Tom has found the best ever role playing game on the internet. It seems better than real life, although it has some strange similarities. Just who is Tom playing with ? I don't own any of the MI High characters. I'm just borrowing them.

Frank motioned the others out of the room. Once outside, Zoe turned to Frank in confusion. "Dan told Nate everything about MI High didn't he ?" she asked.

"Yes, but Dan doesn't need to know that," said Frank. "He'd just feel guilty about it, and he had no choice. Let him get some rest. If we are able to recruit Nate into MI9 there isn't going to be a problem with him knowing about MI High is there ?"

When they returned to their base, Tom had received a message from Nate. "Oh no !" said Tom. "Frank, Nate's told KORPS he isn't going to work for them any more !"

"Oh dear. That's really not a good idea," said Frank. "Warn him Tom ! I'll get on to HQ"

Tom used instant messaging to get through to Nate quickly. He passed on his phone details. After a minute Nate called him. "Tom, what do you mean, they won't like it ?" asked Nate, puzzled.

"Nate, you could have put yourself in danger," warned Tom. "If KORPS think you are going to go over to MI9 they might try to attack you or take you prisoner, or even kill you !"

"Oh. I didn't think of that," said Nate. "Just a minute," he said. There was a pause and then his voice came back over the phone.

"There are people outside. They are trying to break into the building," reported Nate. Tom looked round to Frank who had heard what was being said. He gestured to Tom and took his phone.

"Nate, this if Frank. If KORPS are attacking you, we could help. Do you want MI9 to help you ?" he asked.

"OK, yes," said Nate. "My robots are quite good at protecting me."

"You may need some more help," warned Frank. "I'll arrange a SWAT team to take on the KORPS people if you agree to it Nate," he said.

There was a moment's silence and then Nate's voice said, "Yes, OK. I don't want to work for KORPS any more."

Frank took Tom and Zoe with him to join the MI9 SWAT team at Nate's building. When they arrived, there was a gun battle going on between the MI9 snipers and the KORPs people. The front door of Nate's building had been blown in and smoke was pouring out. Tom was worried for Nate's safety. He needn't have worried. After a minute or two KORPS agents started being hurled out of the door. They were being thrown by Nate's large humanoid robot. This made Tom smile.

Finally the battle died down. Many of the KORPS agents fled, and the rest were rounded up by the MI9 team. Tom phoned Nate and asked if they could come inside. Nate agreed that Frank, Tom and Zoe could come upstairs.

Frank and Zoe were equally blown away by the robotics which Nate had developed. They found Nate in his laboratory looking upset. "They broke some of my things," complained Nate. "I don't like smoke," he added.

Tom managed to calm him by telling him that the battle outside was over. "Tom said I could work for MI9," Nate said to Frank.

"Yes you can. We would love to have you," said Frank.

"Would you ?" asked Nate, surprised. "Oh. I don't like things different though," he said.

"Well, why don't you give us the plans to your building and we will try to replicate it for you," suggested Frank. "Then you could move into somewhere the same, but in a different, secret location," he said.

"If you want some friends, we could come and see you," suggested Zoe. Nate stared at her as if she were some kind of alien creature.

"Are you Zoe ?" Nate asked. She told him she was in fact Zoe.

"Oh. Dan really likes you. He likes you a real lot," said Nate. "I don't know why that is. He just said so," he added. Zoe blushed bright red. Tom felt a bit sorry for her. Nate didn't really understand about subtlety, or embarrassment or any other kind of emotion really.

"I'm still waiting to play that game you promised me Nate," said Tom, in an attempt to divert Nate's attention away from Zoe, who he was now staring at in fascination.

"Yes. I think I need a new house. It would be good if it was just like this one," said Nate. "I'd like that."

Frank arranged for Nate to be provided with guards until his new accommodation was ready. They managed to make the move as untraumatic as they could for Nate. Once he was inside his new building, he seemed to relax. They had replicated as much as they could from his old building. The builders discussed some improvements they could make and Nate had agreed.

A few weeks later, the team arrived to visit Nate. Dan was apprehensive, but curious to meet the person who had kidnapped him. Aneisha and Dan were amazed by their first sight of the robotics equipment that Nate had built. It was unnerving for Dan to find that Nate appeared to know all about him, when he had no memory of ever meeting him. He suspected that Frank hadn't been entirely truthful about how much information he had given away to Nate.

The worst moment came when Nate decided to question Dan about his relationship with Zoe. "Do you love each other ?" asked Nate curiously. Both Dan and Zoe turned bright red.

"Um, we're not going out or anything," said Dan. "Well, we did go out once, sort of," he stumbled.

"Do you hold hands and things ?" asked Nate, relentlessly.

"Erm, yes sometimes," said Dan.

"Do you kiss ?" asked Nate.

Dan's voice was steadily rising with tension and embarrassment. "Not yet," he practically squeaked. Dan looked helplessly at Tom with a 'Rescue Me !' look on his face.

"I think you're embarrassing Dan," said Tom laughing.

"Oh. Is that the red face stuff ?" asked Nate.

"Yes. That's the one," said Tom.

"Why do you like Dan ?" Nate then asked Zoe.

Zoe seemed to be better at dealing with Nate's curiousity. "Well, he's kind and thoughtful and he tries to look after me," she said, smiling at Dan. It didn't seem possible that Dan could have got any redder, but Tom was pretty sure he did. Tom glanced across at Aneisha. She was desperately trying to smother her hysterics. Tom considered letting Nate continue, but decided to take pity on Dan.

"Nate, the others were hoping you could show them what your robots could do," he suggested.

Nate immediately gave them a tour of the robots in his house and showed them what they could do. They were all impressed with Nate's work. Frank and Tom in particular were having a great time. Eventually, it came time to leave and Nate told them that they were all welcome to come and visit him, but they should call him first so he would be ready. They agreed and left.

"Wow, he's a genius alright," said Frank, admiringly.

"I knew you'd be impressed," said Tom.

Dan just looked relieved to be leaving.


Thanks to everyone who reviewed.