A/N: Clearly not my best work, but it's more of a filling chapter anyways.

Next chapter. And by the way, I love how many people follow and favorite this, I mean, I think this is pretty awesome of you all. You rock ;P

I told you, I'd update this story quickly. And I kept my promise, didn't I? :D

So, since the people that left a review, thought it would be nice to write some story into this, and I myself think that that's an amazing idea too, here comes some story, together with more Steroline Smut, of course ;) :D


"Don't be pouty now, grumpy." Stefan mimicked her pout, moving in between her legs in nothing but his underwear, sitting there, he planted a soft kiss against the end of one of her legs. "Baby.."

Oh no, he was going the cute way.

"Go play with yourself.." Caroline stated, shaking her head against the pillow. As he kissed the skin of her leg another time, whispering "Please" against it.

"Please," he repeated. "..don't be grumpy." his breath was so warm, tickling her skin lightly.

"No!" Caroline scowled. "Get off." she turned her head to one side when he looked up at her, looking away from him.

"Caroline.." he smiled, both of his rested on her thighs as he sat up on his knees on the bed. His hand could almost fit around her thighs, damn. His thumbs caressed her skin tenderly, brushing back and forth. "Sweetie.." but she was ignoring him.

He narrowed his eyes, leaning above her, his hands on the bed next to her to steady himself as he hovered over her body. "Caroline." he murmured again, before dipping his head down and pressing his lips against the hot skin of her stomach, just above her belly button. "Baby."

"I'm not your baby." she spat quietly, rolling her eyes.

He just chuckled amused. "Stubborn." he murmured against her flesh.

I'll break you, just like last time, he thought to himself.

Poking his tongue past his lips, he started running it upwards her body, leaving a slightly wet trail from her narvel to her chest, he stopped when he was in the valley between her breasts, just to put a hot, wet, open-mouthed kiss there.

And she loved it, he could tell. He could smell it and feel it, her chest was rising and falling so quickly.

He crawled up the bed a little further, so he could tuck one of her nipples between his lips, when his bulge suddenly came in contact with her moist center. She was so wet already, he could feel it through the fabric of his boxers and his member twitched against her.

"Uh-hu." Caroline giggled, and Stefan mentally cursed his manhood. How could he betray him like this.

Stefan's head came up to rest against hers. "C'mon.." he grinned softly, and now all of this had turned playful.

His fingers were softly caressing her.

Caroline smiled, brushing her lips against his as she buckled her hips up. "Alright, untie me and get down there already!" she laughed, capturing his lips once more.

Before he obeyed.

= Next Day =

"How about we go to the Grill?" Caroline suggested, "I'm bored of watching this.." he waved her hand at the tv, rolling her eyes.

"You are what?" Stefan glared at her. "This, my dear Miss Forbes, is I Love Lucy! No one gets bored of it!"

"Well, I do.." she pouted, pulling her legs out of Stefan's lap to sit up, running a hand down his chest, lower and lower, she smiled at him. "Entertain me, Salvatore."

But he slapped his hands away. "Alright, the Grill." he answered, not willing to take another round after the three they had yesterday, because he knew that if they started now, they'd probably never stop, and he wasn't in for staying in bed with Caroline all day, as much as he loved it.

Once they arrived at the Mystic Grill, Stefan turned to Caroline. "So, what are you planning?" he asked, "Pool?"

She laughed disbelieving and shook her head at him. "Silly. I was thinking about drinking."

"It's just after 5pm." Stefan protested, but she was already pulling him inside by the collar of his jacket.

And about two hours later, Caroline was drunk, or even worse maybe, Stefan couldn't really tell. Maybe it was because he had had quiet a lot alcohol himself. The bar was dim lighted, just the red, blue, green and yellow disco-light colored the walls and the dance floor. Stefan drowned the rest of his glass and spun around on his bar stool, his green optics searching the dance floor for Caroline, who had left him a few minutes before.

Just to make sure she was still on her feet. Not like she couldn't take care of herself, he knew she could, and would if she had to. But the gentleman in him was bubbling beneath the surface and peeking out.

Stefan laughed quietly to himself when he caught Caroline, dancing wildly around with about three college boys around her. Their eyes were glued to the blonde, which wasn't really a miracle. Caroline Forbes knew how to play boys. Her hips brushing against theirs here and there, her hands traveling along this and that, her nails digging into one chest while her ass buckled into the front of another guys pants.

Mm, watching her dance with the boys was a sight to see. Stefan swallowed, his mind drifting off to the moments when his hands had been where the boys were grabbing and touching now. And he narrowed his eyes into little slits as he watched them touch her and dance with her, not in jealousy or anything, but just.. in raw need. Again.

He needed Caroline. Right now, bouncing up and down on his lap.

Damn, this girl.

Of course, Stefan's starring wasn't going unnoticed by Caroline and she pushed the boys lightly aside so she could give Stefan a better view of her, she kept on dancing as she smirked at him, and cast him a wink.

He shook his head at her, not believing that she wanted to play games again. But it was having the effect on him that she wanted it to have. He felt his jeans tighten around his dick.

When Caroline felt one of the boys' finger on her skin, in a place were it wasn't supposed to be, she slapped his hands away and pushed him back into the crowed softly, leaving the boys alone on the dance floor to walk back to Stefan, she was so drunk, she had to steady herself on everything she could reach as she wobbled over to him.

"Hey!" she just grinned as she arrived in front of him.

It was a pain in the ass not to touch Stefan here, but no one knew about them, and that was just how it needed to be and stay. They weren't serious, not in a relationship or anything, and so no one needed to know about them, no Facebook status had to be updated and no cute Twitter messages had to be send.

"I'll use the bathroom and be right baaack.." Caroline shouted over the music at Stefan, smiling drunkenly.

"You sure you don't need help?" he asked, steadying the girl by holding onto her arm, but she just shoot her head and walked or better said, wobbled away again, in the direction of the bathrooms. Bumping into several people on her way.

Stefan turned back to the bar on his stool and ordered a Jim Beam with Cola, which he promised to himself, would be the last one today. At least one of them had to be able to get them home somehow.

It didn't seem as if Caroline had needed much time on the toilet as she felt a body against his, leaning against him from behind, an arm came around him and a dainty hand cupped his crotch, gripping his lightly stiff length firmly. Stefan gasped as he felt her nails scrape over the material of his jeans which covered his now growing cock, how did Caroline know that he loved when girls did that?

"Caroline!" he chuckled lowly. "Not here..."

He felt the silky curls of her hair move on his shirt as she leaned down to whisper into his ear, but instead of the bubbly, cute voice, came a seductive, dark purr, "I didn't know you're screwing the blonde now.."

A/N: Hah, thank you for reading. Tell me what you think. ;)