ok so it's 6.00am and I'm board so this just randomly popped up in my head, enjoy.

note to readers of Raph and April's daughter: I have hit writers block but the next chapter should be up soon.

Mikey's P.O.V

How long have I been in here? How many days have they hurt me? And will my brother even bother coming?

I'm just a problem and stupid why would they bother with me?!

I struggle against the chains holding me back as Shredder walks in followed by three Foot Ninja's holding two buckets of water and a whip.

They walk up to me and pour the water over me.

It's freezing! The ice water chills me to the bone and I see the there'd Ninja holding the whip over his head.

"Turtle tell my where your brothers are" Shredder demands.

"NO!" I cries out as the whip comes over the ninja's head and onto my skin.

I feel a warm, wet feeling on my arm, I look over and see a new long gash joining the old ones.

"Sham I thought your brothers would be here by now" Shredder stares at me.

"Don't bother, All I am is a problem and guess what? You captured the stupid one!" I feel a tear trickle down my face.

Normalcy my mask would stop a single tear but Shredder took it away.

"Oh have my words hurt you turtle?" Shredder laughs.

I look into his one good eye and snarl "No matter how much they hate me I still love them and will never tell you where they are!"

I hear a creaking in the air duct and feel the whip come on my skin, this time on the side of my face.

I have countless cuts on my now though.

Again the air duct creaks, this is getting weird.

"Tell me again why the others won't come here turtle?" Shredder grin.

"Because they hate me and I am stupid" I reply blankly.

A small blade slips out of my elbow pad.

"Oh turtle what is that?" Shredder bends down and picks up the blade.

It's stained with my blood and straight away they know why.

"This is almost funny, the turtle cuts itself" Shredder laughs again.

The air duct bursts open and my brothers jump down. Each has a sad face and some tears on their face. That's when It hits me that they probably hear the entire thing.


My brothers manage to knock Shredder unconscious before turning to me.

I whimper and slip into my shell as much as I can, normally I can fit into my shell but the chains don't help.

"Mikey it's just me, Donnie" I stick my head out and see their hurt expressions.

Slowly I slide out of my shell and let them undo the cuffs.

I start to get up but the blood loss makes me woozy and I collapse into unconsciousness.

I open my eyes slowly Where am I?

"Mikey...your awake" I roll around and see each one of my brothers sitting there with tear stains and guilt all over their faces.

"Why didn't you tell us you felt like that?" Leo sniffs as he asks, it's strange seeing them not care about showing their emotions.

''I-I was..." I whimper before burrowing my head down into my shell.

"Please baby bro" Raph begs.

I slide out of my shell slowly and sigh "I was to...to scared"

They grab me in a tight group hug.

"Mikey we love you, why would you be too scared to tell us" donnie whispers.

"I was scared you'd think I was a baby" I burrow my head into Leo's chest.

"Oh baby brother, you are the baby anyway!" Raph smiles and hugs me closer.

I pull them all into my bed and we fall asleep snuggled up together.

this was a random thing I wrote when my wifi went down