Welcome back to my hellish tale. Sorry for the update being so late. Let me just say I DID MY BEST. That is all I can do so please R & R, it really helps and I like knowing some one actually reads my story. Anyway Enjoy!

"Pathetic" Hissed a voice

"Weak" spat another

"Useless" They continued.

"There is no point for you to be in this world" Jack couldn't breath and he struggled to break free of this dark creatures grasp.

"One day, soon, the darkness will consume you" The last sentence was what really woke Jack.

Jack shot up in his bed, panting. He immediately regretted it as a shot of pain went trough his body and his vision became blurry. He groaned and flopped back onto the bed. Everything ached. It took him a moment to realize he was in the hospital wing. Suddenly the memories came rushing back. He clutched his head as he remembered the pain, the pain! He barley realized he was crying when his vision turned fuzzy.

"Oh, your awake!" said a voice. He glanced up and saw one of the school nurses. She must have noticed him crying.

"You poor thing." She said as she came over and tried to sooth him.

"you must be exhausted!' she cooed as she pulled on his bed sheets. She wasn't wrong. He had been sleeping for who knows long and yet he felt as though he hadn't slept for weeks.

"But, my friends?" he croaked. Was that his voice?! It was raspy and cracked. The nurse simply shook her head.

"You'll have plenty of time for that when you've had more rest"

it was barley a minute before he was fast asleep. Luckily there were no nightmares.

The three of them sat in the courtyard, lost in thought. A week. It had been a week since that night in the forest.

"When will Jack wake up" sighed Rapunzel. This question had been asked a lot in the past week. Some were starting to lose hope. They three hung on, though. No one dare make fun of what happened that night unless they wanted the wrath of Merida. She had already punched someone in the nose for such a comment. It took and hour for the blood to stop. The children continued to dwell on their thoughts about Jack. They barley noticed professor Longbottom approach them.

Ha cleared his throat and began "Mr. Frost is awake and you are free to see him but, he is-" but the children were standing in seconds and bolting down the hallways.

"-Very tired" finished the professor to thin air.

Rapunzel's burned from the constant running but that was at the bottom of the list when it came to her thoughts. Jack was finally awake! The three of them ran alongside each other, all eager to see Jack. They arrived at the hospital wing and practically kicked the door in. They stopped when they laid eyes on Jack. He looked different, they had been used to seeing the brunette with brown eyes. But now there was a pale boy with silver sitting up in bed, eyes closed. They approached the bed slowly

"Jack…" squeaked Rapunzel. His eyes fluttered open, thankfully they weren't grey anymore. They had changed to a soft, icy blue. He gave a weak smile. Rapunzel squealed in delight and threw herself into Jacks arms. He groaned in pain obvious but returned the hug anyway. But I didn't stop them from noticing.

"Oh gosh Jack, I'm sorry" said Rapunzel as she pulled back.

"Don't worry about it" he replied in hoarse voice.

"Jeez Frost, you look terrible." Said Merida, who was keeping her distance.

"Thanks" he said with sarcasm. She rolled her eyes. She wasn't wrong though. He had dark circles under his eyes and looked awfully pale.

"How are you feeling, buddy?" asked Hiccup.

"Like I've been hit by a truck" yawned Jack "and tired"

"Well that boggles the mind, seeing how you've been asleep for a week."

"A week!?" cried Jack. They all jumped at the sudden burst of energy.

"Yeah, we thought you would never wake up" said Rapunzel suddenly sad. Jack flopped against the headboard. He ran his hand through his hair, and then stopped.

"Does someone want to tell me what happened to my hair?" Jack said, brow furrowed. The three friends glanced at each other for a moment.

"Jack there is no easy way to put this. That black figure…drained your life energy." Hiccup said in a strained voice. Jack clenched his eyes shut and gripped a handful of hair. The pain and memories of the scene began to flood back in.

"Jack, are you ok," asked Merida.

"Fine" Jack huffed. When Jack finally calmed down they continued to talk until the door opened again.

"Jack!" squealed a voice. A small girl with long brown rushed to Jack and hugged Jack tightly. Jack did the same, tear streaming down both their faces.

"I-I thought y-you were-"

"No Emma, I wouldn't leave. Not now, not ever"

Emma sat on Jack's bed and they talked for what seemed hours.

"Emma, I think it's time to go" Hiccup said as he helped he down from Jack's bed. Jack had begun yawning and drifting off. Emma looked disappointed but waved goodbye anyway.

We'll see you tomorrow" called Merida. In seconds of the door closing, Jack was asleep.

Hiccup saw Jack the most since he was the closest (other than Emma) to him. Hiccup was on his annual visit. He looked slightly better but he still looked quite weak. He wasn't as pale and he seemed more awake. They had been talking about school and how they all missed. It was starting to get a little late so Hiccup got up.

"Hey Hic?" Jack croaked. Hiccup glanced back over.

"Would you help me…walk?" Hiccup was shocked by the question. But quickly hid it with a smile.

"Sure," he replied. Jack swung his legs over the bed slowly and pushed himself up. He stumbled back and Hiccup caught him by his arm.

"You sure your ready for this?" asked Hiccup. Jack nodded. Hiccup pulled jacks arm over his shoulders and pressed a hand on his back to steady him. It felt strange helping the taller and seemingly stronger boy walking. They began to walk at snail pace. Jack was already wincing at the sudden movement.

"You ok?" Hiccup questioned. Jack nodded, jaw clenched.

"Let's go see the girls then." Smiled Hiccup.

Merida sighed once again. "Poor Jack" she said again. The two girls stared out the window. They had visited almost every day and she still hadn't gotten used to seeing him so…weak. Usually he was full of energy but now he seemed like he couldn't even talk to his friends without getting tired.

"Have you noticed something…off about him" Merida continued, not taking her eyes off the view.

"Yeah" replied Rapunzel with obvious worry

"He seems so distant. I wonder when he'll come back to us." Merida said, deep in thought.

"Why don't you ask him for yourself" Said Rapunzel with sudden cheer in her voice. Merida tore her eyes from the window only to see something that brought a smile to the girl's faces. Jack, with Hiccups help, was walking down the hallway still in hospital gear. Whispers began to form from passing students, soon followed by cheers and welcome backs. Jack and Hiccup soon reached the girl's. Many people had stopped and talked to Jack. The girls were still in shock that he was standing let alone walking.

Welcome Back Jack Frost.

Don't worry there will be plenty of pain in the next chapter, I'm so mean Mwah Ha Ha. Don't know when the next update will be so hang in there. :)