"DOCTOR!" Jayne yelled as she hobbled into the vestibule.

"JAYNE!" He yelled back.

"Your TARDIS keeps eating my shoes!" She whined as she sat down.

"Well, don't put them under your bed, and she won't feel compelled to!" He said, "How'd you sleep?" He asked.

"So, so. You?" She said slipping on a shoe that didn't match her original shoe.

"Oh, I don't know!" He said.

"Where to next?" She pulled her waist length black hair into a ponytail.

"America, 2013, Washington Monument," He rattled off, "How bout it?" He asked smiling his crazy smile of his. She nodded, and went back into her room. The TARDIS landed, and they opened the door. They almost immediately closed it.

"Doctor? Why are we so high up?" Jayne asked.

"THE STONE!" He shouted, "OH! I'M SO THICK!" He said.

"What's wrong with the stone?" She asked looking at him with an eyebrow cocked.

"Well, the older, the stronger!" He said, "I think...YES!" He yelled running down the hall to the spare parts closet, and came back with a spring in his hand, and gear on his head. Jayne picked up the spring, and placed it on the console.

"How'd you do that?" He asked as he redirected the TARDIS. They landed, and found they were only half way up. They began to start-up the stairs. When they made it up they were stopped by the Judoon.

"No, passing" The TARDIS translated, "There is a traitor among us." They said.

"What sort of traitor?" Jayne asked.

"Someone who was put to death, but came back, and is now going across the galaxy to rob every planet, including this one," He said.

"Ooh, wrong place to go!" Jayne said, "Why is it wherever we go, trouble get's here first?" She asked. The Doctor shrugged. And was about to blurt some ridiculous reason, but was stopped.

"Turn around, and leave before I call a higher authority," The doctor turned around to leave.

"Alright, Come on Jayne!" He said, "We can go somewhere else!" He took her hand.

"No, the human stays here," He said in a gruff tone. He grabbed her shoulder, and pulled into the crowd behind the line of Judoon.

"DOCTOR!" She yelled.

"I'm coming!" He said, "Look, I have to get in there!" He said to the guard, "She may not know it but that girl, she's my daughter!" He said.

"But she is human," He said.

"I know, her mum was human, and I took her in after her mum died," He said.

"Doctor, there is no way I'm gonna let you in," He said stepping to the side.

"Then I'll just walk away," He said walking into the crowd, "JAYNE!" He yelled. He saw a hand that was definitely her's.

He pushed through the crowd to her.

"Hey Doc!" She said. The doctor walked over to her and gave her a hug, "M'kay, love you too," She said awkwardly. He let go, and pulled her over to the wall so they could stick together, and not get lost. There was a girl a little older than Jayne there, all dressed in leather.

"Punk," The Doctor said.

"Beatle," Jayne corrected, "Motorcycle gang's girlfriend," She specified. The Doctor nodded, and looked at her.

"I prefer the term "Teddy Girl" But that's just me," She said smiling.

I know, short, but Natasha didn't want me to introduce her all the way yet! TUNE IN NEXT WEEK FOR THE NEXT PART OF IT'S A NICE PLACE TO VISIT!