The warm sun that shone through the cracks of her blinds was welcoming as it slowly caused her to wake, rubbing her eye with a small hand and a yawn she sat upright, smiling down at the small white dog that lay, still sleeping, at the end of her bed somehow undisturbed by her movements;

"Someone could break in and you wouldn't even notice, huh, Plue?"

The dog didn't reply, still sound asleep in whatever happy dreams dogs liked to have, stretching herself upright with a small moan she flipped the covers off herself, causing a sleepy huff from the dog she'd just covered.

"Come one sleepy head, time to get up."

The white dog shifted from under the covers, once finding freedom shaking from head to toe, before jumping off the bed and running himself though his owners feet, causing her to cry out in agitation as she tried to make her way to her closed bedroom door, pulling on a soft pink dressing gown as she went as a blocker to the cold that was causing goose bumps on her bare skin and legs, it was mornings like these she always cursed her choice in revealing nightdresses. Plue shot of like a rocket once she opened the door, bounding down the staircase and rounding the door to the small lounge room, only to pause, cock his head, turn around and run down the other side of the hall towards the backdoor, she smiled;

"Crazy dog."

Stretching once more she made her way down the staircase at a much slower pace, walking around it to follow Plue to was waiting at the backdoor, sitting with his tail whishing widely back and forth.

"Don't wake the whole neighbourhood, ok?"

Bending down she unlocked the small dog door that allowed Plue to come and go as he pleased, giving her a small lick on the hand as he pushed himself out of it barely before she had been able to remove her hand leaving her with a smile on her face as she made her way back down the hall.


She paused as the loud noise echoed through her house, before sighing and shaking her head, stomping her way down the hall making as much noise as she could, rounding the corner and stomping into the lounge room;


She didn't even have to look at the messy pink hair that sprung out from the arm of her large couch, one muscular arm draped over it rising and falling steadily to know who the loud noise belonged to. Huffing when her yell got no reply she stomped even louder than before, causing the shelves and bookcase that lined the room to shake, before she gave her pink haired intruder one very hard, and very loud, slap to the ear causing the owner to sit up in surprise, one side of spikey pink hair flatted down from where it had been laid upon, deep onyx eyes sleepily looking around for the source of the sudden pain, giving a sleepy smile as his eyes found the petite blonde that stood next to the arm of the couch, her arms crossed over her chest as well as she could due to the large breasts that sat there as she took in his appearance even more, his work shirt was discarded on the floor, along with the shined dress shoes and white socks, leaving him only in black dress pants and a belt, revealing that oh so alluring muscular chest of his.

"Heh, mornin' Luce'."

Words often failed her as she looked at him, just wanting to stare into his handsome face or wanting to know what it might have felt like to be held in his toned body or how his lips might…, and it was his shear lack of personal privacy, the lock on her lounge room window permanently broken due to the amount of times he had forced it open, not using the front door like a sane person even when he was invited always smiling that goofy smile like he didn't realise he'd done anything wrong. She sighed, unfolding her arms and running her hand though her hair;


He smiled even larger in reply scratching his hair causing it to spike up once more causing a pang of envy from her, it was so ridiculously easy for his hair to look good, stupid spiky pink hair.

"Get that drool off my couch and I might make you something then."

"I don't drool."

She pointed to the dark patch that sat on the arm of the couch that had been revealed when he had sat upright, but this only caused his eyes to glint mischievously.

"That's not drool."

"Urgh! You are disgusting."

He howled at laughter at her reaction, but this only caused her to scowl.

"I guess that means you don't want breakfast, pity though. I always have bacon on Sunday mornings."

She turned quickly, her hair flicking out behind her as she slowly made her way back out into the hallway.

"Heyy! I like bacon!"

"Then stop being so disgusting and I might let you have some."

"You're mean, Lucy."

She waved him off as she continued her way across the hall to the kitchen and he couldn't help but smile as he watched her go, enjoying the way her hips swayed despite himself, stretching absentmindedly as he turned to look down at the clean white shirt that lay discarded on the floor where he had left it early that morning. Sunday mornings had been this way for a while, he'd come over to her place at whatever ungodly hour the last overly drunk young adults would drag themselves out of the popular nightclub he'd been working at for three years, doing every kind of odd job from bartending to being the bouncer, lifting himself through the lounge room window, ripping off the stuffy work shirt and crashing on her couch. The habit of inviting himself over to her house stretching back way further than that, starting when they had both hit high school, she'd often come home from whatever afterschool program her father had seen fit to enrol her in to find him lounging on her bed watching T.V, it happening so often that her father had seen fit to make him his own key so he'd stop climbing up the struts that held up the climbing ivy. Sighing he picked up the shirt and rubbed it on the arm of the chair a few times before leaving it there, standing with a groan and making his way to the kitchen where he could already smell something wonderful and delicious, oh and the bacon, not surprising her one bit when he suddenly appeared behind her.

"Need me to do anything?"


She waved her hand over at the coffee pot that sat empty on the bench not too far from where they stood.

"Can I wear one of your aprons too?" He snickered as he walked towards the sink with the pot in hand.

"Sure, I'll take a photo and send it to Gray."

"…I hate you…"

"Or maybe I'll just post it to Facebook."

"You're evil. Sure you don't need me to do anything else."

"Nah." She smiled at him as she cracked an egg into the pan, he'd likely kill her in devious ways if she ever mentioned that he was actually an amazing cook to anyone, the common opinion on him was that he was some kind of crazy pyromaniac, setting the stove far too high and burning everything, likely due to the glee he had always taken whenever matches had been part of any kind of class or event. He'd confessed to her that he actually enjoyed cooking, and from the few meals he'd actually made for her, they had been the best things she'd ever tasted, even if he sometimes did get a little happy with the spicier ingredients. He pulled out one of the stools that sat behind the kitchen island, opting for a glass of water rather than the coffee he'd just put on, he was hyperactive enough without caffeine in his system and the few times he'd actually touched the stuff, well, the less said about that, the better, it had a worse effect on him than alcohol. Idly pushing the papers and books that lay across the bench out of his way.


"Yeah… my brain hurts already."

To say that he was proud of his best friend was an understatement, she'd always been smart in school, but now she was studying to become astronomer, a freakin' scientist! Where has he had always just passed, one or two points always from failing but never actually getting a failing grade, aside from anything sports related that was, he always aced those classes, but whenever he noticed the shear amount of notes and ridiculously large books smattered all around her house he couldn't help but feel his stomach churn.

"When are they?"

"Next week."

He gave a small nod, he hated exam weeks, and he didn't even have to take them. It was the state she put herself in that always made him so angry he just wanted to beat the crap out of someone. (This someone normally taking the form of Gray, his 'friendenemy'.) She'd barely eat, the whole time before an exam she'd just have her head in those books and then when one was over she'd be cramming for the next one. He wasn't sure if she'd always been this bad when it came to exam time, after all, before she had started university and he had left school altogether they would study together, even if she'd pass with flying colours and he'd barely pass. She wasn't completely oblivious to her friends inner turmoil at the news of exams as she placed a plate next to his glass, pilled with more bacon that she'd think she'd ever be able to stomach. Since she'd started this full on study it had always been him that would appear at three AM in the morning, shoving some kind of take away into her hands, or on the lucky occasion something he'd cooked himself, before sending her to bed despite her complaints about needing to study more, waking her sometime around noon before taking the long walk back to his own home, not driving or using public transport due to his severe motion sickness. Repeating this cycle every few days, often he'd bring her something epically greasy and fattening on Sunday, due to working the whole weekend. Turning her back and poring herself a coffee she heard the tell-tale signs of bacon being devoured as if he was some kind of dragon eating its pray.


"Ifs' great! Fanks' Luce'."

"Don't talk with your mouth full."

"Yes, mom."

Yawning she took the stool next to him, pushing the papers away with a sigh, placing her own, much smaller plate of breakfast down next to his.

"What's wrong?"

His face was far more serious than it was ever supposed to be, his onyx eyes watching her chocolate brown ones with worry.

"How long do you think we'll be like this?"

"Be like what?"

"Stuck in the 'Friendzone.'"

"Until one of us is brave enough to admit how we feel, I suppose."


She blew into her coffee.

"Hey, Lucy?"

"Yeah, Natsu?"

"I love you."
She looked up at him and smiled, giving into her own stupid desires and kissing him full on the lips, causing him to give a large toothy grin when she pulled back.

"I love you too, Flame for Brains."

"Hah, you love me! I knew you were a Weirdo."

A/N: bahh! so much fluff! *splutter*, its harder for me to write something like this seeing how my fics always seem to touch on the darker side of things. Anyway, this was a dream, weird dream, but a dream. It was also nice to write Natsu not being a bastard (See Reverse Flame, my "main" Fairy Tail Fanfic if you're wondering.) I think I'm starting to like LucyxNatsu more than LucyxLoke. (Edit, fixed a mistake I noticed.)