Hello everyone! If you've read my other stories, I'm sorry I haven't been on it so long. I had a flash drive with all of my stories saved on there and have finally given up on finding it. So, I had to start from scratch with everything. Hopefully an update soon will come for my other story, Trickery, but for now this is it!

This is a bunch of drabbles based off of the Win My Heart things on Tumblr, so I'm using them as my prompts. They will not be full-length one shots, but little ideas of what I wish would happen in the Vampire Diaries universe.

With that boring note, I do not own the characters from Vampire Diaries or the Win My Heart posts on Tumblr. Enjoy!

#127-Don't Pressure Me

Caroline sat curled up on her couch, feeling confused as hell. Tyler had dumped her when she gave the slightest hint that she was developing feelings for Klaus. It literally took four words.

He's not that bad.

Just like that, Tyler had dropped her like a sack of potatoes—after they argued of course. Caroline couldn't believe he was so hypocritical. She knew he developed feelings for Hayley in the mountains and even afterwards. It was ridiculous how she'd stuck with him in that, and at the slightest chance she was feeling confused about Klaus, Tyler got pissed and dumped her. For good. He wasn't coming back this time.

"Do I feel empty?" she asked herself aloud. "Or do I feel relieved?"

She sighed and walked to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of...so many choices. After awhile, she settled on scotch and simply grabbed the bottle, returning to her bedroom. When she entered, however, she was greeted with an unwelcome sight. Well, sort of unwelcome.

"Hello sweetheart," Klaus said, his usual half smirk on his face. "Long night?"

"Come to gloat, asshole?" Caroline answered. She needed to fuss at someone and he just happened to come along. Perfect.

"I came to check on you," he said, seeming honest. "The wonderful vampire-werewolf relationship has sadly been terminated. I thought you might be upset."

"You think?" she scoffed, opening the bottle and taking a swig. She eyed his sinfully beautiful body, and then chastised herself. Stop it, Caroline. Head together.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" he offered dryly. "I'm very handy with many things."

Caroline narrowed her eyes. "Just turn around go out the window if you have nothing more to say."

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" he asked carefully as he edged toward the window. Caroline was confused. He was leaving already? No banter, no smartass remarks, no insistence that they should be together?

"What are you doing?" she asked. "Giving up so easily?"

"By no means," he countered, that delightful yet irritating smirk still plastered across his face. "I just thought I'd give you space. You know...not pressure you or anything."

And with that, he hopped out the window. Caroline sat on her bed, scotch in hand, and confused as ever. She would never admit it but she liked her banter with Klaus. Sure, it was endless and she sometimes couldn't breathe when he got too into her personal space in his seduction, but still. He was a little irresistible. But now he was giving her space. Not pressuring her.

Something about that—and she wasn't quite sure what—made her feel warmer on the inside.