"Sherlock? Are you still sure you want to do this?" John asked for the sixteenth time this hour, making it the one hundred and sixty-seventh this week. After the first dozen times or so, it does get a little old.

"Yes John." My replies had gone from long winded explanations to one or two words.

"Because if you want to back out, now would be the time. It would be okay with you if you wanted to stop now, really love, there isn't any rush for this." John babbled on and on. Was he getting cold feet?

"John. Please, I want to do this. If this constant asking is because you aren't ready for this, I will return this cup empty and we can walk out of here right now." I waited for his reaction. He seemed surprised, eyebrows lifted, eyes widened.

"No. It's not that…"

"Then please John, please tell me what it is. I'm supposed to be wanking off into this cup right now, but your constant worrying is worrying me. I can't get off on that!" I said half-jokingly.

John sighed. "I'm just afraid that once we do this, you'll regret it… This isn't some experiment Sherlock."

I was a little hurt. Did he really think that I considered this an experiment? I wanted a child just as much as he did. Maybe for less sentimental reasons, but it would be nice to raise a young one to be just like me. I could just imagine a tiny little Sherlock running around making deductions and annoying the crap out of people. I smiled a bit, "John. Please stop worrying. This is what I want."

"Okay." John knew better than to argue any further. After being married for a whole two years, he knew that I got whatever I wanted, when I wanted it. Except when I wanted to play Cluedo… I had kind of blown that one.

I winked at him and walked into the little room.

An hour later, John and I sat in two very uncomfortable chairs across from the doctor. He was going on and on about the surrogate mother process, but having done countless hours of research on it, I was no longer interested. Instead I was looking around the room, doing my best to tell what kind of man we were dealing with. Divorced, one son (now deceased), clinically depressed, however he remained very cheery towards his patients. A very good doctor, and a published writer as well. A very good one in fact, judging by the awards and certificates around the room.

He was just telling us about the surrogate mother we'd chosen when she knocked on the door and walked in. I was immediately overcome with relief. This had been the only part of my concern: an unknown person, carrying my and John's child. We hadn't yet met her, and I'd become extremely anxious about it. However, she was clearly the ideal candidate. Well dressed, she clearly had a little bit of money. Good diet, well exercised. Currently single, supporting herself with a decent job. I suppose she was pretty, but I'd only ever had eyes for John.

I stood up and shook her hand. "Miss Aarons. I'm Sherlock Holmes. This is my husband, Dr. John Watson."

She smiled. Good teeth too. Brilliant. "Please call me Piper." She shook John's hand as well. "A doctor, huh?"

"Have a seat Miss Aarons. I'd like to just go over a couple more things." The doctor said. I rolled my eyes, my turn.

I took a deep breath.

John nudged me, "Don't." He whispered through his teeth. Ha, as if I could resist any longer.

"Surrogacy is an arrangement in which a woman carries and delivers a child for another couple or person. In this case it would be the lovely Piper here. The surrogate may be the child's genetic mother which is traditional surrogacy or she may be genetically unrelated to the child which is referred to as gestational surrogacy. In a traditional surrogacy, the child may be conceived via home artificial insemination using fresh or frozen sperm or impregnated via intrauterine insemination performed at a health clinic. This health clinic in fact. A gestational surrogacy requires the transfer of a previously created embryo, and for this reason the process always takes place in a clinical setting. However, we mustn't worry about that because we will be going through the traditional surrogacy as you are already aware. The intended parent or parents, sometimes called the social parents, may arrange a surrogate pregnancy because of female infertility, other medical issues which make pregnancy or delivery impossible, risky or otherwise undesirable, or because the intended parent or parents are male. And unless you are completely deaf, blind, and dumb, you would be aware that it was the latter. The sperm or eggs may be provided by the 'commissioning' parents, but donor sperm, eggs and embryos may also be used. But my sperm has already been provided, so no donors will be needed. I believe that pretty much sums everything up. I'd like to go now if John and I are free to leave. I have a fascinating triple murder case to solve."

I heard John sigh and I grinned. Piper and the doctor were both speechless. But it wasn't like I'd said anything they weren't already aware of, apart from the triple murder case of course. That had just popped up earlier this morning.

"I'm sorry." John said.

"I'm not." I chuckled.

"Why are you always such a show off?"

I just shrugged.

The doctor cleared his throat. "Well yes, you and Dr. Watson are free to go, but there is one last thing I'd like to mention. Sometimes, in the case of traditional surrogacy, it takes a couple of tries for the egg to fertilize. So don't expect Miss Aarons to be pregnant on the first try. We will call you as soon as the tests come back positive, or if there seems to be any problems. I assume you have already exchanged contact info? I feel that it is nice to get to know the mother of your child and spend some time with here, even if she won't be around during the raising of your child."

"Did you spend a lot of time with your ex-wife while she was pregnant with your son before you ran off with the newborn?"

"Sherlock!" John groaned.

"What? Not good?"

"Bit not good. I'm sorry Doctor Stephens." He pointed to the door. "Let's go Sherlock."

I got up and walked to the door. About time, I had more fun things to do.

"It was nice meeting you Piper."

"You too, Dr. Watson. You've got yourself a handful with him; think you can handle another child?" She laughed. Oh wonderful, a sense of "humor." What was one con on a list of tons of pros?

"I think I'll be able to handle it." John followed me out the door.

Once we were outside, John turned towards me. "What the bloody hell was that?"

"A health clinic."

"Don't get smart with me Sherlock."

"Well I couldn't possibly get dumb with you."

"You know what I mean."

"Okay." I hailed a cab.

He sighed, giving in.

"I'm sorry John."


I thought about how I should answer. "Not really. But I love you…"

I wouldn't have been surprised if he had slapped me, but instead he just groaned. "I love you too. But do you think you could stop offending every person we talk to?"

"Well maybe if some people weren't so easily offended…" I quieted when I saw the look on John's face. Now would be a good time to remain silent.

Alrighttt.. New Johnlock. c: Yay.

This is kind of a little prologue thing.

The next chapter will most likely be quite a way forward in time.

About 9 months if you catch my drift. c:

It may be a while before I update, I've got a Sherlolly going on too.

Anyways, hope you guys like it. (: