Oh my god! I'm so sorry about the long wait... T_T I'm such a bad writer. I won't bore you with my long list of excuses, so I'll dive right into this chapter! I will try to be updating all of my stories, and I mean all of them, even on my fictionpress account. So if you read those, then I am coming to work on them I promise! Anyways! On wards!


I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe we could finish this inside?" I suggested, and Tommy looked at my male companions in fear.

"Uh yea sure" He stuttered and stepped aside for us to walk in.

~Chapter 8~

The house was so run down on the inside, I was honestly surprised.

"How long have you been living here?" I asked, stepping over a big crack in the wood floor.

"About a week, its still in pretty bad condition" Tommy said as we walked into the living room, which looked like it had been hit by a tornado.

"I'll say" Dean muttered and I shot him a glare.

"Who could live in something like this?" Gabriel asked as he poked around the room.

"So whats wrong with you and Nicole?" I asked, ignoring the angel, and turning back to Tommy.

"She left me.." He said silently.

I stared at him, my mouth slipping open.

"But you guys just celebrated your 15th anniversary just last month?" I said, looking at the couch and deciding quickly not to sit down.

"Well after Elizabeth was taken, our anniversary was spent yelling and screaming at each other, which wasn't anything new since Elizabeth's disappearance" He said sitting on the couch, and it took all I had not to puke at all the dust and critters that appeared.

"Wait Elizabeth was taken? When?!" I nearly shrieked.

"Two months ago, it didn't make big news since Nicole and I wanted to keep it on the low, just in case it was a legit kidnapping and not this...thing that's been running around" Tommy said and folded his arms in his lap.

He was showing very little emotion, and that was starting to annoy me.

Just then there was a crash, and all of us looked to see the two angels standing over a heap of trash. I glared at them and Tommy leapt up from his seat.

"Why did you do that? I was saving that!" He screamed and we all looked at him, confused.

"But Tommy, its just trash" I said, unsure of what was about to unfold.

"No! It wasn't! And now its ruined! Get out!" He yelled, "GET OUT!"

I turned to Dean and Sam who looked just as surprised as I did.

"That's our que, lets go" I said, grabbing Cas's sleeve and heading out, with they rest following closely on our heels.

"Well that was interesting" Dean said.

"He was never like that, Nicole leaving must've hit him hard, plus Lizzy being taken, which I can't believe no one told me, that's rough for one man" I said.

"Did you also notice he lacked emotion?" Dean asked.

"Give the man a cookie" I snapped.

"Listen here, you little..." Dean started.

"Did anyone else notice, that besides trash, there were books everywhere?" Sam spoke up.

"Well he is the librarian, so its not too surprising..." I stated, folding my arms across my chest.

"I'm pretty sure I saw a hunter's diary on one of the tables" Sam said.

"Maybe its just a coincidence, he's got a few hunter related books in the library, why do you think Bobby was out this way?" I said.

"The place smelled like demons" Cas said, appearing next to me from no where.

I jumped and glared at him.

"Space Castiel, Space! I need space!" I growled.

"You get used to it after a while" Dean smirked.

"Yea, that pile of trash smelled particularly of dark magic" Gabriel said, appearing on the other side of me.

I glared at him and he smiled.

"So do you think Tommy was practicing dark magic and summoning demons?" Sam asked.

"Tommy? Haha don't make me laugh, hes as harmless as a speck of dirt" I stated, before putting my bag in the trunk of my car.

Taking a look back up at the house, I saw him looking out the front window.

"Let's continue this conversation at home" I said, and got in my car.


"Do they suspect you?" a deep voice said from behind me.

"No, sir" I said, turning to face him.

"Good, soon we'll take Izzy for ourselves, I can taste the victory" He smiled at me, red eyes shinning in the light.


"Sam and I are going to check out the library, Cas you stay here and help Izzy with anything she needs, same with you Gabriel" I said when we got back to the house.

Izzy turned and went inside, Cas following on her heels. Sam had gone in as well to get his laptop.

"You know I always thought you would be the one Cas feel in love with" Gabriel said and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

"What are you talking about?" I growled.

"I thought Cas was going to completely fall head over heels for you, but looks like I was wrong.."Gabriel pouted, "Guess I owe Balthazar money..."

"In love? With Me? Are you on crack?" I yelled.

"No, you really never noticed?" Gabriel was surprised.

"No? I'm not gay! I'm not gonna notice if a male has feelings for me..." I stated, probably looking extremely pissed off.

"Ah well, I don't think you'll have to worry about it anymore, looks like he found someone else" Gabriel said and vanished, as Sam opened the passenger door.

"Whats wrong?" Sam asked as he sat down.

"Nothing" I growled and started the car on, and tore away from the house.


When we got inside, Isabel got a notepad out from a drawer in the kitchen and wrote down something in it. When she looked up, she sighed.

"I write down everyone's name that has gone missing, reminds me that the list keeps growing and I need to get my ass in gear" She sounded so sad.

I put my hand on her shoulder.

"We'll find them" I said, trying to sound reassuring.

She smiled and nodded.

"Alright!" Gabriel busted through the door and my hand fell to my side, "Where do we start?"

"Well that was out last lead" The sad girl I had just seen vanished, replaced with the strong leader girl, " We need to find another lead".

"Alright" Gabriel said again, "where do we find one of those".

"Good question" Izzy said and sat on the couch, "Lets hope Dean and Sam find something at the library".

Gabriel and I nodded, and then looked at each other, frowning.


I stood in the shower as the warm water fell over me. We hadn't gotten anywhere in the study, because I had already read and reread all the books and journals in there, like a thousand times. When Matt came home, I even let him delve into some books, just to pick up some of the extra man hours.

I was so lost in thought and sadness that I didn't hear footsteps in the bathroom, and was only jolted from my thoughts as the shower curtain was thrown open and Castiel stood there starring at me. I stared back before I threw a shampoo bottle at him. He continued to stare at me, as if the bottle hadn't just hit him square in the face.

"CASTIEL!" I screamed and covered myself up the best I could, riping the shower curtain from him hand and wrapping it around myself, and shutting the water off.

"What! Do you think you are doing?" I growled menacingly.

"Sam's back" He continue to stare.

"This announcement couldn't wait til I got out of the shower?" I growled again.

"He and Dean had a fight, Dean didn't come back with him..." Cas said.

"Oh really?" I snapped.

I'm gonna kill those two if its the last thing I do.

"Get out" I yelled, pushing him.

He got the idea and vanished from the bathroom.

I sighed heavily and unwrapped the shower curtain from my body, and stepped out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around me and threw open the door, extremely pissed off. Matt shrunk on the couch as I stalked past him, not even bothering to look at him. Cas was in the kitchen and I even made him jump when I rounded the corner.

"Where is he?" I growled out.

"Downstairs" Cas said regaining his composure.

As he said it, I heard Sam coming up the stairs. He had a glare on his face, that would make even the manliest of men run and hide, but it was no match for Izzy's and as he made his way into the kitchen, his glare faded to a frown.

"We have a major problem on our hands and you think it would be a great time to have a fight with Dean?" I snapped, and he visibly shrunk

"He started it" Sam mumbled.

"And you just had to add fire to it, til the point he didn't even come back with you? And now because of that I need to take time out of the search to go find his ass, because if he thinks he's bringing some whore back here he's got another thing coming" I yelled, and Cas vanished from the room, leaving Sam to fend for himself.

Sam stood there silently, and I glared at the ceiling.

"Get ready, we are going to get your brother" I snapped.

"But" Sam started, and I turned my glare to him.

"No fucking buts" I shouted and he looked at me surprised.

I stormed away to get dressed, someone was getting their ass kicked tonight, and it wasn't going to be me.


I stared in horror as Izzy stormed away, and for once I felt bad for the fight Dean and I had. Technically I had started it, but Dean had turned it into a fight, and got us kicked out of the library.

I sighed and waited for her to return, I was still dressed from when I had returned, so there was nothing for me to do.. I thought about the new hole that was now in Izzy's basement, but as I had looked around and saw a few others, I prayed she wouldn't notice the size difference.


"So what are we gonna do this time? Pick up and leave without a goodbye, like last time?" I asked, as Dean looked up from his book.

"Shut up Sam" He growled, and went back to his book.

"We're just gonna finish this and leave again aren't we? You remember how many times she called us, she even called Bobby and we couldn't even contact him for a few months. Are we going to do that to her again?" I wasn't about to shut up.

"Dammit Sam, I said shut up" Dean growled, deeper this time.

"Are you that afraid of goodbyes?" I asked, and he stood up.

"I said shut up!" He threw his book at me, and it hit me square in the face.

I stood up, knocking the table over and tackled him to the ground. We started punching each other and rolling into the book shelves and other tables.

"Boys" The librarian yelled, as security pulled us apart.

"Find your own way back" Dean snapped and pulled out the guards arms, fixed his jacket and stormed from the library.

~End Flashback~

"Yo earth to Sam" Izzy stood in front of me with a bag of ice, pressed to right above my eye.

I blinked and looked at her, she was dressed in all black, with a leather vest over a black tank top, black skinny jeans and boots, not the kind of boots girls usually wear, but the boots that meant someone was gonna get their ass handed to them

I wanted to say something but it all came out jumbled and she put her finger to my lips.

"Shhh" She whispered and continued to pressed the ice against the goose egg that formed.

"I hope you made him look worse" She said, and I couldn't help but smile.

She grinned back and took the ice away. She put it in my hand, before grabbing the keys to her mustang.

"Lets got get your stupid brother" She said "Castiel, stay here with Matt".

The Angel appeared in the kitchen and nodded, without a fuss, he didn't want to end up looking worse then Sam.

She exited the house and I followed after into the garage. We got in the car and she started it, the engine purring just as nice if not nicer then the impala, but I'd never openly admit that.

We backed out of the garage and we're on our way.

"He probably went to a.." I started.

"Bar, I know, theres only two within the vacinty and I'm really hoping he went to the bar in town" She finished, gripping the wheel getting angry all over again.

I sighed and hoped for Dean's safety he was at the bar in town.


We pulled up the bar and the Impala was no where in sight. I growled and got out of the car, Sam followed closely behind.

I opened the door, and looked around.

"Ah Izzy! Its been a while since I seen you!" An older male said.

"Hi Jim" I smiled and walked up to the bar.

"Izzy!" a tale, skinny, brunette squealed as she hugged me.

"Tina, nice to see you too" I said, hugged her back gently.

"What can I get you and your date, Izzy?" Jake, the bartender asked, with a smile.

"We're not dates" I said, seeing Sam's face at the accusation, "We're looking for someone".

Jake looked between the two of us and then nodded, "You can do better anyways Izzy," He said, and I saw Sam's bitch face out of the corner of my eye, "Who ya be looking for?".

"Tall, muscular, yet slim, princess green eyes, brown hair, freckles, probably wearing a leather jacket, jeans and boots" I gave an exact description of Dean, and Sam tried to hold his laugh at the princess comment.

"Nope nobody came in here, like that" Jake said.

"Possibly driving an Impala?" I sounded hopeful

I'm really gonna kick his ass.

"No but an Impala drove by not too long ago, look like it was headed out of town" Jim said sitting alongside of them.

"Thanks!" I said and headed for the door.

"Come sit down! Let me buy you a drink!" Jim yelled after me.

"Maybe another time!" I yelled back and walked out the door.

On the other side of the door, my mood changed completely, and a murderous intent filled the air.

I got in the car and slammed the door shut, Sam got in the passenger side and we tore out of the parking lot, leaving tire tracks behind us.


I was seriously scared for Dean now, he had no idea what was coming after him.

Damn Cas for telling Izzy, and she was already at her edge with this case, and having to take time out of her hunt to go and bring Dean back just made her pretty much off the edge, and she was pretty angry about it. Who could blame her, but dealing with an angry Dean was one thing, dealing with both angry Dean and angry Izzy, the devil himself wouldn't want to deal with that.

We were speeding along the road, and I noticed an old abandoned house a few mile out of town. I turned to look at Izzy, but she was too busy looking at the road ahead of her to notice it. I made a mental note to mention it on the way back...if Dean was still breathing by then.

We pulled up to a biker bar, bikes were everywhere, and among them was the Impala. Izzy bit back a growl and threw open the door of the mustang and got out. I followed after quickly, swallowing hard. This was gonna end so badly.


I kicked open the door, to find the bar a mess, and Dean being lifted off his feet, by the biggest biker in the bar.

Everyone turned and looked at me. I cracked my neck, and knuckles. Dean looked surprised well sorta, couldn't really tell because his eyes were almost swollen shut.

"I believe that you have something that belongs to me" I growled.

"Oh and what would that be little lady?" The biker holding Dean, chuckled.

"That" I pointed at Dean, "Would be mine, and I want him back".

The biker laughed, loud.

"And what are you gonna do, to get him back?" He smiled.

"Kick your ass" I growled.

A smalled biker moved from where he was standing, his fist raised. I rolled my eyes, and dropped down with a leg sweep. He hit the ground hard and laid there. More bikers moved and I felt Sam's back to mine.

"No matter what, get to Dean" I said and we both moved, each dropping precise punches and kicks, taking the bikers out, until only the Biker holding Dean was standing. He looked perplexed and dropped Dean on the ground.

"I don't usually hit girls, but I think I'll make an exception" He said as he swung at my head. I ducked and it connected with the wall.

"Get Dean" Sam hissed as he ran past me, and punched the biker in the face.

I knew Sam wasn't much of a fighter at heart but when push came to shove, he could take pretty much take anyone out.

I ran over to Dean and picked him up. I could barely hold him, since he was out completely now and there was no help on his end.

I managed to drag him to the door, before yelling for Sam. He came running, his eye cut open all over again. He grabbed Dean from me and I held the door open. We booked it to the car, laying Dean down in the back, I hopped into the front seat, as Sam climbed into the back seat. I started the car, and it rawred as we pulled out of the parking lot.

"Well that was fun" Sam said and I glared at him, out of my slightly swollen eye.

We continued to drive, and my anger was subsiding. I knew that Dean had gotten himself into a worse punishment then I could give him, but I was still angry that he left. But now it was time to just get him back to the house and get him, and Sam, and myself fixed up.

So, this didn't have that much of Cas in it, kinda like a long filler, but it'll lead into more and more Cas and Izzy, I promise! :) So until next time! Which shouldn't be too long! I hope!