Title: Life's Gifts
Chapter: 12 – Unpredictable Birth
Series: Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Rating: Teen (swearing and older themes. Mild sexuality intended)
Pairing: Fai/Kurogane
Genre(s): Mpreg, Drama, Romance
Status: In-progress
Comments/Warnings:Boy x boy content. Don't like, don't read! Male pregnancy.
Summary: Fai's hiding something that could throw the samurai's life upside down. Too scared to tell him, the wizard must face the consequences to his actions. Will their relationship remain the same after this?
Disclaimers: I do not own Tsubasa or its characters. They rightfully belong to their owners, CLAMP

Fai let out a loud grunt and as he cried out, in pain. This wasn't at all what he had in mind when he initially thought what it was like to give birth to a baby. I guess it IS as bad as they make it sound. There wasn't even words to describe how much he was suffering . It was worse than the pain he experienced when he thought of his childhood. Fai's forhead was covered in fat dropplets of sweat, which rolled off of his porcelaine like cheeks. The man simply panted quickly like a dog while digging his fingernails into the futon that had been laid out for him. His fingertips had started to hurt as the nails were cracking and bleeding but the mage hadn't even notcied.

"Just a little longer, you're almost at the point where I can chant the spell!" said Keisuke, encouraging the blond wizard to keep up the hard work, "You're doing really good."

"Take the fucking thing out of me already!" Fai yelled out as he prompt himself up on his elbows and tried to smack Keisuke.

"I can't, I can't! Not until you're closer. You're magic is too unstabble and you'll end up killing the baby!" replied Keisuke, starting to panick as he knew he didn't stand a chance against the blonde's magical abilites.

A metallic taste started making itself apparent in the taller man's mouth. Fai was biting his lips so hard that he had thorn them to bits. Blood was oozing out of them and trickled down in his own mouth. The fowl taste permitted the man to keep himself slightly distracted for a while before the pain was even greater than it had been five minutes earlier.

Keisuke started to chant a couple of spells and Fai's lower region could no longer be felt. The blond was now completely numb waist down. Fai started to become even more agitated as he couldn't stand being restricted. The chubby man, not sure how to deal with the overly agressive man simply injected the more powerful wizard with a shot of anesthetic. The blue eye'd man's vision blurred as his world was spinning and his surroundings became entirely black. Just before blacking out, he felt a surge of magical energy leaving his body and knocking him out flat.

- Kurogane's P.O.V -

The ninja couldn't see or move a limb. Everything surrounding him was pitch black. Am I dead? I can't be... can I? Kurogane doesn't die so easily... The taller man tried to run but he couldn't budge, almost as if he were restricted. Wait... what happened exactly?

Trying to remember the last few minutes that had just passed seemed like an impossible task. His head pounded as he tried to remember. Concentrate Kurogane, one thing at at time. I ran towards Yamamoto to protect his ass but then, that Oni's claw came hurtling towards my direction. Then what?

A wave of nausea hit the man and a piercing beam of light had shown up out of nowhere. As the man blinked a couple of times, his vision cleared up and he realized he was wretching in the soft blades of grass, intact and alive. He was surrounded by a pack of sweaty warriors and leafy trees. What the fuck?

His crewmates all breathed a sigh of relief when the older man had shown signs of life. Embarassed, Kurogane attempted to get up and quickly fell back down as he rushed his body into getting up. Then it all hit, and hard. After I tried to move my hand, it wouldn't budge. But almost as if there was a miracle, a wave of bright purple light hit me hard and knocked my out. I have a gut feeling it's some sort of déja-vu.

"What happened to that Oni King?" Kurogane asked, still in a daze.

A younger fellow crewmate answered, "You remember that light? Well it just hit him and the monster just evaporated. No one knows what that was but it didn't affect us one bit apart from the fact that it blinded us for a couple of seconds. But you, you were just completely knocked out by it, probably since you were so close to the monster when he vanished in thin air."

Still not certain about what happened, Kurogane attempted to get up once more. Successfully managing it this time, he brushed off the dust and leaves that had clung to his clothing. He breathed a sigh of relief as he had gotten out alive. He looked around to make sure that everyone had come out in one piece. In the far distance, he noticed that Yamamoto was sitting by himself against the stump of a large maple tree, sulking.

"He's dead right? We can go home?" The ninja found himself asking his crew mates as if he was looking for a confirmation to what he already knew.

They all nodded and smiled, knowing that they could finally see their families again soon. Hold on tight Fai, I'll be there for you. Suddenly a deep knot formed in the bottom of his stomach as he remembered the price he payed to keep Fai's magic under control. I'm not allowed to assist Fai and help him when he's in such else could happen by the time I get home? By my calculations, Fai should be giving birth in about 2 weeks. Will another tragedy befall us?

For once in his life, the ninja realised that he was in fact afraid. Terrified that he wouldn't be able to be be of help when he was the most needed. But that was the price he had payed: he couldn't be present at all during the birth. So what could possibly happen before then?

He needed to get home, and fast.

- Fai's P.O.V -

The wizard started to feel warmth on his body once again. Slowly, he could regain the sensation in his fingers, his toes. He was jolted back to reality when he heard a piercing cry that would not stop. His eyelids fluttered open, making the dim light of the room burn his eyes. After a few seconds, he managed to keep them open and saw that the chubby man in front of him was holding a fluffy blanket in which the sound seemed to be coming from.

"Fai? Fai!" Keisuke said, holding on to the mage's arm while shaking him.

Tears stated rolling down his cheeks as what had just happened started to sink in. He opened his arms, wanting to see the baby he had just given birth too. Immediatly understanding what the man wanted, the porky wizard handed the bundle back to its respective father.

"You're the daddy of a baby boy!" Keisuke exclaimed, excited that everything had worked out fine.

The blond man burried his face in the blankets, covering the little body in his dad's mop of hair. He lifted his head slowly up to examine his tiny boy. The baby had stopped crying as soon as Fai had started holding him. The boy was looking into his father's eyes with light blue orbs while sucking on his thumb. I guess he'll be able to do magic just like his daddy... Not sure if that's a good thing or not. The wizard stroked his son's little tuff of jet-black hair with his finger.

I love you, Ryuutarou.

- Kurogane's P.O.V -

It was early in the morning. The sun had just started to peak across the horizon and the sky was starting to light up with bright shades of pink and orange. Kurogane had already reported to Tomoyo about what had happened on their mission and was now headed towards his home. When he had gone to go see her in the morning, she seemed to be quite groggy, as if she had consumed too much alcohol the day before. But that's impossible, 'cause she must have been with Fai all evening before returning to the palace.

Finally arriving to his home, the ninja noticed that no lights in the house were lit. Guess Fai's still sleeping. Odd, he's usually up at like, 5 a.m. He opened the door, which creaked loudly despite how he tried to be quiet in order to not wake his lover. He took off his equipment, deciding that it'd be good to take a hot shower after going to say good morning to Fai. The ninja quietly made his way to their bedroom and pried the door open. His heart sunk into his chest when he realised that there was no Fai in their neatly made bed. Shit! Shit! Shit! Where the heck is he? The dog's not even here! The fuck! I'll kill you Fai for making me worry like this!

Panicked, the black haired man forgot all about how sweaty and smelly he was. He didn't want something to happen to Fai, especially not when he could help it. He hurriedly put his on his shoes and coat and made his way back to the snow coated village. Think Kuro, think! Where can he be? The ninja tried multiple locations such as the market and parks nearby, which were both empty. It was still early in the morning and there was no sight of any human soul awake at the time. He decided to try his luck at Keisuke's, which might at least give him an idea where the man might be.

As he approached the small hut, a familiar barking was heard. Kurogane's heart accelerated when he knocked hurridly on the door. I'm sure that's Momo's bark. It has to be. Please be here Fai! Noises were heard coming from the back of the hut and the light tapping of footsteps were coming closer to him. The door was opened by a tired wizard who had clearly not slept all night. He had his finger perpendicularly placed on his lips to show that Kurogane had to stay silent all while hushing him. In addition to all the excitement, he was greated by a happy Momo, who was happy his dad had returned home. The ninja pet the ball of fur and entered the warm hut without wasting another second.

As he was taking off his shoes, he noticed the figure of the blond man sprawled out on a futon by the fire. He held beside him a pile of blankets and was snoring very loudly. The warrior's heart started racing as he was now piecing up the puzzle of events in his head. Tears rolled off of his cheeks and he wiped them just as quickly as they appeared. The black haired man walked to his lover and croutched down beside him. He placed his lips on those of the sleeping wizard and kissed his passionately. Blue eyes had fluttered open and he was now being greated by Fai. Not letting go of the wizard's body, Kurogane held the body close to him. The wizard sat up as he was still sleepy and unsure of how his lover would react to the whole situation.

The extra presence of Kurogane had also managed to wake up the sleeping babe who was also starting to get hungry. He made small gurgling noises to express his hunger. Kurogane looked up and grinned sheepishly. He reached out to grab the bundle of blankets and examined his son for a few minutes before giving Fai another passinate kiss. As he held Ryuutarou in one hand, he moved the long blond streaks out of Fai's face with the other. He cupped the mage's face and pressed his forhead against his.

The small family was finally all reunited.

Thanks for reading guys! It's not done yet, I still have a couple more chapters to go!

Writing this one was definetly the hardest though, as it was what I had been waiting for since the start of this fanfiction. I absolutely wanted this chapter to be as perfect as it was in my head. That's why I should spend a litte more time planning before writing. But, I'm glad with how it worked out.

Sorry it took me an eternity once again to update... I have an insane amount of homework. Plus, it just looks like it'll get worse. Expect the new chapter next weekend? If I have 7 reviews, I'll try to cram it in this week instead.

Thank you so much for following me since the start! I also plan on rewriting the fist few chapters as they were written a coupld of years ago. I realise how badly written they are!

Love you guys 3