I know I am supposed to be working on like a million other stories. And its midterm week, and my professors are going to hate me. I should probably be cleaning because husbands get grumpy when things are dirty.

But I felt super angsty.


When Castiel fell from heaven he did it because he loved Dean Winchester.

Castiel loved that when Dean was deep in thought that he would lick gently at his lips. He loved the way that Dean would make references that were lost on him; and the fact that Dean would stare up at him through his eyelashes when he questioned him on it. He loved the way that Dean said his name, as if it meant as much to Dean as the name Dean meant to him. He loved that Dean would never give up on him.
So when Dean told Castiel that he needed him, he stayed behind. The hunter did need him, but not in the same way that Cas so desperately needed him. Castiel remembered the desperate moments, the war in heaven, the war inside himself, when all he needed was to be near Dean to feel whole again.

Castiel would have never imagined it would end like this.

He cradled Dean Winchester's broken body. Dean was torn at the gut, his arm twisted unnaturally. His breaths were shallow and he struggled to even blink.

Castiel had tried so desperately to heal Dean. He placed a hand along his cheek willing any bit of grace that might be left to fill up the man, to give him his hunter back.

Castiel was crying, thick wet tears streamed down his face falling onto Dean's lips stained red with blood. "Dean please.." Castiel begged. "Dean no."

"Cas." Dean whispered. "Cas where is Sammy?"

Castiel lied. "Sam is fine. He is getting help. Please just hang on."

The broken body of Sam Winchester lay just beyond the treeline, torn to shreds by the creature they had been tracking.

"Good." Dean said, licking his lips one last time. "Cas I Lov-"

Castiel started to sob harder, the words that meant so much to him were finally spilling out of the hunters mouth. But Dean never got to finish his dying sentence, his body went limp.

Castiel screamed, a piercing inhumane noise that ripped through the world. Commanding all of heaven and hell to hear him, hear his pain.
Nobody answered though.

Castiel sobbed holding his broken hunter for an hour, remembering all the good moments. Holding on to those last few syllabus he ever heard.

When Castiel finally composed himself he did what he knew Dean would want. He salted and burned both of his friends, and buried the remnants deep in the earth. Next to each other.

Dirt caked and bloody Castiel moved to the impala. The last thing he had of the Winchesters. He gently stroked the car's black exterior, memorizing the curves the same way Dean had. He opened the trunk and gently placed the machete he had fought with back where it belonged.

Because Castiel knew Dean would want the car taken care of he got in her and drove away. He would take her to the next city, to the next monster and he would continue hunting. He would rid the world of all the monsters, because that is what Dean Winchester wanted.

And even though Castiel knew he was locked out of heaven, he would never see Dean again, never hear those words that he so desperately tried to choke out; he smiled. Castiel would live the rest of his life knowing Dean loved him.

When he died, finally, taking down the same monster that had killed Dean he was still smiling.

"I love you too."