A/N: Okay, so it's late, I'm bored and have a play that I'm the main character in tomorrow. Sleep? #lolnope I decided I would write you lovelies this quick story. Just know that if anything sounds crazy/stupid/weird, it's just cuz I'm awake late. So yeah, enjoy!
"Dude, what are you doing?" Austin asks, watching Dez attempting to fit a large amount of crackers into his mouth.
"Mhhmmmnmhmnhhmm." Dez responds, mouth full, crumbs spilling everywhere.
"I have absolutely no clue what the heck you just said, but I don't think I really want to know." Austin states. Dez quickly gives up and spits the crackers out onto the nearby table. "Gross."
"I was trying to see how many crackers I coukd fit in my mouth at once." Dez explains.
"Aw, trying to impress me?" Austin asks, jokingly.
"Oh, totally. Because a mouthful of crackers is totally sexy." Dez says, brushing crumbs off of his face. Austin's expression changes very slightly, not to go unnoticed by Dez though. "Um, Austin? What's up? You look... different?" Austin takes a step closer to Dez, eyes locked on his lips. Dez manages to create a short amount of eye contact with the other boy before taking a steo closer as well. Dez gasps as he realizes how close they are now. Before he can say or do anything Austin closes the gap and presses their lips together lightly. Dez freezes for a second before gently kissing back. After a couple seconds Austin pulls back.
"Well that was... random..." Dez states.
"Look, I'm sorry, Dez... That was just... I should go now." Austin mutters before turning to leave the room.
"Wait," Dez stops him, grabbing his wrist. Austin reluctantly turns around to face him again. "You don't need to leave or apologize. I liked it. And, although I've been afraid to admit it, I like you." Austin looks up at Dez.
"Really?" he asks.
"Really. For a while actually." Dez confirms.
"Wow... Well, I like you too." Austin states.
"Boyfriends?" Austin asks quietly.
"Boyfriends." Dez agrees.
A/N: So yeah, sorry if that was really stupid. But, I still want your opinions! So please review! Also, it was only supposed to be a quick short story but if you guys want more, I'll write more, I guess. So yeah, review! :3