Han Shot First: A Castle Star Wars Adventure
By Dana Keylits

Chapter Three

A/N: Thank you for your patience, I never intended for so much time to come between chapters two and three, but life stepped in and claimed me!

Before reading this final chapter, allow me to suggest that you google "Princess Leia in the Gold Bikini," because I am assuming you know what it looks like. I haven't taken a lot of time explaining it here, which I realize is lazy, but it's been so completely sewn into the fabric of modern culture, that it's a safe bet you already know what it looks like and therefore I don't need to describe it. If you don't know, please do a Google search before reading. Trust me, you'll enjoy the story a lot more!

In the elevator, Castle waited for her elderly neighbor to get off on the second floor before he pressed Kate up against the lift wall and kissed her, hard. He tugged at the hem of her camouflage poncho and threatened to take it off of her right then and there. But she pushed him back, wagging her finger at him, telling him to be patient.

"Or, you'll miss the surprise I have in store for you," she'd threatened, throwing him a wink and a grin, reducing him to nothing more than a man-sized puppy, panting and whimpering in anticipation.

The evening had been a huge success and the other members of the Hospital Board had been beyond pleased with the preliminary numbers rolling in. In fact, by all appearances it looked as though this year's fundraiser might rank as the highest grossing event the Children's Hospital had had yet. And, they'd had Castle to thank for it. Well, at least to thank for this years theme, which, in spite of the protests by some of the stodgier members, had proven to be wildly successful.

Gena Davenport, the Board chair, had cornered Castle just as he and Kate were trying to make their escape and had warned him that he was already being recruited for next year's event.

"I'm already on it!" Castle had declared, his finger tapping his temple. "Some of the wealthiest people in New York are Trekkies. Do you know how much they'll bid on a single original Tribble?"

Kate had glared at them impatiently, pointing at her watch when he'd started to explain to Gena exactly what a 'Trekkie' was and why Tribbles were such great collectibles. She'd even threatened to go home by herself after he'd launched into a monologue about which was the better Enterprise Captain, Kirk or Picard.

When the elevator doors pinged open, Kate grabbed Castle's hand and quickly towed him down the hallway. When they crossed the threshold into her apartment she spun around, startling him, and pressed him up against the door. Her fingers curled around the light saber that dangled from his belt, she pulled him to her, her lips brushing against the stubble of his chin.

"Make us some drinks, flyboy," she ordered. "I'll be right back." She turned abruptly and disappeared into the bedroom.

He smirked, rubbing the spot on his chin where she'd just kissed him, and took out the already opened bottle of chardonnay from her fridge. He poured two glasses and returned the bottle to the top shelf before eyeing the chocolate covered strawberries she'd picked up from the deli down the street earlier that day. Castle took them out of their cellophane container and arranged them artfully on a plate. He even took the squeeze bottle of chocolate syrup and outlined a heart on the plate.

He set the plate on the counter beside the two glasses, and then he strummed his fingers, waiting for her to emerge from the bedroom and show him his surprise. If it was what he thought it was going to be, he was going to be a very happy man.

As if on cue, Kate strolled out of the bedroom and posed against the doorframe. "Hello, there, Captian Solo," she purred.

Castle's jaw dropped. She was wearing the gold bikini.

The gold Bikini from Return of the Jedi.

And she looked incredible.

"Wow!" he mumbled, inching towards her. "Wow, Kate. I mean, wow."

She smiled, nibbling the tip of one finger as she looked up at him from beneath the long fan of dark lashes that framed her eyes. "You like?"

He nodded vigorously, his eyes wide as they roamed up and down her body. "Yes, I like."

His heart pounding, he snaked one arm around her bare waist, pulling her towards him and traced the outline of her bikini top with the other, his lips brushing against her forehead. "I like very much." He confirmed.

She was killing him with this, and as much as he loved seeing her divine body in that bikini, he suddenly wanted nothing more than to tear it off of her and make love to her right then and there. Fast, hard, on the floor. He pressed against her, moaning, his erection firm against her hip.

Undoubtedly feeling playful, his growing need being quite obvious, she pulled away, pressing her hand flat against his chest, one finger slipping beneath the neck of his shirt to scrape his bare skin. Her eyes slowly rising to meet his, she whispered. "Grab the wine," she glanced in the direction of the two glasses, "and the strawberries. And meet me in bed." She slowly ran her hand down his chest, over his stomach, pausing at his belt before she briefly cupped him. "Mmmmm," she moaned, "nice, but not yet." She let go and his hips chased her. She laughed, then raised both eyebrows and motioned at the wine and strawberries before sashaying back to the bedroom. He couldn't help but follow her with his baby blues; his jaw dropping as the view from behind was just as salacious as the view from the front.

When he joined her in the bedroom, he nearly sent the wine and strawberries crashing to the floor. She had crawled onto the bed and was posing for him, laying on her side, one hand propping her head up, the other draped seductively along the slope of her hip.

The air escaped his lungs in one long, slow, tortured hiss. This had been his fantasy. Her, dressed like this, posed like this, and he had to thank the universe again for awarding him such a charmed life. He must have been a very good person in his past life, to be so lucky in this one.

He quickly dropped the glasses and plate on the bedside table and joined her on the bed, settling in on his side, facing her. He propped himself up on one elbow, his hands folded in front of his stomach, his legs crossed at the ankles. He gave his eyes free reign to roam up, and down, her lithe body, a Harrison Ford grin on his face.

And now it was her turn to whimper. "You look hot, Castle." She observed, slowly eying him up and down. Her hazel-green eyes, sparkling in the dim light of her bedroom, briefly paused at the bulge in his pants. "You make a good Han Solo."

"And, you're one hell of a Princess Leia," he replied, "even better than the original."

An eyebrow shot up, "yeah?"

"Oh, yeah." He leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips, whispering, "much better."

She smiled against his mouth, kissing him back, her tongue darting out to briefly lave his bottom lip. She traced her finger down his chest as their tongues danced, until she landed at the light saber. With nimble fingers, she unhooked it from his belt, then set it on the bed behind her. "That was getting in the way," she complained, her lips mapping a path along his neck.

"Of what?" he teased.

She traced the outline of his erection with her fingertips. "This," she explained before rubbing him more firmly, using long even strokes. She smiled broadly when he moaned, a guttural, primal groan, the audible evidence of the effect she was having on him. She teased his button open, and then deftly slid the zipper down.

"Castle!" She exclaimed, surprised.

"Hmmmm?" He replied absently, his lips hot on her ear, his tongue flicking her earlobe before he took it into his mouth and sucked.

She shuddered, then sighed. "You're going commando!" Her fingers curled around his erect penis as she freed it from beneath his black Han Solo pants.

"Mmm hmm," he replied, kissing her along her jawline before capturing her mouth again. His tongue darted between her lips in curious exploration. "For you," he mumbled into her mouth. His fingers played with the long braid that fell from the back of her head, just as his tongue met hers in an unbridled tango.

When their lips eventually parted and they came up for air, having momentarily forgotten they needed it to live, she complained, "Well you might have told me," She kissed his stubbly chin, her fingers twisting his tousled hair into tiny dreadlocks. "On the other hand, better you didn't. I'd have been distracted all night by this," she explained, tugging his erection playfully with her other hand. He flinched, a slow moan rising from his throat as she deliberately, gently, stroked him.

A kittenish grin playing her lips, she pressed her mouth against his ear and whispered, "I loved your costume, Castle, including your light saber," she teased. "But," biting his earlobe, "this light saber is way more fun."

Before he could respond, she was crawling down his body, her eyes seductively locked with his, her hands playing beneath his shirt. She swung one bare leg over his thighs, moving the long swath of fabric attached to the front of her bikini bottom to the side, and straddled his legs. With a waggle of her eyebrows, Kate leaned down and took him into her mouth, her hooded eyes trained on his as his face transformed from mildly amused to extremely aroused.

Castle's head rolled back, connecting with the pillow beneath him, just as all of the air in his lungs rushed out in one long strangled sigh. He grasped her thick braid with his fist as she licked and sucked him, a low moan rising from her throat.

This had been the perfect night, was still the perfect night. Star Wars. Raising money for sick kids. Kate. Kate as Leia. Kate as Leia in the gold bikini. He felt undeserving of his good fortune.

It didn't take long for the crescendo to build and he was afraid he would climax too soon. "Kate," he croaked, gently coaxing her up with both hands, "Kate, I need to slow down. I'm gonna come."

She smiled, wrapping her fingers around him. "That's kinda the point, Castle."

He chuckled. "I want to be able to see you, Kate. Especially," He sat up, placing one hand behind him on the mattress for support, and traced the outline of her bikini bra, dipping his finger between her cleavage. "…when you're wearing that."

Kate grinned, seized his hand with hers and guided his finger into her mouth where she slowly, seductively sucked it, rolling it lazily around her tongue a few times before taking it out and directing it back to her breast. He didn't need any further instruction or encouragement, and he slipped it beneath the stiff fabric of her bikini top. Inching his hand beneath the bra, he greedily cupped her breast. She reached up and pulled the strap down her shoulder, giving him easier access. He let out a low growl, reveling in the delicious view of her bare breast. He was never un-amazed when he looked at Kate like this. Still in disbelief that she wanted him, that she responded to him.

With a wise grin, he took her gumdrop nipple into his mouth, gently sucking and nibbling at it, circling it with his tongue. He could feel her shudder and swore he heard a whimper rise from her throat as she feverishly raked her fingers through his hair, her breath coming out in short, quick pants.

She unexpectedly placed both hands on his chest, pushing him back down against the mattress and fell on top of him. She scooted her hips up his legs until she could feel his erection against her own wanting sex, and shifting her hips, ground against him.

They kissed. Slowly, purposefully, their tongues meeting first in his mouth, then wandering over to hers. She began to gently rock her pelvis back and forth, keeping her movements deliberate and measured, feeling his cock glide over the silky fabric of her bikini.

His hands wandered everywhere, from the curves of her perfectly shaped ass to the dip in her waist, her teardrop shaped breasts, the sharp angles of her collarbone, the column of her neck. Her skin was predictably smooth and silky, warm beneath his hands, and his hips involuntarily moved in rhythm with hers, like a well-rehearsed ballet.

After nibbling on his bottom lip, she pulled away, asking, "Have you ever made love to a princess before, Castle?"

"Mmmm," he answered. "First time."

"Good," she whispered, "I like knowing that I'm your first."

"Kate," Castle replied. "You're my last, too." His bright blue eyes sparkled with this promise and he found himself nearly overcome with a sudden wave of intense emotion, intense desire. God, he loved her. He loved her more than he ever thought was possible.

And, she knew it, he could tell. She looked at him with glassy eyes, tilting her head, her lips bowing sweetly. She halted the measured movements of her hips and just stared at him. Then she smiled, leaned down and slowly kissed him.

Moving her lips to his ear, she whispered, "I love you, Rick."

He framed her face with both hands, searching the corners of her shiny eyes before seizing her mouth with a kiss so passionate it was like their first time.

"I love you, too," he whispered against her mouth. "Kate. I love you, too."

Their mouths hot on each other, their breath tortured from intemperate desire, she resumed the slow ride of her hips, moving gradually back and forth with metronomic precision, sending tsunami waves of pleasure throughout his already very aroused body. Her chameleon eyes changed from brown to hazel to green to gold as she stared into his baby blue's and he felt completely lost, stolen, unable to think or breathe or reason. She raised herself upright; keeping her eyes locked on his, and pressed her hands flat against his chest. Then, reaching between her legs with one hand, she pulled aside the fabric of her bikini and slowly lowered herself onto him, his stiff erection filling her completely.

He watched, mesmerized, as she gently rolled her head backwards, her long braid just barely grazing the small of her back. She moved him in and out of her by raising her hips back and forth, setting a languishing pace, and a sound came from her throat that Castle could only describe as feline.

He placed both hands on her hips, raising his pelvis to meet her pace, all while trying to keep his eyes open. He didn't want to take his focus off of her, especially in that outfit.

Her skin was flawless, he didn't know how she managed it, given her long hours, the punishing demands of her work yielding little time for pampering. In all of their time together, he never noticed her spending inordinate amounts of time on a beauty regimen. In fact, if truth were told, he spent more time getting ready in the morning than she did. Except on her hair, she probably spent the most time on her hair.

Which right now was done up in an elaborate braid that circled the back of her head before falling down her spine in one long plait. She'd managed to get it to look exactly as Leia had worn it in Return of the Jedi. She also had on a choker, though she had forgone the slave chain that should have been attached.

As she increased the rhythm of her hips, her breasts gently bounced up and down against the gold bikini top. The bra was stiff enough that it created a delicious line of cleavage, but flexible enough that he could dip his fingers inside to tease her nipples.

Her stomach was tight, flat except for a slight bump that rounded delightfully just below her naval. He slid his hands from the slope of her hips to her abdomen, the pad of his thumb dipping into her belly button. Then he fanned his fingers over her ribcage, up to her breasts where he paused, cupping them, his fingers sliding beneath the fabric of her bra.

She started to move faster, the cadence of her breathing picking up, her hands firm against his chest as she moved him in and out of her. He moved his hand to the place where they were joined, feeling the simultaneous sensations of wet and hard as his cock slid in and out of her. He pressed his fingers against her hardened clit.

She cried out, a throaty God echoing off the walls of her bedroom, and he knew she was close to orgasm. He was close to orgasm too, but he was trying to hold off. He wanted her to come first, he wanted her to come more than once. He wanted her to come over and over, and he was going to do whatever he could to make that happen.

He had his hand at the column of her throat, his fingers fanned out. She reached up and took his hand in hers, forcing his finger into her mouth. She sucked it as she bucked against him faster and faster, and he couldn't tear his eyes away from her. He watched with labored breath as her lips formed an O around his finger, her eyes closed, her skin glowing, a thin sheen of sweat covering her forehead.

She was holding her breath, he could tell, and suddenly so was he, and then he could feel it, the slight change against his hand, the one against her clit, that told him she was only seconds away from coming. And as he pressed his fingers flat against her, she exploded around him, her inner muscles gripping him tightly. She let go of his hand, threw her head back and cried out, alternating between his name, a few undecipherable adjectives, and the Holy Father.

Her fingers kneading the muscles of his chest, she rode through the waves of pleasure that were so deliciously radiating throughout her flushed body, her gyrations continuing as she tried to enjoy every last inch of the orgasm that had charged in like a welcome soldier.

And then suddenly, without being able to stop it, Castle came too, calling her name over and over. His strangled cries bouncing off the walls around them, feeling like a prayer, a litany, a promise, they joined with hers in a cacophonous carnal opera.

When he came down he closed his eyes, rubbing them regretfully. "Kate," he croaked, feeling like a stupefied adolescent "God, Kate, I'm sorry."

She had collapsed on top of him, her face against his chest. He was still inside of her and he could feel her muscles flexing against him, then releasing, then flexing again as though she were still experiencing her orgasm.

"What?" She finally breathed, her muscles loosening, her hips quiet against him.

"I didn't want to come yet," he apologized.

She slowly climbed off of him, carefully pulling him out of her, and then lay on her back on the bed beside him. She raised her hands above her head, her toes pointed, and stretched, making a sound reminiscent of a lion cub. "Mmmm, it's fine," she reassured him, turning to face him. She loped one leg over his, her hand rubbing the broad expanse of his chest as it played beneath his white long-sleeve t-shirt.

Her glassy eyes slowly rose to meet his and she smiled at him playfully. "I have to return the other costume on Wednesday," She ran her fingertip over his bottom lip. "But, I get to keep this one."

He turned his body towards her, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "You get to keep it?"

She nodded.

He snaked his arm around her waist, pulling her towards him, her warm body spooning into his, and he kissed her. Long, and hard, and slow, before whispering into her mouth. "Be prepared, Princess, because my laser gun is set to stun!"

Kate groaned, rolling her eyes. "Just kiss me again, Castle," she ordered.

And, he did. Over and over until finally they were so tired they feel asleep, not bothering to change out of their costumes, never tasting the wine or the strawberries, not even bothering to climb under the covers. They slept in each other's arms, looking exactly the part of the lovers Leia and Solo.

And in the weeks and months that followed, they made proper use of Kate's gold bikini.

And Castles light saber.

The End.