I finally got my lazy butt to writing again. I REALLY NEED TO END THIS SOMETIMES SOOOOOOOOON. Can't keep stretching the plotline, right? Well, we are almost there. Don't be sad. I will still be writing random poems. And when I get off of my lazy writer arse, then I'll start writing on my book again as well. Here we go ^^ [aka, here goes nothing] [some gory stuff inbound. Though I suppose it's not all that bad]

I didn't understand it…. What was going on? Yeah, this was supposed to be a memory of mine but Herobrine was a fictional character from the GAME Minecraft. And yet, there I stood, looking Herobrine in the ''eyes''. Our contact was soon broken though as a very big sword was swung at Herobrine. Before it hit him, he teleported behind the one swinging it. Herobrine had his sword ready in his right hand and cut straight through the man's chest. He then turned and twisted the sword. Surprisingly enough, Herobrine didn't seem to go for the heart but rather for other parts of the body. Then Herobrine did something I hadn't expected to ever see in my life. He had put his sword in his left hand and was now putting his hand in the hole that he had created.* even the man had already lost his conscious, Herobrine was still going at him.

All of the other soldiers quickly gathered the best weapons they had with them and the cloaked man seemed to be preparing another spell. In front of my very eyes, Herobrine tore the spine out of the man first and then the heart, which he then started to squeeze in. after he seemed to be done with that, he finally looked at his surroundings, noticing that he was now surrounded by a lot of soldiers. 'bring it on' he said. The voice sent shivers down my spine, even though it was a mere memory. I also felt sick to the stomach from what I had just seen, the corpse still lying on the ground. Herobrine tossed the heart over his shoulder and then moved with amazing speed towards the soldiers.

The soldiers' guards were thrown off with the swift movement and soon, the reddish stone became a deep red, a blood red. Guts soared through the air for a split second. But what Herobrine had not expected, not like he was expecting much, was that one of the soldiers, that wasn't slaughtered yet, recovered faster from its statue pose and actually landed a hit on Herobrine's left arm. He let out a pained sound and quickly slashed the soldier by the neck before it could inflict more damage.

The battle went on and on, soldiers falling all around Herobrine and Herobrine sustaining a few small cuts here and there. After a while, the very last soldier was stabbed straight through the heart. As Herobrine retracted his sword, a lot of blood oozed from the soldier. I felt light headed and sick to my very core. I wasn't used to see these things. So much death…by just one man. He regained a normal stance and then quickly looked around, as if he was looking for something. Or in this case, someone. He had found what he was looking for, the female on the ground, bleeding out. He took her in his arms and dashed off.

When he sprinted away, I automatically went with him. Why was my memory going this way..? 'hang in there', 'I will not let you die', 'we are almost there'. Those were the few sentences Herobrine spoke while running and jumping towards….somewhere. after a few seconds, Herobrine was incredibly fast, we reached an odd structure. It looked like a dungeon or a castle of some sorts. The memory went blank for a moment and when it came back, we were in a room made of odd dark red bricks. The woman lay on the table and there were racks filled with many different coloured potions. The woman's clothing was stained a deep red. Herobrine searched through the racks through the many potions. He grabbed a few, mixed them and went to the table where the woman lay.

Herobrine was too late. She had already passed away. The potion dropped out of his hand, body shaking, fists coiling. His mouth formed a deep scowl and he yelled. He then started punching things, the wall with nothing on it first. Anything that would come on his path was killed as he ventured out of the dungeon thing. Creatures fell and holes were made everywhere. The beautiful smooth land became jagged and some parts even collapsed and fell into the great ocean of lava below. But my memory stayed with the woman. Something about her seemed oddly familiar.

There was no way though that I could have known the woman. Or dragon…it confused me so much. How in the world…. Then it hit me. The first time in the End when I was battling the ender dragon with Faye. Something odd had happened back there. Didn't I….die? according to my memory, I did. Then how in the world…what had happened back there? And the answer to that question had to do something with dragons yet again. Faye had told me that there was this red dragon out of nowhere. When we were fighting the Ender dragon. And it was because of the red dragon that we were saved. She also told me that I appeared out of nowhere as well, as if I had risen from the dead. Could it be..? no, it wasn't possible.

'come on, you are so close to figuring things out. Think a little harder, then you might remember'. It was the voice again. I was close to remembering? Remember what actually? My attention was moved back to the woman when a bright light appeared from her body. What was that light….? ''so bright..'' I thought. The light then started ascending and the memory travelled with it. Eventually, the ''roof'' of the dimension was in sight. Out of nowhere, a black portal opened up and the light travelled through and so did I. we ended up in the End dimension and the light kept traveling upwards until another portal opened up in the sky. This time, a pure white portal. The light went through the portal and all that I could see was white. A white nothingness. ''where am I?'' something like a memory shot through my head as the place where I was reminded me of what I had seen in one of my dreams.

'seems like I need to tell you more to let you remember. I hoped that you would remember it yourself but alas it cannot be helped. Perhaps what I am about to say will awaken your memory. You died in Minecraft.' The voice still didn't make much sense to me and a headache was starting to form. 'wh-what do you mean? I am still….alive?' 'you died but you were revived. Or rather, your life cycle was reset. Unfortunately, there were some complications. Someone interfered and it went wrong.' Revived? Reset lifecycle? I started to feel dizzy and even though there was nothing around me, it felt as if I was in a room that started spinning rapidly. 'complications? Revived? I…I don't understand!'

There was a bit of silence for a moment. 'Dsiara. you are from the same place as Faye but you are not like her. The situation in the end, the battle back there. Faye had seen a red dragon, right?' I nodded, hoping the voice could somehow see that I was nodding. Isn't it odd that see saw you die and yet perfectly fine after that red dragon suddenly disappeared?' many scenes started flooding my head. Images from me and the fortress in the nether. Images from the inhabitants of that realm. And other things. But also other memories, such as horrible battles and wars. The last thing that flooded my mind was almost a blank image and I could hear the voice even though it wasn't actually speaking at the moment.

''do you wish to live?'' that part is what I had heard in that dream as well. This time, it was a bit lengthier though. ''you shall return as a young one but do not worry, he will take care of y-'' black blotches appeared in the white room as the memory thing kept going. ''something is wrong! Oh no! guardian! Don't go!'' the memory ended there. It now felt as if different doors had opened to me. I remembered it all, all that happened. I also knew the cause of all of these problems. how could he?! I had seen him as….as…. ''seems like you remembered. Perhaps it's better to send you back right now. You are currently bleeding pretty badly.'' The white started to fade into black and the black started to fade into colours.

I opened my eyes slowly. My vision was still blurry from having them closed for a while. I moved my arms and noticed that there was a warm liquid stuck to my arm. I looked at it and saw that it was blood. The voice wasn't kidding. I slowly got my arms into position and started to push myself onto my knees. I tried to ignore the stinging pain as much as I could. ''I remember now….I remember all of that has happened. It's his fault. He has disturbed the balance and it's time to restore it.''

Time to set things right. But first things first, I had to stop the bleeding before I would die of blood loss. How to though…. I could use some of my regeneration powers, though it would be quite energy consuming. Another option was the ender dragon. It didn't have any regeneration powers of itself but it did have enough energy to support the both of us for the time being. I slowly tried to get up from my knees. First my left leg and then, with a lot of pain, my right leg to get me standing up. I was still a bit wobbly from the weird dream state and probably also from the blood loss.

I'll cut it here. Hey, at least it's an update. How long has it been…. 3 months? Pffft, at least. I really have to get back to writing. I kind of dropped it for some reason. Oh well ^^ I wonder how many of you guys will see this chapter within now and 48 hours. [probably not all too many, whoops]. Well, I am still on vacation but I'll try to get the next chapter, which might be the last, up as soon as I can. I'll see ya peeps later~!