Yahooo! Another story, one that made me wake in the middle of the night to write.

It had come to me like no other, I have seen many stories with betrayal themes but none of them seemed fool proof, always having big holes. I think I can fill them.

So without further ado to the STORY!

I had no memories really, it was like déjà vu but I wasn't thinking I was doing something again since I wasn't doing something still the feeling bugged me. All I truly remember was being chased, a big explosion went off behind me and I fell. That was it that was the only memory I had. Now here I am, I can't move as I am forced to look up to see a faint light flicker in from a hole in the ceiling above. I seemed to be in a old room like ballroom, I know what a ballroom is but I don't remember every seeing one, how weird. The ballroom was all dark gray, it had pillars attached to the walls that curved up to make a dome, and the floor was tiled with varying shades of gray that I could see out of my peripherals, everything else was so plain.

The darkness in one corner came together to form a human shape, again I don't have memory of seeing a human but I know what one looks like. The human shaped darkness floated silently over the ground, it didn't even disturb the dust that it floated over. Two eyes opened among the shadowed head, they were like stars, I want to see the stars as I have no memory of them.

Finally it reached me and crouched down, touching its barely visible hand to my forehead, slowly like wind it whispered "Hello, Hero, I can tell you have no memory so I shall tell you your name, It is Percy".

I don't know how but managed to respond but my voice was rough and my throat felt like sand paper "I don't like my name" the figured went down on its knees and moved so that my head lay in its lap, it slowly caressed my cheek, its hands were so smooth like there was not a blemish or fault lay on them.

The figure cooed as it caressed "You need to keep your name but I am give you a nickname" I liked this figure, it made me feel comfortable and safe truly a feeling I haven't felt yet.

Finally I asked the figure "who are you, and I like a nickname, can you please give me one" I saw through the darkness that covered the figures face and saw a smile, so small but so sincere. That smile made me sink deeper into the figure lap and half way close my eyes.

The figure informed me "My name Nyx, and I shall nickname you shadow because you are my little shadow" Nyx is a female name, so The figure is female. I am began to like Nyx, I don't know why, I just feel at home.

Again I inquired "where am I, what happened to me?" this caused a slight frown to play on Nyx lips, slowly the darkness around her resided so that it showed a women with black hair, bright white eyes, and a pale complexion. The darkness seemed to become a dress that flowed around her like a silk black river.

She answered my question with the sweetest of voice "My little shadow, You fell into an old temple of mine, which has been buried with the ages, why you fell was because The gods had been tricked into thinking you wanted to over throw them, they didn't listen to your words that you wouldn't, they weren't alone in their betrayal, your friends they were manipulated by a spell to hate you and now you are alone" The words did not sting as I had no memory of these gods, or friends, all I had was Nyx now.

So I voiced my thoughts "I have you, so I am not alone" slowly I smiled just so slightly like she did, so that she knew I was happy right here with her, I could not be tormented by the Gods or ex-friends she talks about, and before when this was happening I couldn't be happy but now it is over and I am happy.

Nyx smiled once again, as she promised "I will make sure your happy as now you have chance to be re-raised and the gods won't be able to recognize you and cause you torment" with that she kissed my forehead, a almost warm cold spread through me making me feel completely safe. Slowly she stood and picked me up in her arms and began to walk for the wall.

Another question managed its way to be voiced "why can't I move" the swaying motion of her walk slowly let tiredness seep into me so far it seemed to seep into my muscles giving me a chance for sleep.

She explained as quick as she could "Oh my little shadow, you hurt badly, but I saved you, and gave a new body, its just starting" with that we seemed to walk through the wall while I slipped completely into sleep.



My little shadow, I have most likely broken many rules but I do not care, as no other god will notice that I have. The reason I broke them is I have seen Percy Jackson struggle so much in his life and it can't just to end it with no happiness, happiness that he fully deserves. No, Now I will guarantee his happiness, I feel I must in my heart.

When I found him, he was dying; one of the many rocks that now scatter my old temple had pierced his heart. With being a goddess, I gave him some of my power but his body was so damaged forcing me to use every once of my power to make him a new one. This made his body made of flesh and blood from his old body mixed with darkness from my power. In the end he looked much younger since my powers weren't perfect so he looked 6 once again but not the same 6 year old, my little shadow now had the blackest of black hair, pale skin, but his sea green eyes stayed the same just now they were a dark sea green and could turn black with age.

I appeared in my home in the darkest corner of the underworld that wasn't Tartarus; I will not stay in my brother. My home was rather simple, it was black but covered in stars that looked even better then the original, and the stars even moved and had the occasional shooting star. It looked like a modern house design mixed with a ancient Greek temple design.

The doors to my home opened for me and I walked in with my little shadow in my arms, my house now won't seem empty as it did after my son's finally moved out. The inside looked closer to a modern home then every as it wasn't all darkness as the doors opened to my living room where they were dark blue couches, a white carpet, in front of the couches was a fire place. The walls were decorated with painting and pictures of my little family.

Walking through the living room and into a hall way that was perpendicular to the walls of the front of the house, I walked down to see doors on both sides, most of the rooms behind the doors were empty but one all the way at the end facing into the hallway and a door adjacent to that door were the rooms where Percy and I will sleep.

I walked into his room, it was plain at the moment since I wasn't expecting him but as I walked in, it all changed to be like a deep sea, so deep it was dark, sea. The walls were a light but still dark blue, a window pointed to see out toward Elysium, the bed had several shades of blue with the pillows being a seaweed green. The carpet was now a ashy gray matching the furniture that consisted of a desk, a nightstand, and a dresser.

Using my powers I pulled back the sheets and set my little shadow down, almost admittedly he snuggled into the pillow with a content smile on his face. How could anyone being even rude to that face, I will never truly know.

Finally I went to my bedroom after tucking Shadow in and making sure he was comfortable. As I sat in my own bed to finally get some rest, I ponder how I could be a mother to someone who doesn't age so fast, Percy will age by the year while my son's at most age by the month. I will manage as Percy deserves the best and now I truly can't separate Percy and my son's, as with raising him, he is like my son.



"What Do you mean we were tricked" Athena flinch ever so slight as Zeus face looked red as he glared at the captured prisoner, the last follower of Gaea that was dressed as a joker just all black and not so showy.

The prisoner began to laugh like a madman making his chains jingle, he wheezed "Yes I tricked you all like fools, now the demigods will never trust you or themselves, as you all pitched in to all kill the Hero that saved your butts, even if we lose, we toke what's precious to you" he laughed even more almost following to his knees, shaking his head as he tried to calm himself.

The demigods that were in the throne room all looked at their feet some even shed tear as the man in front of them had used a spell and ticked them all into betraying Percy. They had believed this man, a son of Hecate, was on their sided and suffered for it. The one, who shed the most tears, was Annabeth, though she had been strong enough to resist the spell and stay by Percy side, but that did not save him from being killed.

Finally Zeus raised his master bolt and shot down the laughing prisoner down, who even in death still smiled like a madman. The demigods without even commanded or let to, began to file out of the Throne room, ignoring any look the Olympians gave them. Some even behind their backs flipped off the Olympians, a symbol to the future break down between the Olympians and their children.

Athena not giving a care in the world went to human size and caught up with her daughter, putting a light hand on Annabeth shoulder, she asked, "will you be ok, my dear?" true concern filled Athena voice, as she feared the worst for her daughter.

Slowly Annabeth turned, tears still streaming down her face, she choked "You weren't apart of the people that killed him, please tell me you weren't apart of it". Luckily Athena could shake her head no, as she had saw something was off when at the time, the joker was on their side, told them all that Percy wasn't, The joker even had some solid proof. Something told Athena that the information was wrong so her and Poseidon didn't join in the chase.

Annabeth nodded then turned away and followed the others out. She looked truly broken, almost like a ghost of her past self as her heart yearned for Percy to come back to her in some way.

Athena turned to look at Poseidon; he was glaring at Zeus, who only seems to care about his ego and pride. Poseidon saw the look that Athena was giving him, and looked at her and mouthed, "Will she be ok?" he was clearly talking about Annabeth, and Athena had to once again shake her head 'No'.

None of the Olympians even had a clue that their blast did not vaporize Percy, or that he was saved by the darkness itself. For the next several years he shall be re-raised for something for the future.

Please review so i can post for you guys. It is a cycle ya know