Introduction – Senior Year

The Perve and the Prude

"Okay, okay … okay," Tamera toyed with her envelope in her hands, Teddy sat beside her annoyed by her anxious nervous behavior.

"Tam, I swear if you don't open that damned letter!" Ted griped he had laid his letter by his side and was instead picking at his phone. She glared at her friend and then adjusted her glasses. To her this was a big deal. This was a major milestone that would allow her to embark on journey that she'd been eager start. She would be following in her mother and father's footsteps if she got in and like a good girl she wanted make them happy more than anything.

"Ted, if you're so calm about this open yours first." She challenged. Ted shrugged he knew that they had both gotten in, Tam and he had always been the smartest in their class. They'd always been in classes together strictly AP and honors. That's actually how they'd met. They'd attended the same private school since eighth grade and since they both were advanced they ended up taking most of the same classes together. That's how they became friends, fated to go through puberty and life together in general.

So naturally now that they were joined at the hip it was hard to stop the trend in their lives. They researched colleges together and were now faced with two envelopes, both of their first choice was now in their hands.

"Accepted," Teddy said quickly taking Tam's challenged. "And you know you probably are too, your GPA is higher than mine." Tam smirked because she knew he hated being reminded that she was six tenths of a point higher than him. She shook her head and still dazed at her sealed envelope as if it were a golden ticket. Ted snatched the letter out of her hand and ripped the seal.

"Ted, I'm going to KILL you!" She lunged at him but he easily blocked her attempts to retrieve her parcel. After he opened the letter his eyes widened and his face dropped.

"Oh shit … Tam, I …I'm so sorry." He stood up and left the letter on the couch.

"What, Ted, what?" She reached over and snatched up the letter from where Ted left it. She read it quickly and then threw it down again.

"You JERK! Why did you do that to me! You're always playing she shoved Ted and then hugged him excitedly. "I can't believe we got in!" He squeezed his pint sized buddy tighter.

"There wasn't any doubt in my mind that we would. You just like to be nervous over silly things," Ted said bluntly. He released his friend to fish his buzzing phone out of his back pocket. Tam knew the deal, as soon as he answered the phone. Ted had a fan club full of ladies; she was smart enough to understand the appeal. Theodore Ray was nice, rich, smart, and physically he was kind of attractive. From any other female perspective Ted seemed perfect, but what the others didn't know was how spoiled, selfish, and annoying he could be at times. Tam sighed and loaded her kindle while Teddy acquired his new acquisition. As Tamera read the thought dawned on her that she'd never seen her friend with an actually girlfriend, Ted had weekly and sometimes even daily flavors. He never took those females anywhere, like on a date or anything, but he did bed, and to hear it told he bedded them quite well. He'd started early when he was a freshman in high school; senior females at that time were vying for his attention. Now that he was a senior he wasn't messing around with high school girls, he sought out the company of women generally around the age of twenty-four or twenty-five.

Yes, word on the street was Theo Ray was an amazing lay, that's what Tamera heard all of the cheerleaders say their junior year of high school. Her mother had so desperately wanted her to become a cheerleader and when she obtained the goal she soon regretted. It was the first time she really got an earshot of what the others said about her friend, not only that the females saw her as an opportunity to get to him. Teddy personally loved having a best friend who was a cheerleader. It was the first time that he really noticed Tam as a female and every time she put on the damned outfit he'd make sure she realized it. Junior year was also the year that Teddy decided it'd be fun to bed some of the teacher's aides (only the cute ones of course). Tamera asked him about the things she'd learned about him she truly felt it was none of her business.

Since the two met so young Tamera never really viewed Teddy the way the other girls did. She never really kept a boyfriend either, nobody really met her parent's expectations and it was hard to tell if they were really dating her because they like her or they wanted to be attached to the daughter of the owner of BLACK Construction, the most profitable construction and engineering company in the area. That was the reason she gravitated to Teddy he understood that struggle and she partly believed that's the reason he didn't take an official girlfriend. Through grade school Tamera only had one boyfriend, she'd been fifteen years old, now she was almost eighteen and she was still content without one. Who had the time to be in a relationship when you are best friends with Theodore Grey?

Tam stretched a little and got herself comfortable and loaded the novel that Miss Ana had told her to buy. Tamera loved suspense novels and loved that her best friend was the son of owner most profitable publishing company in Washington, which meant she never had a shortage of good fiction suspense to read. She also begun to write and Mrs. Grey was great about telling her what needed improving without being rude about it. Tamera now sat on the couch twirling one of her braids in her fingers and wiggling her toes. Ted always found it amusing the way her toes wiggled when she was eating or reading, to his knowledge those were her two favorite things. He lifted her feet and sat down placing them back in his lap. He was still on the phone, but covered her lavender colored toe nails with his hand. Tamera peeked over her kindle to make sure he didn't tickle her. She hated when he did that, part of her knew she was safe until he got off the phone. He would do well for the girl he was planning to … you know, to hear her giggle.

"Can't come over right now, make time for me tomorrow," he ordered. Tam rolled her eyes and shook her head. He was a cocky somebody, he'd never talked to her that way. He knew better because he'd get smacked if he did.

"Yeah …yeah. No, no dinner just … exactly. Well, if you don't want to … yeah seven. See you then." He hung up and tickled the bottoms of Tam's feet.

"STOP! You know I HATE that," she grumbled.

"And that's exactly why I do it Black," he teased and the absentmindedly began to rub the claves of Tamera's legs.

"Another acquisition?" Tam asked and Ted smirked but said nothing confirming her suspicion correct. "It's going to fall off," she chuckled to herself. Ted's blue eyes widened with amusement and horror.

"What'd you just say?"

"Nothing … nothing at all." She shook her head and kept reading. Ted was really shocked by the fact that Tamera even indicated she was aware he was having sex let alone male. The statement was too humorous for words. His laughter brought him to tears, his hysterics made Tam look up once more from her phone.

"My dear Short Stack don't concern yourself about this." Ted gestured to and grabbed his crouch. "I take more than good care of this." Tamera line of vision had fallen to the indicated area; she scrunched her nose up and rolled her eyes.

"Don't be crude Ted …Ew." Tamera shook her head and sighed again.

"My sweet innocent Ms. Black you're such a prude."

"And you Grey are such a perve." Tam put her phone away and they began to talk about the classes they were planning to take and the dorms they wanted to try and get into. All talk of naughtiness and flown out of the window, but what was said was most definitely true. Theodore Grey was most definitely a perve and his good buddy Tamera Black was legitimate prude.