RIGHTS TO RYAN MURPHEY. tell me if you want it to be continued :)

Dead Silence.

That's what hits you as you walk into the choir room on the Monday after 's "wedding." Every single one of your friends' heads swivel towards you as you make your way to your seat with Sam and Marley. The silence is uncomfortable towards you; it reminds you of a time when if it was this quiet, Santana would have made some funny comment about it that would make it go away. You miss that, especially now. The silence is confusing as you look around at the faces that show a mixture of pity, surprised, and some intrigue. Your curiosity finally overtakes you.

"What's going on, Marley?" You ask because she's nice and she's also right next to you. You honestly do not feel like talking to Sam right now, though you don't know why.

"Oh, we're just talking about, ummm..." she looks nervous and expectantly turns to Jake.

"The wedding, Britt. We were just saying how bad we feel for Mr. Shue since Ms. Pillsbury ran away." Jake says quickly while Marley shoots him a thankful expression.

The whole room processes that for a couple of seconds along with you until Kitty speaks.

"Yup, definitely. Just talking about the wedding mistake and how even though Mr. Shue's time was ruined, some people had a little too much fun, if you catch my drift." Kitty finishes with some of the bitchiness glint making its way back into her eyes, the glint that had not been seen lately.

"I don't see any drifts to catch" you mumble, "but me and Sam had lots of fun dancing with all of you. But I don't understand how we could've had too much fun, what does she mean Sam?" while you turn your head to look at your blonde boyfriend.

"She's just saying that because we all shouldn't have been having so much fun while Mr. Shue was so..." Sam starts to speak fast while avoiding your eyes before being cut off by Tina.

"Oh please Sam, don't lie to her. Quinntana got in on Britt, and we were talking about it because we all thought it was surprising, that's all." Tina says with a nice and warm voice; lately she has been kinda mean so your shocked she still has the voice in her.

The wheels in your head start turning while everyone looks at you, waiting your reaction. You don't understand why they are all looking at you, because you don't even know what Quinntana is. It's a foreign word in your brain, so you decide to speak up before the faces staring at you make you sick.

"Quinntana...?" You ask, not to anyone in specific. The fact that Artie answers you is weird, since he has been quiet in this confusing conversation so far.

"Quinn and Santana. It's their cou, umm friendship name. Like how you and Sam are Bram?" Artie answers.

You noticed the correction in his sentence and you start to get nervous. What they are saying doesn't make any sense. Quinn would never "get it on" with San, that idea is so disgusting your stomach starts to feel sick. You know it can't be true, so why are they lying to you? You rake your brain for anything Santana might have ever said that would possibly lead to this atrocity, but you can only think of one instance.

February, Senior Year (number one)

"San?" you say during a random episode of Friends that you have both seem at least 12 times.

"Yeah, Britt?" she gets out while chewing a handful of flavor-blasted goldfish. That kind is her favorite.

"Out of all the girls in Glee, who do you think is hot?" You say, just because curiosity is bugging you.

"You, and that's it." She says without a moment's hesitation. "Where is this coming up from? I really don't compliment you enough, do I?" She says, suddenly looking regretful.

"No, I was just wondering. And besides me, so whose second?" You whine, wanting to know just because.

"Ummm, no one even compares to you Britt. but I would probably say Quinn, though only because I have a thing for blondes." She finishes with a wink to you.

End Flashback

I have a think for blondes.

That sentence use to make you feel special, but right now it is on the verge of making you throw up.

Not caring what the others thought right now, you slowly grab your bag and walk out of the room with only a mumble of a Lord Tubington excuse. Once your out, you run towards the parking lot until your safely in the front seat of your car. You grab your phone out of the front of your backpack and hit the speed dial one.

It rings three times (not that your counting) before answering.

"Hello?" she asks.

Its not her.

Its not San.

Its probably the last person in the word you want to talk to right now, the one that is causing your heart to feel like it is physically being ripped in to two. You quickly hang up on Quinn, and let your phone drop to the ground. You close your eyes and start counting, because that usually calms you down an you only get to three before the tears start coming down.

And you let them fall. You can hardly even think now, because the impossible has happened, and the only thoughts in your heard are thoughts of Santana and her, and they are just hurting your heart and head more. You try to clear your mind, and it works because the next thing you know your drifting off into piss for awhile,

Not knowing how long it's been, you wake up and its dark outside. You check your phone, and see its 9:05 before noticing the endless amounts of calls and texts. You don't even get a chance to check who they are from before your phone vibrates again. The name on the screen makes your heart stop, and you answer before your remember what's happened.

"Hello? Answering me now?" San asks, and you notice a hint of worry in her voice.

"Hey." you decide on responding, trying to stay neutral.

"Why did you call then just hang up earlier?" She asks, but you know she already knows why.

"Because you didn't answer. She did." you spit the word she out like it is venom, a curse.

"So now your calling one of your best friends "she" now? Britt, your not allowed to be angry, you have a boyfriend!" She retorts back, and the protecting Quinn hurts so much more then you imagined.

"Sam is different." Is all you can think to say. You can't explain to her why its Quinn that makes it hurt so much.

"No, he's not. Am I hurting you, Britt? Because now you know how I felt when it was Artie, and then when it was Sam. It's not fair that you can choose boys over me, but the second i sleep with someone else you are allowed to get angry!" She's practically yelling know.

"Im only angry because it's Quinn!" You say, wanting her to understand you.

But she doesn't.

"Look, you have to right to be mad. No right. But my shift's starting soon, so i have to go. I don't want to hurt you, but when you rejected me for Sam you gave up being able to dictate my love life. Bye Britt." She finishes, and you know she doesn't have a shift.

You still feel sick, and that talk made everything worse. You are going to fix this, you realize. You just don't know how.