Consider this a sort of post-story addition. I realized when looking over the chapters that somehow this one didn't register when I tried to post it. This was written between "Payback" (chapter 5) and "Survive" (chapter 6).

Written: 10-3-12


Watson and Sherlock, Mycroft muses, are the most unlikely pair of friends I've ever seen. One is a helplessly accomplished genius, the other an ever patient doctor, and one wonders how the two stood each other in the first place.

They are the last companions any of their former acquaintances could have expected. Scotland Yard sees it… Mrs. Hudson sees it… Mycroft sees it, but none understand.

Mycroft has often puzzled over the fact that though they share years of acquaintance, they still call each other by last name.

He doesn't realize they're also the last to leave each other.

The End - for real this time. :)