Hi guys.
I've been trying to write this A/N for god knows how much time, and say sorry. It's been almost three years, I know, and I haven't updated my stories. The only excuse I can come up with is that life got in the way, the writer in me took a few horrible blows, to the point where I lost any and all will to write.
My self-confidence took a major downfall, and sometimes the odd review I got over the last few years were the only reason I found to smile. I don't know whether I was (and am, actually) suffering from depression or what, but I can only say that I love you guys so much and that I promise to do better.
I have only now found my muse after a very long time, and looking back on my stories, I have found that I can do a far better job at translating my thoughts into a story than I did then; the fact that I was in my early teens then barely stops me from critiquing myself.
I was also reading my stories and found multiple places where I put my foot in my mouth, and I would like to apologize for that. I would like to think I can do better, but I guess we'll see about that.
I have four stories that are in progress, High School with a Twist, Past, Here We Come!, The House of Hades, and The Mark of Athena Goes Haywire. I have decided to abandon The House of Hades, mostly because I have no idea where I would go with that particular story. The other three are going to be re-written.
While I'm not going to take down the original stories, I am going to be deleting all the chapters except this A/N from them. I've started the re-writes already, and I have a bunch of free time in the next few months in which to write. I'm not going to be uploading those stories soon though; I'm going to finish writing at least half of each story and outline the rest before I start uploading it, to avoid the horrible mess I left behind the first time. The only promise I can give right now is that the first chapters will be up before May begins . . . probably in mid-April.
I'm also going to update them one at a time. My first focus is going to be HSwaT. Hopefully I will be done with this story by the time May ends, but again, no promises. After that, I will be uploading PHWC, and finish up with MoAGH. I'll also be writing some standalone stories in the meantime if the muse strikes, but I'll definitely keep these three as my first priority. I hope you can be patient and trust me to not go wrong.
Thank you so much for believing in me these past few years, and I'm not going to let you down. I love you guys so so much.