter, she will forget when they started to play.

"Ok Ada! Let's go play outside come on Gil!"

Both Ada and Oz ran outside, Gil was still sitting on the floor trying to recover from the attack; his master was truly embarrassing him, Gil slowly got up and walked outside hoping that this day and the others would go fast.

As soon as Gil walked outside he had lost all hope in keeping his dignity, he knew people will see him and question why he is wearing a maid outfit, but he didn't really care anymore.

"GIL! Hurry up your it!" Gil saw Ada and Oz run away from him and so the game of tag began.

A little while after playing tag Ada, Gil and Oz were all lying in the grass together puffed out from a great game, it was starting to get dark and so Gil thought it would be a great idea to go inside and get ready for dinner.

After dinner Gil got the dessert and headed to Oz's bedroom, the thought of having to spoon-feed the young master sent shivers down his spine. He didn't want to do that, but if it is an order how will he cope? He saw Oz as his master and only his master, but yet sometimes he questions it, does he feel something more than just seeing Oz as his master?

No. He doesn't, Gil shakes his head, and continues to head to his Masters room, praying that he doesn't have to feed him.

Gil knocks the door and waits for Oz to say he can come in, Gil walks in and places the dessert try on the desk, Oz sat down and looked at Gil, Gil shifted as he couldn't stare at his masters wondering why he hadn't touch his food anymore.

"Well Gil? Are you going to make me wait any longer? You know you have to feed me right?"

"M-master I-I-I can't f-feed -"

"You can! Cause I say so"

Oz grabbed Gil's hand and forced him to sit on his lap, Gil started to feel unconfutable as the back of the skirt most likely wasn't covering the back properly.

Gil grabbed the plate for the custard tart and the spoon, he started to feel butterflies in his stomach and his hand was shaking, after the first two mouthfuls Gil couldn't handle it anymore, he was breaking the rules of master and servant.

Oz himself was enjoying this, he loved to tease his servant, and well he didn't see Gil as his servant but best friend instead. He notices that Gil was nervous and that he wasn't concentrating on where Oz's mouth was and missed and some of the custard was on Oz's cheek.

"Oh my Gil, there is some food on my cheek, you better clean it~"

Oz stared at Gils now pale face, he grinned he got a great idea.

"With cleaning I mean, you will have to lick it clean Gil~"

Oz looked up at Gil wondering what would be going through him mind right now, he saw Gil opening and closing him mouth, he must be lost for words. Oz loved at how cute Gils face is when he is like this, all flustered and nervous.

Gil gulped and looked down, hoping his face wasn't red, he knew he must look foolish in front of his Master. He hoped no one would come in anytime soon, it would be hard to explain as to why he would be sitting on the Masters lap in such an inappropriate outfit.

Gil placed his hands on Oz's shoulders and leaned forward, Oz looked at Gil and a small smile to his face he place one arm around Gils waist and pulled him closer, Gil let out a little squeak, but he leaned forward and licked the custard off.

Oz took this chance and leaned in and smashes his lips with Gils, Gil froze and the spoon fell to the floor, Oz pulled back and smiled.


Oz turned to see his younger sister Ada staring at him with a shocked expression.

Please review to tell me if you like it :)