I know I told myself that I wouldn't write any new stories until the ones I have done are finished, but I've been working on this story for a little over a year and it's finally finished. I will update this story at least once a week. Hope you guys enjoy it. I've worked really hard on this. Without further delay, here's I Am Your Father.

"Anakin, can I look yet?"

"No. Not yet."

"When can I look?"

"We're almost there. Calm down." They left the Jedi Temple after the end of the Clone War. Ahsoka found out she was three months pregnant. They were on Alderaan on their way to their new home that Anakin bought. He wouldn't tell Ahsoka where it was or what it looked like. He wanted to surprise her. They just pulled up to their house. Ahsoka wore a blindfold the whole way there. He helped her out of the speeder and led her to the frot of the house. "Okay. Take it off."

She removed the blindfold and gasped at her sights. It was a little cottage with white paint and rusty borders. She looked around and saw a large opening. There was lots of room to grow.

"Ani, it's beautiful."

"It'll need some work, but it's all ours. It'll be great for the baby." Ahsoka hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I love you, Ani."

"I love you too, Soka." They kissed.

Over the next five months, they settled into their new home. Anakin got a job at an auto repair shop a few miles from the house. Ahsoka stayed home due to her pregnancy. She spent most of her time preparing the nursury. They found out they were having a baby boy. On his days off and weekends, Anakin would make adjustments to the house to make it look nicer. It was Monday and Anakin was going to work. He finished getting dressed and looked over at Ahsoka's sleeping form. He kissed her forehead and left the room quietly. He grabbed his cup of coffee and left for work.

A few hours later, Ahoska woke up from the baby's kicking. He was like her own little alarm clock. She got up, went to the refresher, got dressed, and went into the kitchen to fix herself something to eat. She got two pieces of toast and a cup of orange juice. Her appetite always changed. This morning, she had a little morning sickness, so she couldn't eat much. After she ate, she felt a little better. She felt good enough to move around. She went into the nearly completed nursury. She was there for about an hour when she heard a knock at the door. She went to the front and answered it. She opened the door and there stood a tall man with blue-green eyes and shory dirty blonde hair.

"May I help you?"

"Yes. I'm looking for Anakin Skywalker." Ahsoka noticed he had a blaster attached to his belt.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Clyde Skywalker. I'm his father." Ahsoka was in shock. Anakin said he didn't have a father. This man had to be a bounty hunter.

"Anakin doesn't have a father."

"Not that he knows of. You have to believe me. I've searched for him for so long. I am his father."

"Prove it. What's his mother's name?"

"Shmi Skywalker."

"Where is his home planet?"


"Who owned him and Shmi?"

"They used to be owned by Gardula the Hutt, but she lost them in a bet and they then belonged to a Toydarian junk dealer named Watto." He was right about everything. Maybe he was who he said he was. She opened the door wider.

"Come in."

"Thank you." He walked in. She closed the door and turned to him. He looked around. Could this really be Anakin's father? "This is a nice place."


"I'm guessing you're Anakin's girlfriend?"

"His wife."

"Wife. Sorry. Congrats on the baby."

"Thanks." He walked into the living room.

"Is Anakin here?"

"No. He's at work. He'll be back in a little while for lunch."

"Do you mind if I wait for him?"

"Not at all. Can I get you something?"

"No thank you. I wouldn't want to trouble you."

"It's really no problem."

"No, thank you, my dear. I don't want anything."

"Okay. Well, sit down."

"Thank you." He sat on the sofa. Ahsoka sat next to him.

"So, what brings you here after all these years?"

"I've been looking for Anakin and Shmi for the past couple of years. It wasn't until last year I found out that Shmi had died and Anakin was freed. I've been searching for him afterwards, but it was like he just disappeared. I tracked him here and here I am."

"Well, I'm sure Anakin would want to meet you."

"I hope so. I wouldn't be surprised if he was mad for leaving him and Shmi." They heard the door open and close.


"In here." Anakin can in and saw Ahsoka and the man sitting on the couch.

"Hey, who's this?" Clyde stood up and approached Anakin.

"You've grown so much. Last time I saw you, you were no bigger than a wamprat."

"Okay. Am I suppose to know who you are?"

"No, but that was my fault. I apologize for that, but it was only yo keep you and Shmi safe."

"How do you know about my mother?"

"Because, Anakin... I'm your father."

Good first chapter, right? Leave a nice review, please.