The sky was dark; only the sharp edges of buildings could be seen. City lights dapped the shadows. The typical noises of vehicles and humanity were bursting throughout different areas high and low. Yep, this wasn't Amity Park, but it somehow felt just the same.

However, if someone dared to look over at a particular top of a building, they probably would've been shocked to see floating boxes everywhere. Not that things like monsters and robots were unusual, but once again, this isn't Amity Park. Where the boxes were floating, two figures, or in better description a ghost and a half-ghost, were facing off.

"I am the Box Ghost! I have found these specially-marked cereal boxes, and now I will use their power to make you tremble!" The ghost exclaimed loudly.

Danny Phantom, with narrowed eyes, groaned. "I guess if there's one nice thing about losing the Fenton Thermos, it's that I'm only dealing with you." As boxes came flying towards him, he shot ghost rays to destroy them, causing cereal to be scattered everywhere. He grinned. "Well, it doesn't look like I got a prize. I guess you'll have to do!"

If Danny hadn't been so focused on his frosted-flaky fight, he might have noticed someone hidden in shadows. The witness kept quiet, but stayed tense, waiting until the time was ready.

Flying at a great speed towards the Box Ghost, Danny punched him, knocking the startled ghost to the building ledge. Danny walked over to him and held the Box Ghost up by his shirt. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be back either in the Ghost Zone or Amity Park, failing like always?" Danny questioned firmly with confusion.

He let go of the Box Ghost as he floated. "You have no idea what terrible fate waits for you here!" He wailed. "The other ghosts and I have discovered a deep plot thickening under our noses, and you have helped it occur!"

"Me? How?" Danny raised an eyebrow. He had only been in this town for a few days, and he couldn't see how anything he'd done would have started something bad. Vlad, perhaps? The thought scared him. Ever since Vlad had been left in space, the fear of his return had never fully left Danny's mind. But a lot had happened since those fateful times. He doubted he could've caused Vlad to return… but if that wasn't the case, then what was it?

But the Box Ghost, noticing something behind Danny, hollered, "Beware!" and flew away.

Wearily, Danny sighed. "At least he's gone for now. I'm sure that there's not any major trouble that I need to worry about."

"Guess again," a new voice hissed. Surprised, Danny whirled around to see a black figure emerging from the shadows. The person seemed to be wearing some kind of suit with red lines, and a long red scarf waved behind him. Deep, intense blue eyes, the only body part not covered, connected with Danny's glowing green eyes.

Danny was speechless. What was going on here? How long had that mysterious person been watching him? And by the cold look in his eyes, was he preparing to attack? After recomposing himself, Danny, feeling like the interviewer of the night, asked, "Wait, who are you?"

The person's eyes turned into narrow slits. "I am the Ninja. But now I have a question for you. Where is it?"

Danny raised an eyebrow. "Where is what?"

The Ninja crossed his arms. "I think we know the answer of that…"

"Seriously, I have no idea what you're talking about. Unless you're talking about my fist, then yes, I know exactly where it is. Wanna see it?"

"Are you trying to mess with me? If you're not going to tell me," The Ninja grunted, "Then I'll have to force it out." From his back, he pulled out a sword, and yelled "Ninja sword attack!" while running in Danny's direction. Danny, still shocked by the event playing out in front of him, watched in horror…


"I can't believe we got sent to another school temporarily because ours was too badly destroyed by the Fright Knight!" Tucker moaned in frustration. "How often has Casper High been damaged, yet we still are able to go there?"

Danny Fenton, the halfa at his boy form, was riding the bus with his friends towards the direction of their school. He had never considered the possibility of becoming an exchange student, but after his unexpected fight against the Fright Knight, he knew there was no choice. The school literally was a pile of rubble, but thankfully, no one had been hurt. Since adults would never let any high-schooler, especially freshmen like Danny who suffered at the hands of the popular kids, fully escape the confinements of school too long, an immediate exchange student plan was arranged with Amity Park and another town. Now, not only did Danny still have to suffer the wrath of Dash, but he also has to deal with a whole new set of students who may be just as harsh.

Sam's reply brought Danny's wandering mind back to real life. "You saw how horrible the outcome was. Thanks to Danny, the outcome was a lot less terrible. Besides, I think the whole idea of experiencing another school will be fun. Maybe I'll find some more outspoken friends to add to my best friend and boyfriend."

Danny couldn't help but grin. The "incident" had ended with everyone's memories about his secret identity, and all the other events during the meteorite heading towards earth, wiped away, except for his friends and his sister Jazz. But one thing that neither he nor Sam could ever forget was when they started to date. He knew that their relationship wouldn't always be so easygoing as it was now, but until then, he was enjoying every moment.

"True," Tucker explained. "Until Dash learns how to get around, it shouldn't be too hard to hide ourselves among our fellow students. And I can also finish downloading some upgrades to my PDA because there isn't any ghosts here to take up my time."

Or at Amity Park either, at the moment, Danny thought with some relief. His parents had finished fixing the Ghost Portal, which Danny had accidentally destroyed a while ago to get rid of his powers. But knowing his parents, they would do fine in keeping Amity Park protected. He had also destroyed the missing Vlad's Ghost Portal so that if any ghosts would appear, it would be where he could find them easier. Thankfully, that meant no unstoppable supernatural activity would happen without him there.

"Do you think they'll listen to me changing the lunch menu?" Sam grinned slyly at Tucker.

"Oh, no you don't! I'll make sure that you won't separate me from my meat again!" Tucker exclaimed in horror and rage. "If I were still mayor, in fact, I'd absolutely make sure that- Hey! I see the school!"

The three friends froze and stared at the nice-looking school in front of them. With white walls, clear windows, and fresh, green grass, this place looked way better than Casper High did. Many students, all unfamiliar ones, were scattered throughout the school entrance. Above the entrance, a banner hung with the words "Welcome to Norrisville High!"

This isn't Amity Park, Danny thought nervously.