Title: Whore
Writer: Kaline Bogard
Translation: Laris Neal
Revision of the English text: roxashasboxers
Fandom: Bates Motel
Ship: Norman x Dylan
Classification: NC17
Gender: slash, incest, rape, PWP, alcohol, improper language, Dylan!Botton
Disclaimer: Bates Motel doesn't belong to me. If it did the psycho of Norman wouldn't have nothing to do with his mother…

Warning: Contains slash: man to man, you know? Do not like, do not read. Simple like that.

Kaline Bogard


The scene continually played upon his mind. Norman heard the word repeated in an endless cycle.


Dylan's voice made everything irresistible. It was teasing ... challenging ...

Norman Bates nodded at the amazing thoughts.

He needed to sleep, to delete the images.

Leave the sounds in peace.

He rolled over in bed and balled up in the white sheets.

Sleep did not come.

The night would be long.

Long and lonely.

Or at least that's what Norman thought ...


In the other room, Dylan remained unresponsive. Had his half-brother really tried to kill him? Had he truly been that furious?

Confused and frightened, the blond grabbed a bottle of whiskey. He would need to drink a lot to dispel the confused feelings that dominated his heart.

To be continued...

Note: a special thanks to Laris Neal who took time to translate this fanfic from Portuguese to English. Thank you so much!

And ElektraMackenzie: Thanks for the encouragement! You asked this text is the English version.

And... roxashasboxers thank you so much for the correction of errors of this text!

Enjoy it!