Just a short story. There's no HoO in this story, so no Jason, Leo, Piper, Hazel, Frank, or any others. Enjoy!

As he fell towards the oblivion, he didn't know what to think.

His arms whirled around his head and his body flipped uselessly through the air. For a second, Percy wished that he was a son of Zeus rather than a son of Poseidon. He just needing to be able to control the air and that would save him.

He'd never really thought about his life flashing before his eyes. But then it happened.

He saw him as a kid with his mother, going to preschool and trying to get along with the other kids, which never worked. They picked on him for being weird, and the teachers never helped him. The only thing he could do was transfer, as always.

Then, he was a little older and meeting Gabe, who would go on to abuse him and his mother for many years. The school situation was still terrible, and he kept doing terrible things without meaning to. His mother had to work full time at a candy shop to support them.

Percy's life went to middle school where he learned that he was a demigod and that his teacher was a centaur and his best friend was a satyr. He went to Camp Half-Blood and met the girl that changed it all for him—Annabeth Chase.

After meeting Annabeth, he went on a quest with her and Grover to find the Master Bolt. He didn't die, which was fine with him, and then Gabe was out of his life. Everything was starting to get better, and then he met Tyson, who would go on to be a great friend and even his half-brother.

He went on another quest with Annabeth and Tyson, against the camp rules. And then, only a few months later, Annabeth was kidnapped. Percy went on a quest with Grover, Thalia, Bianca, and Zoe to save her and Artemis. In the process, Bianca and Zoe both died, and he was almost killed by the gods.

Because of Bianca's death, Percy made enemies with Nico. He hadn't meant to, but it had happened. Nico could hold a grudge. Percy found out that Nico was a son of Hades too late, because Nico had left them.

But his home life got better again. His mom was starting off as an author and had finally met someone nice. He was a teacher at Goode High School, where Percy would attend. His name was Paul Blofis, and he actually cared for them, unlike stupid Gabe. But Percy would always call him Blowfish.

Then, there had been another quest, this one under the guiding of Annabeth. Grover and Tyson went with them too. During the quest they had all been separated, and Percy and Annabeth… she'd finally kissed him. It had been his first kiss.

And then he had blown himself out of a volcano and nearly died.

With every minus there was a plus, because he did meet Calypso. She was so nice and it had broken his heart to leave her there, imprisoned on her little island, but there had been nothing that he could've done. He journeyed back to camp, and he and Annabeth had gone to meet Rachel who became a big ally.

Rachel and Annabeth hadn't been that fond of each other, but they found Nico, Grover, and Tyson together. They fought in the Battle of the Labyrinth, which led to the biggest battle only a year later. Luke had already betrayed them years ago, but now, he was actually turning into the Titan Kronos.

They fought in that war, and Percy had received the Achilles Curse with the help of Nico, who had decided to be nice to them again. He became a big ally. Annabeth almost died from a terrible shoulder wound. That had nearly undid him.

Luke had died, and the essence of Kronos had disappeared and scatted across the world. Hopefully he was never going to reform. But no one knew for sure.

The day the war had ended had been Percy's birthday. Rachel had become the Oracle. Once he had returned to camp, him and Annabeth… well, his dreams had come true, finally. They had started dating and been thrown into the canoe lake by all of the other campers.

The next year of his life had been a blur. He dated Annabeth and everything was perfect. He was so in love with her that it would take an entire army of monster to pull them apart, and even then he would fight for it. They were inseparable, and nothing was going to change that.

They went back to Camp Half-Blood, Percy sixteen and Annabeth seventeen. Everything seemed normal, just a few small battles here and there. It was nothing too big. They could handle everything.

Just a few minutes ago he had been climbing the rock wall. It was one of his best things at camp, and he had gotten so good that he didn't even use a harness. He flew up the wall, his hands and feet finding the smallest of places to pull himself up.

But then—a slip of his foot. A falter in his grip. The simplest mistake and he fell from the near top.

All of this happened in about a second.

He was gasping for air and he knew that he was getting closer to the ground. There was nothing he could do to stop the falling. He'd never felt to useless in his entire life.

Someone was screaming and crying out. He couldn't place the voice. He just kept wondering when he was to reach the ground. Was he ever going to reach the ground? It seemed like a never ending twirl of limbs and gasps. His body was bending into crazy angles and his hands itched to grab onto something.

When he reached the ground, what would happen? He couldn't bare to loose his life. Percy wasn't sure if he would survive this, and if he did, then at what cost?


Everything was in slow motion. How could a fall be so long? The trees from the forest blended together. The colors were fading together. He could no longer tell anything apart. What was happening?


There was a snap as he collided with the hard ground. His head bounced back off and he cried out. Multiple things cracked and the pain… it just didn't stop. It was like he was back in the River Styx. His limbs felt like they were coated in acid. No matter how much he tried to move, it didn't stop. When he stopped moving, the pain stayed.

He had a thought in his head, but it dissolved.


Slowly, Percy's vision went from bright colors to a soothing white. He walked towards the oblivion. The white consumed his body, and all of his troubles just seemed to vanish from him. The thought... he tried to remember it, but it was just gone, buried deep insode of him where he wouldn't be able to reach it.

There was nothing.

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