Nikki/Lorraine Chapter One - The Nightmare

Nikki Prov

Im sat in my bed wide awake shaking,with tears streaming down my face. You may be wondering what's wrong. Well about a month ago i was doing a locker inspection after illegal and very dangerous alcohol was found in school. I had checked Harley Taylor's locker, next was Kyle Stack's. Surprise Surprise when i opened his locker it was full of the stuff. ' Right up stairs to Mr Byrne's office' i said that's when it happened. He punched me in the face. I still have nightmares about it. He has scarred me forever. I lay back down to try and get some sleep. As soon as i close my eyes i see his face. I sit up screaming and breathing heavily. That was enough to wake Lorraine. 'Nikki what's wrong ?' she asked concerned. I starred down at my hands. ' I had a nightmare' i replied trying to hold back the tears. Lorraine took my hands in her own. ' About what ?' she whispered I looked up and starred into her beautiful eyes. ' Kyle Stack'i whispered. That's when i broke down again. Lorraine pulled me into her arms. She began to stroke my hair gently as we fall back on the bed. ' Shh, its okay your safe. I've got you Nikki'. She Whispered placing a small kiss on my lips.

Lorraine Prov

Poor Nikki, she has been in the army and never lets a child get the better of her. That was until Kyle Stack arrived at Waterloo Road. That boy is a nasty piece of work. The woman i thought was unbreakable broke because of that evil child. Nikki had stopped shaking but could still see the fear and tears in her eyes. ' Hey beautiful how are you feeling?' i asked wiping the tears away. ' Much better now im in you're arms' she whispered.

Will update again when I've written more :)x