A/N: This is something I've been thinking of for a little bit. It will have future chapters, so look out for those if you're interested.

Bakura stomped up the stairs that led to his apartment on the third floor, fuming at the events that had occurred throughout his day. First of all, that annoying nitwit at his work wouldn't stop screwing everything up, jamming the copy machine and even at one point accidentally drenching Bakura's papers with coffee. On his way home, the idiot behind him had dented the bumper of his new car, and now the elevator was broken.

Just great, Bakura growled. Just bloody great.

He reached his apartment, bursting through the door and tossing his briefcase and coat to the side, not caring where they landed. He shared this apartment with his boyfriend, Marik Ishtar, who was currently lounging on the couch playing a video game. Bakura ignored him as he made his way into the kitchen and loudly poured himself a glass of water, drinking it, and then slamming the cup onto the table when he had finished.

"Somebody sounds like he had a bad day," Marik called from the other room.

Bakura merely grunted in reply before entering the room Marik was in, plopping down on the couch beside the blond.

"You wanna talk about it?" Marik offered, still focused on his game.

"Leave me alone," Bakura grumbled. He repositioned himself so that he was leaning against Marik's shoulder, eyes closed, exhausted from his busy day.

"That's kind of hard to do," Marik replied, smiling, "with you pushing into me like this, Fluffy." He blew some of Bakura's hair out of his face, letting out a small laugh as Bakura made a noise similar to a growl. "If you just want some attention, I can end my game now."

The Brit sat silent for a few seconds, not wanting to acknowledge the comment, but eventually he gave in with a sigh. "If that would be okay with you," he mumbled. "And if you don't mind hearing me complain about everything that's happened today."

"Nah, it's fine." He paused his game, tossing the controller on the floor before turning slightly towards his boyfriend. "Besides, I'm used to it by now," he teased.

"Oh, shut up and listen," Bakura said, but he couldn't hold back the smile that appeared on his face from Marik's teasing. After that, he went on to explain his devastating day in detail, his smile being replaced by a scowl. Once he had finished, he collapsed back onto Marik's shoulder, letting out a deep breath.

He felt Marik's arm wrap around him, pulling him just a tad bit closer, trying to comfort him. Bakura nuzzled the Egyptian's neck for a moment, feeling very tired but appreciating his boyfriend's concern. They sat like that for a moment, listening to the other's breathing, and Marik eventually rested his head on top of Bakura's.

"Better?" he asked, slowly rubbing his hand up and down Bakura's pale arm. Marik's brow was creased with concern, but he was sure Bakura would be fine soon. It wasn't like this didn't normally happen.

"A bit," Bakura responded, opening his chocolate-brown eyes to peer up at Marik. A smirk found its way onto his face as he climbed fully onto Marik's lap, taking the Egyptian by surprise. He positioned himself so that he had one leg on each side of his boyfriend, whose hands had instinctively wrapped around Bakura's back. Chuckling, Bakura whispered, "But I know something that'll brighten my mood even more."

The whitette leaned forwards slowly, smiling as he captured the blond's lips with his own. Not wasting a second, Marik kissed back with just as much passion as the man in his lap. His sun-kissed hands pulled Bakura closer to himself, getting comfortable underneath the other. Marik sucked on Bakura's lower lip, and he let out a small gasp when he felt Bakura's sharp teeth nibble on his lip. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bakura slipped his tongue inside of the blond's parted mouth.

A moan escaped Marik, and he pressed their bodies even closer. They broke from the kiss, breathing heavily from lack of air, and Bakura kissed along Marik's jawline, down to his neck. Soon after, he readjusted and pushed Marik down on the couch, straddling the Egyptian's hips still. Their lips reconnected, and Bakura's hand crept underneath Marik's top, trailing up his abdomen to his chest. He pinched one of the blond's nipples, and he felt a shiver tremor through Marik's body.

Marik's lavender eyes were opened slightly as he reached for the hem of Bakura's shirt and tugged it up. Getting the hint, Bakura broke the kiss and allowed Marik to pull the shirt all the way off of him. Once it was off, he immediately removed Marik's shirt. He felt Marik's cool hands move across his chest admirably and watched as Marik pulled him down so the blond could kiss up his collarbone to his ear.

Bakura shuddered, and he shakily stretched his hands out to Marik's belt where he began to undo its buckle. Marik gently bit down into his neck, causing Bakura to bite back a moan, struggling with Marik's pants.

"Kura," said Marik in a raspy voice, his warmth breath hitting the whitette's ear. "I love you."

Bakura froze, his hands grasping Marik's buckle. He pulled back slightly, blushing profusely, but Marik put his hand on his pale shoulder to cease his movements. He stared up at Bakura expectantly, and when he didn't get a reply, he spoke.

"Aren't you going to say it back to me, Kura?" He blinked, wondering what was up with his boyfriend. Bakura remained silent, and Marik sat up on the couch, staring right into the other's eyes. "Kura?"

"I…I don't think I'm ready for that, Marik," Bakura explained, eyes flitting up to meet Marik's

Marik's brow creased, and he said, "Not ready? We've been dating for nearly a year now, I think you'd be 'ready' for a bit of commitment."

"It's not that," Bakura growled. "I just…don't know how I feel at this point."

Marik's lips pursed. That wasn't what he was expecting to hear. "Bakura." The other lifted his head a little, noticing that Marik had not used his pet name this time when addressing him. "Can you explain a bit more?"

Bakura let out a heavy sigh, averting his gaze from Marik. "You know what I am. I'm immortal. If I fall in love with you, I'd have to watch you die, Marik, and where would that leave me? In even more pain and sorrow. I've gone over this with you before."

Marik nodded, knowing that was true. Still, he wished that Bakura would return his feelings. It hurt every time he was reminded that his boyfriend—his love—would never love him back, and he stared down at his lap. He grimaced as he realized what they had almost done. What do I think I'm doing, he wondered, giving myself—my life—my dreams—away to a man that refuses to love me? He turned away from Bakura, hiding his face in the couch cushion.

Bakura noticed this, and he rested his hand on Marik's shoulder. "Hey, Mar… You okay?"

"I think you know the answer to that," Marik retorted, his tone a bit sour.

Bakura frowned and used his hand to slightly massage Marik's shoulder. "Come on, Mar, you knew this whole time this might not work." Marik remained silent, so he went on. "And you know how hard this is for me."

"You don't think this is hard for me?" the blond shot back, his voice—though audible—muffled by the couch cushion.

"I meant how relationships were hard for me."

Marik grunted. "Well, this relationship is pretty frickin' hard for me."

Bakura suppressed a sigh. He knew that, if he remained by his boyfriend's side, it would only make Marik angrier, so he stood up. Without saying anything back to Marik, he headed for their bedroom and shut the door behind him. Hopefully, Marik would calm down later. This always happened when that subject was brought up, but Marik eventually cleared his head each time.

He admit, he did have feelings for Marik. He wouldn't have went this far in the relationship if he didn't, it would be completely unfair. Could he ever voice those feelings? Not really, it was hard for him, after staying cold-hearted for so long. Plus, he wouldn't know what to say. He definitely wasn't in love with Marik yet, so he couldn't say, "I love you."

Bakura collapsed on the bed and released a sigh. My day just keeps getting worse and worse, doesn't it?

Marik lifted himself off the couch, a bit teary-eyed and upset, wiping his eyes with his arm. He threw his shirt back on and readjusted his belt and his hair before he headed for the door, grabbing his coat on the way out. He made sure to slam the door as he left, letting Bakura know that he was heading out and that he was mad.

Marik didn't know where he was going. He just knew he shouldn't remain at the apartment, or else he might fight with Bakura and make himself more frustrated. So for the time being he planned on wandering around to blow off some steam.

It wasn't too late out yet. The sun was slowly approaching the horizon, but Marik had plenty of time before he had to return home. He considered stopping by a bar, but he knew that that idea was a foolish one. Drowning his anger in alcohol didn't solve anything, plus he didn't want some creep to take a liking to him there.

He came up to a bench and halted, deciding to take a seat there. He leaned forwards, burying his head in his hands and choked back some more tears. No, I can't cry about this, Marik decided. Definitely not in the middle of town. Half-heartedly, he straightened back up and distracted himself by looking around him at passing pedestrians and whatever else he could find.

Maybe I'm being a little hard on 'Kura, Marik thought. Bakura had informed Marik that their relationship might not work out, so it wasn't like he didn't get a fair warning. And Bakura was trying to keep their relationship going, which was all Marik could ask of him. For now. Of course, later on in their relationship, if Bakura showed no signs of love still, Marik would have no choice but to break up with the whitette.

Marik wanted to go home and apologize, but he also wanted to stay out a little longer. Secretly, he had the urge to stay out just to see if Bakura would miss him at all.

Pulling his coat tighter around him, he got up off the bench and walked down the streets of Domino with no destination in mind.

A/N: So how'd you like it? But yes, there are future chapters, but seeing as I'm a slow updater, those could take a whiiiile for me to upload. So sorry.