A/N: I have decided for now I don't want to add part II to Servant Boy. I like how I ended the previous one so this is a new one shot to add to my drabbles. Taking place during OOTP I think… not exactly story line based so much as just situational…. I don't know what I am talking about. If I decide to post the part II of Servant Boy I will make it as such. This is another not connected story that I put under Eyes Open because I don't want to have a bunch of one shots on my fiction page. Enjoy!

Chapter 5

Beg for Mercy

Harry was pulled out from the pensive and slammed against one of the walls that were filled with potion vials. One wobbled on the edge and with out thinking Harry reached out and caught it before it hit the ground.

Standing, the boy turned to look at the man who had thrown him so harshly against the wall of his office. Severus Snape looked livid, his normally ashen skin was ghostly white and his brow, which was furrowed most of the time anyway was so pressed together in outrage that Harry was worried it would never go back to normal.

"How dare you-" Professor Snape started but Harry cut in quickly in an attempt to make the man understand.

"I'm sorry Professor, I didn't mean to! It was an accident!"

"Get out. Your lessons have come to an end," the steaming professor hissed as he grabbed an empty vial off the nearby shelves and hurled it at the wall next to Harry's head.

"GET OUT!" The man reached for another vial but Harry was already backing away and turning to run out the door. He let the vial he had caught earlier drop to the ground and he heard the shatter just as his professor hurled another vial at the closing door.

Harry was running through the halls so fast he didn't even noticed the questioning look of the few remaining students. He ran all the way from the dungeons to the tower and didn't even stop to breath.

Upon finally reaching the portrait the fat lady asked for the password and he blurted it out and shoved the portrait the rest of the way open, much to the protest of the fat lady who seemed even more offended then normal.

Harry heard Ron call to him and Hermione shouted after him but the dark haired boy didn't stop. When he reached his dorm room he jumped onto his bed and slide the curtains closed. He felt like at any moment Professor Snape would come after him in an attempt to wipe his mind.

Professor Snape in all his fury had put an end to their lessons together, which meant Harry now only had to deal with the man in his classroom. It would be rough; there would no doubt be repercussions. The man would probably take every moment from here to the end of this year to torture Harry and make his life the most miserable it could be.

But it also meant that Harry wouldn't have to deal with the man trying to delve into his mind. He wouldn't have to block the memories he so often hid from everyone. Especially Professor Snape. It had been the only thing he could block, the darkest memories he had. He wasn't even sure Snape had noticed that there was a block on a certain part of his mind. It was not the type of block that Snape had been trying to teach Harry it was a different one, the kind of block that had to be forced away. Harry hadn't created this block; he simply had tried to divert his prying professor's third eye from a shield that Harry wasn't even creating.

Harry would never have to deal with Professor Snape forcing his way into Harry's mind ever again. And for a moment Harry James Potter was happy.


"KILL HIM! GUT HIM! RIP HIS SKIN FROM HIS BODY!" The voice was hissing so loud in his ear that Harry couldn't resist. He reached his hands out and saw the blood dripping from them. They shook as he reached for the face of a man he had never seen before. The man was weeping and screaming as he begged for mercy but Harry didn't bow to his pleas. He gripped the corners of the man's face and began to slowly tear the cold wet flesh from the man's skull.

Harry bolted up in bed and stared out into the darkness of his dorm room and he saw several pairs of eyes looking at him. He jolted from his bed and headed for the stairs that led down to the common room.

Falling onto the couch that lay in front of the fading fire Harry felt something prying at his mind. It was like someone was taking their fingers nails and trying to dig into the tissues of his brain. Harry felt his head jerk to one side as he tried to fight off the person who was attacking his mind with out remorse.

He was being pulled into his own psyche and couldn't fight back.

"Hello, Harry." A voice in the darkness whispered. "It's been a long time since we've gotten to talk face to face." A long tongue slid past Harry's ear and the boy shivered in revulsion.

"Do I repel you Harry? I would think after years of being so close you might find some comfort in my presence."

A sharp fingernail gently ran down the length of his spine. "I never really knew what I could accomplish with this bond between us. Now that I know the existent to which I can molest your mind, I think it's time we spend a few hours together with out any outside influence. Just you and me, and our special bond."

Harry felt that sharp fingernail suddenly jab into his back and as he let out a scream a cold and sticky tongue licked up his neck to his temple.

"This isn't happening! It's not real!" Harry protested as he tried to dislodge the dark lord's finger from his back.

The larger of the two twisted his finger deeper and Harry shrieked in pain, "It depends on how you choose to see things. While I have a large talent for the truth behind potential pain and its many uses, your narrow mind can't seem to comprehend that I am here with you right now, hurting you, making you cry, I am the one who haunts you and terrorizes you and manipulates you. I feed all your disgusting perverse thoughts, and tell you to kill those who have wronged you. Take a moment and allow yourself to bask in my glory, because soon you will be too brain damaged to tell the difference between me as your Lord and me as your God. Let me put things into perspective for you."

Voldemort ripped his finger from Harry's body and Harry screamed as he smashed into the ground. A flash of light in the endless darkness revealed nothing but more darkness and a pain so excruciating that Harry thought his heart would explode in his chest and that his brain would melt.

"HARRY! WAKE UP MATE! HARRY!" Another jerk into reality and away from his dreams revealed the common room and Ron and Hermione sitting in their night clothes beside him holding him down.

"Blimey, we thought you were going to hurt yourself. What the bloody hell was that all about." Ron asked with a red face.

Harry could barely register what was happening, he could barely understand what Ron had said. But he did know what was happening to his mind, and he knew only one person could help him.

"Snape… take me to… Snape." Harry managed to murmur as spittle dripped from his mouth.

"Stand back." Hermione said as she pulled her wand out and levitated Harry. The boy suddenly jerked and the spell backfired, Harry fell back onto the couch.

"Looks like we have to carry him." Hermione said.

"Right, I got him, go on ahead and find Dumbledore, I will get him down to the dungeons." Hermione nodded and rushed off, Ron, knowing this was going to be a very difficult task tried to figure out the best way to manage. Harry was not unconscious but his body seemed unwilling to function.

Having no other choice Ron grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him up while throwing his friend over his shoulder.

"Hold on Harry." Ron said as he headed out of the portrait. Charlie had carried one of the unconscious baby dragons from his breeding program like this once and Ron found that aside from the pain in the shoulder it allowed for very little restriction of his feet movement.

He was halfway to the dungeons when Ron felt Harry jerk and he lost his balance. He toppled back and his head bashed the corner of one of the windows and he lay there unconscious. Harry was still awake but fighting every moment to keep the dark lord from taking over again. He had to get Ron help, thankfully just at the moment Nearly Headless Nick was floating up and down through the ceiling.

"Nick!" Harry just barely managed to yell.

The ghost looked down and gave a call of surprise, "Young Mr. Potter, and Mr. Weasley of course how can I-"

"Madame POMFRY…. NOW!" The boy cried out through tears as another jolt of pain wracked his body.

Nick suddenly realized the gravity of the situation and nodded, "Of course!" He flew off through the walls. Harry knew Ron would be fine once the medi-witch got here. Now he had to get to the dungeons on his own, he couldn't wait.

"Haaary, come back and play with me."

The hissing voice of Voldemort was only in his mind but it had sounded like it had echoed down the hallway. Another jolt as Voldermort tried to press into his mind.

Harry screamed out, "NO!" And as Voldemort's strength gave a little Harry shoved up and managed to drag his body down the hall to the dungeon stairs.

Voldemort pushed back and Harry jerked again, he went down and rolled and bounced the length of the stairs. A pain in his arm suddenly pulled him further from his mind and away from the clutches of Voldemort. Pain from the outside seemed to weaken his hold on Harry.

Harry didn't have his wand but he needed some way to hurt himself, he noticed a lose piece of stone in the wall and pulled it out. He put his hand on the ground and took a deep breath and then a gulp and smashed the rock down on his hand.

Harry felt Voldermort pull even further away from him as Harry bit his tongue in an attempt to silence his scream. Blood flavored his mouth and he cradled his shattered hand as he stood and once again tried to reach Snape.

When he reached the correct door he pounded on it with his good hand until there was no doubt left in his mind that the man had heard. And when the door flew open and Snape's angry face turned to one of mild confusion Harry shoved passed him and fell onto the floor.

"PLEASE!" Harry begged as he felt Voldemort trying to get back in. He let out a lesser yell as he heard words being whispered into his ear.

"Don't even try to block me Harry, we are a part of each other and any attempts to block me will only hurt you further. I am your kinsman now, your only truth and you know it!"

"Oh God please, PROFESSOR PLEASE HELP ME!" Harry could partially make out the man kneeling down next to him, forcing one of his eyes open so he could shine a bright light into them.

"SHUT UP! SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!" Harry bellowed as he tried to fight off the remarks that Voldemort was trying to whisper to him.

"There are other ways for us to exist together, it doesn't have to be all this pain all the time. I could make this pleasurable for you, so pleasurable you'd never want to wake up."

Harry felt a sudden warmth flood his body and the pain was replaced with a pleasure that was tainted and raw, something so primitive that he felt his whole body react like he had been on the edge of climax. He released in his pants and shuddered, "God stop!" Harry begged as he felt Snape's eyes watching his body react.

"Harry, Harry if he is offering things to you, if he is trying to pull you to him don't go! Fight him. Remember to shield your mind! Focus on something, focus on anything that will pull you away from him and allow you to fight his hold. BLOCK HIM OUT! Don't let him take advantage of your mind or your body!" Harry heard Snape yell.

Harry thought of his mother, he tried to ignore everything else and focus only on her. How beautiful she was, how kind and loving, how pure and clean and untouched she was by evil and impurities.

In that moment he felt like he had more control and he reached his arms out pretending to be wrapped in a hug by his father who was teaching him to ride a broom for the first time. He hadn't expected to actually feel the warmth of a body press into him and hold him tight. But he felt a real human body holding him, rocking him, giving him warmth and strength and he imagined it was his father and his mother and his friends and Dumbledore and Dobby and Sirius and Remus and anyone else who was important in his life.

Then, as if protecting those people were the most important thing Harry let out one last panicked yell as he finally felt the large cage around his mind shut and a lock was secured tightly keeping his shield in place.

The whispers faded, the pain faded and the parts of his mind that had been under attack the last hour were only throbbing lightly. Harry was breathing so heavy he though his lungs were shredded.

"Don't let go." He said desperately to whoever had hold of him, "Please don't let go." He dug his face deeper into the warmth and despite the fact that he was a teenager, almost old enough to be with out the magical trace, he hugged the person tighter and started to sob.

"Please don't let me go, I don't want him to get back in. I'm too tired to fight him anymore tonight. Just hold on to me, please."

The arms around him pulled him closer and he took in one more deep breath and released it slowly.

"I'll try to calm down, I am so sorry this happened." His memory was starting to come back to him and he knew who had hold of him, after everything he had just witnessed in his own mind, the greasy git suddenly didn't seem so greasy anymore. In fact he felt more warm and comforting and human than anything else at the moment.

"I am sorry about earlier. I know you assumed it wasn't an accident like I claimed and your right. I just wanted to know why you hate me so much. I know now and I don't blame you, at all. I had no idea my father was such an ass."

Harry felt fatigue take hold of his body, his vision became blurred and his hearing grew fuzzy.

"Oh God, is he coming back, please no… I can't fight him off again." Harry said drooping like a flower that had gone days with out water.

"Hush boy, your body is simply to tired to stay awake. You fought against the dark lord for nearly two hours.."

"Tow hours?" Harry asked in surprise.

"You managed at the last moment to push him out. I can say now that the lessons haven't been in vain. As for what you saw, we can speak of it later. Sleep now, he won't be able to get back in for a few days, no doubt he is as drained as you are. Sleep and don't even think about dreaming you silly boy."

Harry smiled and gave a content sign; he didn't care if Snape thought he was silly as long as the man kept holding him. His father had never held him, or his mother, at least not that Harry could remember. The Dursley's had never held him or even tried to touch him for that matter. This felt like what it was, Snape the bat of the dungeons was comforting Harry Potter and lulling him to sleep. Harry wasn't going to pass up this experience, even if it was a one-time thing.

"Thank you Professor, I don't deserve your help, but you were here and you brought me back from his hold. I'd be dead had it not been for you."

"I said rest you stupid boy." But they both could hear the usual venom was not in the words and when Dumbledore rushed into the room having been called back from his trip to London he smiled when he saw the man comforting the boy like Dumbledore had know Severus could.


Severus sat at his desk and scribbled away a couple notes to a students; he did not have the proper use on wormwood on his parchment. He would end up blowing half the classroom out of the ground if he tired this. He scratched a large P on top of the paper and set it aside. He was about to reach for the next paper when a soft knock came on his office door.

"Come in." Severus said not bothering to look at the door. He was expecting Albus but was instead greeted by a quiet shuffle of feet. He glanced up and when his eye caught the sight of a student he sat up fully and set down his quill.

"Mr. Potter, to what do I owe the honor of this visit?" Severus asked as he watched the boy nervously moved about but he didn't look up to meet his eyes.

Severus waited to see if Harry was going to be the first to speak and when the boy's eyes finally looked up at him he knew this was going to be difficult for him.

"When your tongue has loosened I will be right here waiting." Severus said as he turned back to his papers. A few more seconds went by before Severus felt a presence next to his arm.

"Is that the 7th years homework?"

"Your powers of observation are still as powerful as ever."

"Why does she say to add rose powder to a blood replenishing potion, isn't it rose hips?"

Severus turned and looked at Harry full on and the boy seemed to shrink back a little, "I was good at the blood replenishing potions, I mean, I've used them a lot and all I think it's a useful one to know, all things considered."

Severus gave a soft humph and leaned back in his chair, "What do you need from me Mr. Potter?"

"I wanted to thank you, sir. For helping me, and I was hoping that you might be willing to overlook our previous disagreements and consider continuing my Occlumency lessons. If he tries to get to me again, I am not sure I will be able to fight him off. I need to know more, not just how to do it but how it works; I need to know the theory behind it. And I was hoping you would help me, sir."

Severus sat back and found surprise etched on his face, he had thought the boy had come to talk about the things he had seen in the pensive. But the boy didn't even seem to spare it a thought, all he wanted was to keep the dark lord at bay. He was being practical and knew that his own petty desires to know about his father and his actions needed to be put on hold while the dark lord was at a rise.