On Fire

"Hannibal, will you please order Murdock to shut the fuck up?!" Face stormed into the kitchen and slammed the door behind him, to no avail. He could still hear the pilot's irritating song.

The colonel briefly lowered the paper enough to take in the sight of his fuming lieutenant. He could hear that the pilot was singing, but that usually wasn't enough to piss Face off. Whatever he was up to must be more irritating than usual. But then again, he had occasionally heard Bosco's laughter coming from the back yard as well.

Hmm… whatever the pilot was doing was entertaining to B.A., but annoying to Templeton. This bore further investigation. "What's he doing, kid?"

"He's singing 'Girl On Fire' by Alicia Keys," Face said dejectedly before slumping down in a seat across from him.

Hannibal waited for that sentence to make sense, but the lieutenant obviously felt no need to further clarify. He lit up a cigar. "I take it you don't care for the song."

Before the other man could answer, the door crashed open again and a giggling Bosco, (yes, I said giggling), was frantically gesturing for his commanding officer to come outside. "Get your ass out here, Hannibal… you're missin' it! Hold up, Murdock… start over so the colonel can hear this!"

Face groaned and buried his head in his arms. "Why me?" Despite his obvious non-enjoyment, the conman followed the two men back into the yard over to where the pilot was leaned up against a tree with his guitar in his lap.

Bosco, still smiling like a fool, gestured for James to start over with his song. Hannibal immediately noticed the tune was from the Alicia Keys' song, but the words were most definitely not. The colonel began by chuckling, but was outright laughing uncontrollably by the chorus with tears streaming down his face.

Realizing that there was absolutely no one in his corner, Face growled and once again stomped off to pout.

Hannibal didn't know why Templeton was acting like a baby… the song was catchy, Murdock's lyrics were hilarious, and this was probably the least annoying thing the pilot has done in the last three days. They were all going to be humming this song for a week.

Taking a pull on his cigar as he leaned back against the leg of the grill, he amended his thought. *Okay, maybe only the three of us will.*

His arm was on fire,

His arm was on fire,

I set him on fire,

His arm was on fire!


A/N: I've had this drabble stuck in my head ever since I first heard the song. Hope you like ;)