(Will's POV)

User name:

O.k. I must find a user name...Oh it!



O.k. that's easy...Must be 8 characters...


Here we go...And I'm in...

Welcome to where we guaranty a perfect match for everyone

Yeah I bet you do...

Alright, let's see what we have here...Search profile...Add your interest...Select notifications...done...Now let's see what matches I find...Wow, 3 people matches my interests...Not bad...

Match 1 - ecoboy21 - I love to play sports, read and spend quiet time with my family. I'm 30 years old...

Too old...Next...

Match 2 - magicmike69 - I love to dance and listen to music. I'm 19 years old. My ideal date is going to clubs and dance...

Can you say stripper? Next...

Match 3 - Sunshine4U - Hi, I'm not going to the things I like, because honestly I don't really know. But I can tell you what I'm looking for. I'm 22 years old. looking for my soul mate. I'm looking for a partner to share my life with. I have lots going on in my life that doesn't give me much time to go out and find that special person for me. I though I found that special person, but turns out he's not gay, so I decided to try and move on. If your looking to find friendship, message me. I'll be happy to chat with you.

Ding ding ding...We have got a winner...Sunshine4U...

Write message in text box:

Hey Sunshine4U, I'm trueblue18. I saw your profile and decided to message you. Hope that's alright. I'm 18 years old. I'm new here and this is the first time I do this. So I'm not sure what to do or even expect a response. I'm looking for friendship, nothing more for now. I'm not yet out of the closet. I'm still trying to deal with a few things before I tell my best friend and parents. I'm not sure where to start, but maybe having a friend who know what I'm going through might help...Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks.



Well that wasn't so bad...Now let's hope he answers me back...

I start to clean up my room...I don't have much of a choice because it's a mess and I can't find


Let's see what we got here...Text from Sonny...









Great, it's been a while since I last saw Sonny, I kinda miss him...weird right? He's been acting strangely around me these last few weeks...No idea what's that about...Well, time for a shower...Better get ready...

(Sonny's POV)

Blue jeans and purple shirt or black jeans and blue shirt...Oh God, why does this have to be so damn hard? It's not like it's a date or anything...Argh...

Guess I'll take a break from playing super model and check my emails...

User name:




Oh let's see what we got here...

- 50% off Ebay sales...


- Telus mobility, your ebill is ready...

- Great...bills...

- Hello sunshine4U, you have a new message on perfect match. Login to view your messages.

Interesting...I still have some time before I meet up with Will...Guess I have time to ready my message...

Welcome to please enter your login information.

User name:




Welcome back sunshine4U, click here to read your new message.


Hey Sunshine4U, I'm trueblue18. I saw your profile and decided to message you. Hope that's alright. I'm 18 years old. I'm new here and this is the first time I do this. So I'm not sure what to do or even expect a response. I'm looking for friendship, nothing more for now. I'm not yet out of the closet. I'm still trying to deal with a few things before I tell my best friend and parents. I'm not sure where to start, but maybe having a friend who know what I'm going through might help...Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks.

Wow...Seems like a nice guy...


Hey trueblue18, this is sunshine4U, I got your message and I would love to chat some more. I see you're having issues coming out, let me tell you it's not an easy thing to do. I've been there, but my best advise is to take it one step at a time. I told my best friend first, because he was there for me since I started going through the process. When I told him, he was in shock at first, but he came around after a few days. All I can say is that once you do, you will feel free. For me it opened up new door, sorta like a new perspective on life. I'm here if you have any questions. Anytime. But tonight, I'm meeting a friend, My famous straight friend, the guy I was taking about in my profile. Damn, that guys is so hot. His eyes, Oh I wont get started because I'll be here all night. I'll be online later tonight if you want to chat more. Take care...




Well, better get ready...I have a hot d...Never mind...Not a date...Just two friends meeting for a movie...God I wish he was gay...It that wrong? O.k. Kiriakis, get your head out of the clouds...1 hour to go...What to wear?

Blue jeans and purple shirt it is...Damn I look hot in purple...

(Will's POV)

Only 7:30, guess I have some more time on my hands...I walk up and sit at my desk and see I got a new message...Yes! It's from sunshine4U...Let's see what he has to say...

Hey trueblue18, this is sunshine4U, I got your message and I would love to chat some more. I see you're having issues coming out, let me tell you it's not an easy thing to do. I've been there, but my best advise is to take it one step at a time. I told my best friend first, because he was there for me since I started going through the process. When I told him, he was in shock at first, but he came around after a few days. All I can say is that once you do, you will feel free. For me it opened up new door, sorta like a new perspective on life. I'm here if you have any questions. Anytime. But tonight, I'm meeting a friend, My famous straight friend, the guy I was talking about in my profile. Damn, that guys is so hot. His eyes, Oh I wont get started because I'll be here all night. I'll be online later if you want to chat more. Take care...

Well, he sounds nice...Guess I'll talk to him later then...

Well better go, time to met Sonny for our...What should I call it? Hmm...Movie night? Why do I always feel nervous around him? He is my friend, and yes he's gay, but that doesn't matter right? Snap out of it...This is just two friends going out at a pressure...Deep breath Horton...

With that I grabbed my keys cell phone and left for the theater...
