It was a cool crisp October day in Genoa City. The fall clouds were a dark shade covering the sunshine and blue sky. This meant rain was coming. At the Newman ranch Nikki and Victor were planning their wedding. Although they weren't officially engaged yet they couldn't resist the temptation of planning for the coming event. Nikki sat on the couch with the huge photo album in her lap. Flipping through the pages she smiled at the past photos of her and Victor through the years. She was still in shock from Victor coming home and not being dead. Nikki knew that her and Victor would never be perfect but she didn't care she was just happy to have the love of her life with her once again. "Here we are two hot chocolates." Victor said coming in the room with two coffee mugs in his hands. He handed one to Nikki and took a seat beside her. "Thanks." She said sipping the hot liquid.

"What are you looking at that old thing for?" Victor asked peaking at the album on Nikki's lap. "Well, I was just looking back on our history." she replied. "What for?" he asked confused "Oh, Victor just because. I honestly miss the way things used to be." Nikki confessed. "How do you mean?" Nikki bit her lip. She really didn't want to tell him this but she had to let it out sooner or later. "Victor, ever since you got back I've had this feeling. This feeling that something awful is going to happen and tare us apart again. And then we'll marry other people and you know the rest . . . "She paused waiting to see if he had anything to say.

He did, "Sweetheart," Victor began taking Nikki's small cold hands in his own. "I do know the rest but it's not going to happen this time." "Victor, I wish I could believe it this time but I've heard it all before." Nikki looked away from him. Victor placed his hand under Nikki's chin and brought her face inches from his. "Listen to me, this time really is different. When we marry soon I promise you I will do everything in my power to keep you safe." Nikki drew in a deep breath, "Victor . . ." "No, don't speak." He put his finger to her lips. Nikki watched as the grin crept onto his face. She couldn't help but smile herself. This was the real thing for sure this time and nothing could break them apart. Nothing.

Not far from the ranch Sharon Newman was at the coffee house. She was bound and determined to make Victor pay for what he had done to her. She knew she couldn't do it alone though. She needed help. Help from some of Victor's worst enemies. Sharon spotted Genevieve walking into the coffee house. "Hey Genevieve!" Sharon called. Genevieve stopped to look at Sharon, "What do you want?" she spat. "We need to talk." Sharon said. "About what? You and I have nothing in common." Genevieve huffed. "Yes we do." "What?" "We want revenge on Victor." Genevieve thought for a moment. How could Sharon possibly know that? Did she really want revenge on Victor even though his disappearance wasn't really his fault? "Go on." she finally said. "Look, we need to have a meeting. My place tonight at 7:00." Sharon explained. "Just us?" "No, there are some others but you won't know who they are until they show up." "Sharon I-" "Just show up Genevieve you and I both know you want to." Sharon said before walking away. Genevieve stood there slightly confused. She wasn't really sure of what had just happened. She decided she would show up at Sharon's later just to see what was going on.

Sharon then went to find Tucker in his office. She knocked on the door, "Come in!" She heard him call out. She opened the door and stepped in, slamming it behind her. "Sharon!" Tucker exclaimed. "Happy to see me?" Sharon asked. "You're the last person I expected to see here." "Yeah well I need your help." "You need my help eh?" "We need to make Victor pay for all the hell he put us through." Tucker looked at Sharon. He studied her; she looked serious about this whole thing. "Just you and me?" he asked. "No you, me and two others. But you won't find out who they are until you come to the meeting. ""Meeting?" "Yes, tonight my place be there at 7:00 if you're in." Tucker stood up and walked over to Sharon, "Attacking the great Victor Newman huh?" "That's right." "Count me in." "Perfect." Sharon smirked as she walked out the door.

The last person Sharon had to contact was Jack Abbott. She decided it would be best to just give him a phone call on her way home. "Hello?" Jack answered. "Jack, it's me Sharon." "Sharon, what is it that you want?" "There's going to be a meeting tonight at my house be there at 7:00." "Meeting for what? With who?" Jack was completely confused and thrown off guard. "To take down your arch enemy." "Victor?" "That's right. So are you coming or not?" "Well Sharon, who else is involved in this?" "Me of course and there are a few others but I can't tell you until the meeting tonight." "Alright Sharon, I'll be there at 7:00." "Great. See you then." They hung up.

Sharon had many ideas of what she wanted to do for revenge on Victor. She was hoping that the others would agree with her plans and it would begin soon. She couldn't stand the thought of Victor living up in that house with his prim and ever so proper Barbie doll Nikki. Sharon not only hated Nikki she hated Victor now too. He was the only one who seemed to care about her but now it seemed no one did. He had just used her, just to make his precious Nikki jealous so that she would come running back to him once again. Sharon hated herself for being so blind to the fact. She had known Victor and Nikki for years, you would think that she was used to their love cycle by now but apparently not. Sharon was glad that now finally she was getting her chance to make the two of them pay for everything they had done to her. This was going to be some sweet revenge alright and it would happen very soon.