Hey guys! I'm really happy to see if some of you return to this sequel I really love this story and Erin is like a daughter at this point, I hope you all enjoy! I own nothing but Erin, starting two weeks after Times of Change and before Breaking Dawn.
This one's for the lonely,
The ones that seek and find
Only to be let down time after time.
This one's for the torn down,
The experts at the fall
The world can be so peaceful.
It rarely happens, but sometimes, it's like everything goes quiet and all you can hear is your own heartbeat and all you can see is the inside of your eyelids. Nothing can touch you, or hurt you, or bruise or break. The monsters under your bed are a safe distance away and they can't get you here, in this quiet, peaceful world you're floating in. Any troubles tormenting you or regrets choking you are not permitted into this world either. It's just you, floating in nothingness.
Then your darling Uncle screams at you to wake up from the other side of your bedroom door and you're just like, 'Fuck my life.'
That was my morning.
"Erin Avery Black, if you don't get up-" Billy yelled from behind my wood door for a second time. I cut him off as I sat up.
"I'm up, god! It's summer, I get to sleep in, you know!" I replied, rubbing my eyes.
"And I'd let you any other day, but Rachel gets here in an hour and you need to be awake for her." Billy responded.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, old man!" I teased, getting out from under my covers and walking to my closet. "Oh and I'm going to invite Seth!" I called, just as I heard Billy's wheelchair rolling away.
"Of course you are!" I heard before the rolling got too far away. I laughed and looked through my wardrobe.
I pulled on a pair of black jeans and a black long sleeve t-shirt with a purple, elbow length, flannel unbuttoned over it. I gently pulled my necklace out from under my shirt, rolling the little bronze wolf between my fingers and reading the 'Always'.
I smiled and ran to my window, opening it and sticking my head out. "Seth! Go change and come back, see you in twenty minutes, love ya!" I called before ducking back in and shutting the pane.
You see, about a week ago, Billy figured out that my boyfriend had been spending his nights in my room… in my bed… with me. This occurred when a two-in-the-morning-make-out-session was going down and Seth tried to flip us over on the bed, but there wasn't enough bed and we ended up crashing to the floor, waking my dear old Uncle up.
So now, Seth sleeps in the woods by my house in wolf form, for my comfort and protection and to ease his mind.
Running a brush through my curly brown hair, I left my room, freezing for a second outside my door. Across the hallway was a black door, shut tightly and untouched for two straight weeks.
Emotions I'd been avoiding hit me as they did every time I left my room these days, but as always I shoved them away and walked past Jacob's bedroom door without looking back.
Billy was in the kitchen, making himself a bowl of cereal. "Morning."
I smiled at him, "Morning, Uncle Billy."
"Seth on his way home?" Billy asked, fully aware of the new arrangement.
I glared at him, playfully and got out two glasses and the orange juice, "Yes, I'd assume so."
Billy laughed as I poured out the orange juice, half filling one glass and almost overflowing the other. I put the carton and fuller cup back into the fridge and sipped the half full glass, before opening the freezer. I grabbed two boxes of Toaster Strudel, popping the first open. I took two of the treats out and put them in the toaster, sliding the slots down.
Billy watched me and smirked, shaking his head. I raised an eyebrow, "What?"
My uncle sighed and looked back up at me with a roll of his eyes, "I just find it amusing that making Seth breakfast is now a part of your morning routine."
I looked at the Toaster Strudel than back at Billy, sticking my tongue out, oh so maturely. He just laughed at me.
Ten minutes later, the newly replaced front door swung open and my boyfriend came dashing in, grinning.
"Good morning, Billy." Seth said, politely nodding to my guardian.
Billy glared at Seth like he was a parasite. He liked to pretend he hated my boyfriend, which I totally didn't buy.
I grabbed the juice from the fridge and the plate of eight Toaster Strudels I'd prepared and sat them at the table in front of Seth, standing up straight to wrap my arms around his neck, "Ignore him."
"Yeah, yeah, I know, 'Rin." Seth said with a lopsided, dorky smile, putting his hands on my hips.
I got up on my tippy toes, kissing that adorable smile for a second before pulling away, keeping my arms around him, "Good morning."
"Yes, it is." Seth chuckled, leaning down to kiss me again.
"Oh, come on! I'm eating right here" Billy exclaimed. Seth's hands dropped off of me in a fraction of a second and he ducked under my arms, sitting at the table. I rolled my eyes, going to get my plate and juice.
"Uncle Billy, I love you and all that, but I'm 15-years-old and Seth and I have been in a serious, committed, soulmate level relationship for five months now and have been best friends since birth. I think we should be able to kiss each other without too much fuss." I commented, sitting next to Seth.
"Shouldn't have snuck him in your room." Billy responded, glaring at Seth again.
"I'm his imprint! We don't like to be apart! It's not like we were having sex!" I snapped, regretting it instantly. Both the boys turning pink and went silent, staring at their food. I felt myself blush too and stuffed my mouth with Toaster Strudel.
Breakfast was uncomfortably silent and awkward from that moment, moving forward. Afterwards, Billy went to tidy up Jacob's room for Rachel's use and I was on dish duty full time now, without Jake to trade off with. Seth helped pick up the kitchen as I washed.
"Okay, so, next time your Uncle is mad at me, maybe don't bring up sex? Just a thought," Seth suggested sarcastically, wiping down the table. I blushed again and dropped the bowl I was cleaning back into the water.
"I didn't mean to! It just, sort of, slipped," I shrugged, "But he has nothing to worry about, we aren't doing anything!"
Seth nodded, mumbling something I couldn't hear.
"What?" I asked, pulling the plug out of the drain, letting the water slowly lower.
Seth looked at me, alarmed, "Nothing."
I cocked my head to the side, eyebrows raised, arms crossed, "Nothing? Really?"
"It was stupid, I didn't even mean it." Seth countered, trying to get me to drop it. I just stared at him, in the same position. Soon, he cracked just like always, "Ugh! Fine, Okay? I said, well, I said that, umm, that I've noticed."
I dropped my arms, eyebrows coming together, "What does that even mean? You've noticed wh-" I stopped, my voice strangled my realization. 'He'd noticed' that 'we weren't doing anything'. As in Seth, my boyfriend and soulmate, thought about sex... Like, with me. My jaw dropped and my eyes widened, "You mean, you-you-you" I fumbled over my word, blinking nervously, "You think about that?"
Seth blushed scarlet and stuttered out, "I-I'm a guy, 'Rin! And a teenager! I c-can't help it! And it's not like it's a constant thought it's just- I mean, you're just so-" Seth was cut off by a car pulling into the driveway and Billy rolling out into the hall.
"Rachel's here!" My uncle yelled, joyfully.
I swallowed, pushing past Seth to the hall, blushing like crazy and trying not to wonder what exactly he'd been able to say I was just so.
Oh god, help me.