An Interesting Night


He couldn't belive what was happening. He was dancing between Ino and Sakura. His mind fuzzy from the alcohol consumed.

Sakura danced in front of him, her ass rubbed on his thigh. And if that wasn't enough, he felt Ino's breast rub on his back as she danced behind him.

'This is insane.' He laughed to himself. 'I wonder how far I can take this.'

He turned to Ino and grabbed the small of her back roughly. She smiled and licked her lips slightly.

He leaned in a little, then paused. He felt nervous for the first time that night.

Ino sigh, almost irritated. She closed the gap and pressed her lips to his.

The kiss was light and quick, like she was trying to taunt him.

Sakura had turned and saw the exchange. Her brow furrowed and she pouted a bit, clearly a little jealous.

She grabbed his face and kissed him as if it was a competition, then pulled away.

Kankuro's eyes widened. 'Wow.' He thought as he looked at both of the girls in front of him.

He saw Ino's face light up like, a light bulb went off in her head. She grinned mischievously and took Sakura's hand. She faced Sakura and leaned in.

Their lips met, in an intense kiss. He saw Ino's tongue escape into Sakura's mouth. Sakuro looked surprised at first, but she didn't fight it.

Ino pulled away and looked at Kankuro. She grabbed his hand also and slightly pulled him closer. "Now all of us." She said excited.

She turned back to Sakura and leaned in.

He hesitated. 'Does she mean what I think?' He wondered.

"Come on." She said impatient.

He gulped and leaned in close to them. He pushed his nerves aside and connected to both of them at once.

Their tongues wrestled with each other for a few second. His hands gripped their backs tightly. Then he heard Sakura moan quietly. He had to break it quick before he could get too aroused.

He pulled back and looked at them. They both giggled and smiled at him. He felt his face get hot as he blushed.

Ino started whispering to Sakura. After a few second, they both nodded.

"Hey," Ino turned to him. "So do you think you could show us your different face paints now?"

"Hah, only if your willing to get messy." his words were more confident than he felt.

"I think we can handle it." Sakura replied.

"Alright then, I'll go let Gaara know that I'm leaving." He said as he turned to return to the table were Gaara, Temari, and Shikamaru sat.

The girls lached onto either side of him as they walked over.

As they headed to the table he noticed that Temari and Shikamaru were staring at him.

"Gaara, I'm heading back to the hotel now. Are you going to be okay here?" He asked, ignoring the stares.

"Yes," Gaara replied. "I think I'll be fine here. Go enjoy yourself."

"Uh, thanks I will." Kankuro laughed a little.

Temari threw something at him. He snatched it out of the air and looked at it, it was a condom.

"We don't want any weird puppet babies running around." She said, trying to give him a hard time.

He heard Shikamaru laugh.

"Your just jealous that I'm gonna get more than you tonight." He snarled at her.

"Who says she's not going to get anything tonight." Shikamaru said, lifting his eyebrow questioningly.

"Pshh, ya right. That would be to 'troublesome' for you." Kankuro mocked. "Anyways I'm leaving now, don't bother us."

The three of them continued to exit the dojo.


She was getting tired of mingling, all the conversations were the same. She had already drank more than she should have, but she had to keep her mind occupied. She was starting to get upset that he was still not there, then she saw the door open.

It was Neji.

'Finally!' She was suddenly filled with happiness. He was three hours late, but at least he was there.

He walked about ten feet in when girls swarmed him.

Now, she was irritated. She stormed over to the crowd of girls and pushed her way through.

She grabbed his arm and yelled over the music "Neji, let's talk outside for a minute." She pulled him away from the girls and dragged him outside.

"Tenten, what are you doing?" He asked confused. "Did something happen?"

She didn't answer him, she just kept walking until they reached the back of the dojo. She didn't realize how drunk she was until now.

'What am I doing.' She thought to herself. 'This is crazy... No, I have to do this now or I never will.'

They were now at the back of the dojo. She let go of his arm.

"Tenten, what's going on? Are you angry?" He asked.

"Shut up!" She yelled. Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm herself down. She didn't know how to handle being nervous. "I'm not angry... Actually I'm really, happy."

She made eye contact with him. He was still clearly confused, it was an expression she didn't see from him very often. She started to feel embarrassed.

She pushed him against the building hard.

"I don't..." Neji started to speak.

"Didn't I say shut up." She cut him off.

She leaned in quickly, she even startled herself. She moved to fast without thinking. Instead to their lips coming together, their teeth did.

The impact sent pain through her whole body.

"Damn it!" She pulled away and held her mouth, feeling defeated. "It wasn't supposed to go like this!"

Neji had barely flinched. "Tenten move your hands." He ordered her.

Completely embarrassed, she listened to him.

He examined her mouth. "Well, your not bleeding, that's good. Are you okay?"

"Ya, I'm fine." She lied. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to head-butt your face, haha." All she could do was try and laugh to save herself from humiliation.

He didn't say anything, instead he put his fingers underneath her chin and an his thumb across her bottom lip.

"I said I'm fine, you don't have to keep looking at my lip." She said trying to pull away.

"Shut up." He said, imitating her from earlier.

He started to lean down toward her, and she froze. 'He's going to... kiss me.'

Their lips were about to meet when,


They heard the doors to the front of the dojo crash closed. Then there was some loud laughter and giggling.

Tenten pulled away from Neji so fast she almost fell, but he caught her in time. She was so light-headed, she could barely stand. He put his arm around her waist to hold her up.

They both peeked around the corner to see Kankuro with his arms around Ino and Sakura. They stumbled out onto the path that lead to the village.

"Hmph, fools. Walking through the village being that loud will wake up civilians." Neji said while watching them walk off.

"So what!" She yelled, irritated that they were interrupted. "I'm focused on you right now."

This time she gently pushed him against the wall. Her hand were balled into fists on his chest. She took a few deep breaths while looking at the ground.

He grabbed her hands and removed them from his chest. She looked up to see him smiling slightly.

He held both of her hand in his, and leaned down to kiss her.