Hello my fellow readers I just wanted to say that I appreciate the reviews you have been giving me. It has made me very happy to hear how much you guys like this story. I promise a bit of what's wrong with Maka will be told in this chapter. Well don't let me keep you guys from waiting any longer, Here is chapter 4, Please enjoy :)

~Chapter 4~


Taking out the glass disk, I took another one out and went over to where I put the vial that had Maka's blood. At first I hesitated, but I grabbed the vial and walked back over to the microscope and placed a small drop of blood onto the disk and slid the disk under microscope. Adjusting the focus on it, my eyes widened at what I saw. Just like the blood on the cotton ball, I can tell that the purple crystal substance, was also mingling into her blood stream as well and her body is not rejecting it.

"What could this possibly?" I asked myself "Why is her blood changing?"

"Stein?' A voice asked categories

I turned around and saw Marie standing behind me.

"Are you alright? You look troubled?" She asked caringly.

"Come look at this," I told her and pushed the microscope toward her.

Curious, she did as I said and her eyes looked even more curious

"What is that?" She asked,

"I have no idea," I replied truthfully.

"Who's blood is this?" She asked again, still looking into the microscope

"It's scythe miester Maka's," I replied "She got hurt during a mission Lord Death assigned her too. She was successful with her mission though, from what her partner told me."

Marie started to look worried "Is she going to be alright?" She asked looking up at me, from the microscope.

"We will have to wait and see once she wakes up, but for now I will continue to study and see what this purple substance is that is now slowly running through her blood stream. This could be something that needs looking into, once I find out what I know. I will let Lord Death know about it as soon as possible." I stated, lighting a cigarette "I feel as if this will change Maka in more ways than one. Whether it's good or bad we will never know, but for now all we can do is watch and learn."

"I understand. Do you need any help?" Marie asked.

I shook my head "I want to learn what this on my own, I will go to the library and see if there is anything on this. Once Maka is awake, I want you to keep a close eye on her. If something about her changes let me know immediately, it could mean something important and might give some clues onto what this is."

"Very well, I will do as you say." Marie replied "I will go and see if Maka is awake now."

I nodded and watched her walk out of the lab; I let out a puff smoke and turned my attention back to the blood vial that was on my desk.

'What could this possibly mean for Maka?' I thought

(In the Death Room)

Normal Pov

The two miesters and the four weapons walked into the middle of the death room and were instantly greeted by Lord Death. His weapon Death Scythe, or Spirit was standing off to the side not too far away from him.

"Hey there, hi! How's it going? What's up?" He greeted in his usually goofy tone.

"Father, Soul has something he wants to inform you on," Kid said seriously.

"Oh what could that be?" Lord Death asked curiously

"It's about the mission you sent Maka and I on, sir" Soul started to say, but was cut off by Spirit.

"Speaking of Maka, where is my darling daughter," he squealed, with sparkles around his head "OH I just want to snuggle her to death, where is my darling girl at. You better have not done anything to her octopus head or I'm going to…"

"Reaper Chop!" Lord Death exclaimed slamming his lard cartoon head onto Death Scythe's skull, making the kids sweat drop. "You are seriously annoying," Lord Death said irritated, with a tick mark on his head, turning his attention back to the kids "Now you were saying, Soul."

Soul cleared his throat "The mission you assigned Maka and I on was a success sir," he replied "We were able to defeat the pre-kishin Thanatos Black and stop him from becoming a kishin."

"Thanatos Black?" Kid asked shocked "Father you asked them to go on a mission that is something that I mostly do? Why?"

"Well at the time Kids you were on a mission already and since Maka is one of my best students I assigned it to her," His father replied "Speaking of Maka, why isn't she here reporting the mission herself?"

"She got hurt quite badly Lord Death," Soul said "She is the infirmary right now as we speak. During the mission, the pre-kishin hit her with some type of beam from behind and hurt her; she tried to say she was alright but blacked out."

Lord Death started thinking deeply "What color was the beam Soul?" he asked seriously.

"Purple and black," Soul replied.

Lord Death nodded "Very well then," He said in goofy tone, even though it was fake "Why don't you go and check on Maka now. You are dismissed."

The group nodded and with a bow each of them left the room to go and see how the dear friend was doing. Lord Death watched them walk out of the room, waving cheerfully

"You know something don't you?" Spirit said seriously, finally recovering from the chop he received.

"I see you finally recovered," Lord Death said turning to his weapon.

"Don't change the subject. You know perfectly well what is going on with my daughter," Spirit said seriously "Don't you?"

"I can say for certain yet," He replied "But for now we will keep an eye on her. But if the beam that Soul said was true than I am afraid your little girl will not be the same person ever again."

"What do you mean?" Spirit asked.

"I can't tell you right now, let's just leave it at that," Lord Death said "But I promise in time I will explain. Let Professor Stein, Sid and Marie know to keep an ever watchful on eye on Maka, if she is going to go through what I think she will. The process of what she will become will be very hard and painful."

"Painful?" Spirit said sadly

"Yes very painful, but the pain will go away and she will be far stronger than you will have ever seen," lord Death reassured.

Spirit sobered "If you say so," he said not too convinced.

'What is going to happen to my little girl?' Spirit thought.

(With the group and heading to the infirmary)

Still Normal Pov

"Hey Kid it seems he knows something that know of us don't," Soul stated bluntly.

"Yes it appears so to me as well. Whatever it my father is hiding, I have a feeling we will know soon enough" Kid replied with his hands in his pockets "I would try and ask him what that thing might possibly, but I know he will just dodge the question, so for now I think we will just wait and see what will happen."

Soul nodded, and then knocked the nurse's door only to be greeted by Marie.

"Soul, Kid, Tsubaki, Liz, Patty, Blackstar," She greeted "How are you guys doing? Are you here to see how Maka is doing?"

"Hello, Hey, Hi! I am the great BlackStar" The group said individually

Kid and Soul just nodded in greeting.

"Well if you are here to see Maka, then I have some good news for you," Nygus said coming up from behind Marie "She regained consciousness not too long ago, but do to the pain to the burn on her back, we gave her some medication and she fell back asleep. She is completely healthy and her vitals are perfectly fine, I have a feeling she will be making a full recovery in no time."

The group sighed in relief at hearing that

"Is it alright if we see her?" Tsubaki asked gently

"Of course you can, but just keep your voices down because she is still trying to rest," Nygus said with a gentle tone.

The group said their thanks and went inside to see there injured friend. Soul immediately went to her side, while Tsubaki di the same but on the other side by the foot of her bed. The sisters walked up to where Soul was and Black star leaned against the wall. Kid saw the medicine cabinets and nearly had a fit and started to organize so it would be symmetrical.

"Are you glad to hear Maka is alright, Soul?" Tsubaki asked

Soul didn't say anything, but nodded.

"I told you that Maka was tougher than she looks," BlackStar said, then looked at Maka warmly "She has always been that way, even when her parents got divorced. No matter what she stayed strong."

The group turned to Black Star "How long have you known Maka, BlackStar?" Liz asked.

"Since we were little kids," He said "We might not seem like we are close, but we actually are. She was the first friend I ever made and her mother treated me like her own kid."

"So you have actually met the famous Kami Albarn?" Kid said "The second best miester to ever graduate from the DWMA and is the one miester that has defeat more witches and pre-kishins than anyone can count."

BlackStar nodded "Yup," he replied.

"What is she like?" Liz asked "I've heard so much about her from everyone here, but have never seen her at all. All I know of her is the stories Maka, Stein, Sid Lord Death and Maka's father have said."

"She is exactly how ever describes her," BlackStar stated "She is strong, brave and determined, but most of all Maka looks just like her. If you put Maka and her mother together, you would think Maka was her clone."

"Except Maka has tiny tits," Soul said then he started to laugh.

"Maka Chop!" a book slammed into Soul's skull

Everyone sweat dropped then looked to see a very awake and angry looking Maka.

"Maka!" The group said cheerfully

And that is the end of this chapter. I am leaving this as a cliffhanger for now, but I hope some of the suspense was simmered down a bit. Maka is awake also too. I hope none of the Characters are too OCC, I know BlackStar was a little but sometimes in the anime he does say some things that are smart and serious like in this chapter. Anyways please review and l leave suggestions you may have, leave any questions you may have as well. I promise I would get to them on the double. I hope you guys have a wonderful day, ta, ta for now