Blondes ch. 9 Santana POV

You've experienced New York cold. You've gone through it rainy. But you have never had to deal with it being this...

this hot.

It's ridiculous. You did not think this would ever be a problem here. As you stroll over to Puck's crappy apartment to get him for your joint shift, you feel the sun literally beating on your shoulders.

It sucks.

After awhile when it became clear Puck was not making enough money from his "band" gigs (if you could even call it a band), you talked to the owner and got him a job. He was pretty much ecstatic when you told him he was going to be a bartender. Now he's doing daily shifts, playing an occasional gig and writing some stupid screenplay. He says he's happy.

But your still lost.

Yeah, you are doing a lot of shifts. No problems with Quinn, and your (secretly) loving Hummelberry and how much Puck is in your life. But you still do want to be famous, but not for a sex tape. You want to sing. And I guess your doing all you can, with preforming every Friday night and open mic, but you want to do more. You honestly just don't know what.

Climbing the stairs (elevators are for fat asses) and finally reaching Puck's place, you walk in and find him in a pretty intense COD game. You know he likes to play by himself, not with you, because he does like winning sometimes.

Tip toeing up behind his couch, you snatch the headpiece off of him and switch the TV off with a flick of the remote. He turns around quickly.

"Hey, what the fuck was that for? I was on a roll!" He says, looking angry.

You're a bit confused, because he knows your shift is starting in twenty minutes. "We have to go, dumb ass!"

"Oh. I don't really think i want to go today. It won't be busy, can you handle it yourself?" He says, slumping a bit on the couch with a hint of a defeated look.

"What's the matter? Did something happen with Melissa?" You ask, genuinely trying to be sympathetic since he seems so sad. You walk over and plop down on the couch next to him.

Melissa is this huge bitch that Puck's been seeing for around for a couple of weeks. You think he genuinely likes her, which is weird for Puck. The last girl he has gone on more than three meaningful dates was, like, Quinn. You push that thought away because it honestly just makes you feel weird.

"Well... kind of. It was like her birthday and i didn't get her anything. Then she went on this rant about how I only like her for the sex, and I tried to deny it but she was still pissed and then she left the restaurant." He says.

"Ah. You're better of without her, honestly. She's such a bitch. Stupid woman."

"Yeah, you must be sick of all the women troubles your having, right San?" He asks, turning his head to face towards you.

"What woman troubles? Quinn's fine." You respond quickly.

He begins slowly, like he's measuring his words out, "Well, like, your not stupid San. And Quinn's not either. You must of noticed how she and Britt were acting at Britt's graduation. And Quinn definitely noticed how much fun you were having with Britt, and nows that Britt's moving here in September... just i don't know how this is all going to work out."

You let his words sink in. Puck may not be a school genius, but he is still pretty good at observing people. You kind of noticed some tension between Brittany and Quinn, but you thought that was normal like girlfriend and ex-girlfriend stuff. They'll get over it, right? And you were just hanging out with Brittany, what's wrong with that?

"Puck, Britt's my best friend. Why can't I be dance with her and have fun with her, huh?" You ask, rather snarky. Too snarky, since he is trying to help.

"All I'm trying to say is, I saw how you were looking at Brittany. So did Quinn. And next year, when Britt's at NYU, Quinn is going to be rather aware of the fact that she is a train ride away, while Brittany is within walking distance."

"Shit. You're right, this is bad. I need to talk to Quinn, can you cover our shift?" You ask, already standing up and walking to the door.

"What? i thought you were going to cover the shift! Are you going to honestly take the train down right now?"

That's exactly what you're going to do.

A mere three or so hours later, you're sitting in Quinn's dorm, waiting for her to come back from her afternoon class. Bored, you stand up off her bed and walk over to the line of framed pictures. You see a Sophomore year Cheerio picture, with you, Q, and Britt.

When did things become so messed up?

The door behind you opens with a loud crack, freaking you out. You turn around, taking in the beautiful blonde that has become to be known as your girlfriend.

"San?" she says, dropping her bag off and walking towards you, "what are you doing here?"

"I needed to talk to you." You say bluntly, sitting down on her bed.

She joins you. "Alright, but you could of just called or even skyp-"

You honestly feel like you need to know the answer now, so you just cut her off. "What's going on between you and Brittany?"

A flash of worry crosses her face quickly, but it's quickly replaced by a mask of indifference. "Why? Did she say something?"

"No, but why would she have said something? And can we skip the crap, Q?" You honestly are not in the mood for lies right now.

"It's not a big deal, San. Things are just a bit tense between us. She'll get over it though, no worries."

"Why are they tense?"

She looks at you weirdly, actually rolling her eyes. "Are you stupid San? They're tense because of you. She wants you back." At this Quinn lowers her gaze, and you realize just how insecure about this she is.

You suddenly grab her hand. "Quinn, Brittany is my best friend. I will hang out with her when she moves to NY, and that's okay. You shouldn't worry about that. You are my girlfriend, not her."

"Oh dam it, San. You've turned me into a insecure girlfriend. Fuck you." She says with a hint of a smile at her face.

"But you're my insecure girlfriend." You say, with a smirk on your face.

ALRIGHTY, just for the record summer updates will be less frequent do to my intense swimming schedule. Also, next ch. Quinn POV. read and review like usual :P