Hello guys, I know I have been away for too long – I am deeply sorry for that.

Like I mentioned before I left, updates will be very slow and since I was promoted, the demands are unrealistic.

I am at the verge of going crazy.

But enough about me, on with the story.

The personality of the characters will differ from the anime/manga so please don't compare them from the original. They are normal people in love in my FFN world - in other words, they will be OOC every now and then.

A/N : My Disclaimer : I own nothing but the plot. The characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto. UnBeta-ed... This was made purely for enjoyment purposes.

If you don't know who Naruto Uzumaki, Itachi Uchiha and Sasuke Uchiha is, don't read. If Yaoi disturbs you, don't read either. Slight SasuNaru at first, but this is purely SasuIta and not the other way around.


Chapter 46

Sasuke was patiently waiting for Itachi.

They were in a private clinic. Itachi was able to get them a schedule to process the said test. He was at the clinic's waiting area. It was currently his lover's turn to provide his DNA samples and answer a few questions.

They both agreed to do this test, to clear the doubts from their minds. They both had a mutual understanding – agreeing that this was actually needed to prepare them for anything that might come their way.

While waiting, Sasuke couldn't help but think about him and Itachi – and all the things that were happening in between.

Itachi just recently started having issues with his uncle, the father-figure that took care of him since he was orphaned.

His uncle was clearly against their relationship and he was making it very clear – although in a very professional manner.

Sasuke received several glares from the older man, but he can see that Madara Uchiha tried so hard not to go hostile – for Itachi's sake.

Though Itachi assured him that his uncle was just surprised and would eventually accept them, Sasuke knew it was kind-of impossible.

They have been dating for many months and he could not see a glimmer of hope every time he faced Madara. All he got were curt nods, glares and eye rolls.

As if that pressure was not enough, his former lover also came back in the picture.

He did not expect this, but it was a small world indeed. He was confident that he was not affected by Orochimaru's arrival. He was honestly not bothered, but he knew Itachi was.

Despite the love they have, it was just natural for Itachi to feel threatened. He knew he would feel the same way if the circumstances would be reversed.

Sasuke noticed how stressed Itachi was becoming. First it was his accident, and now this issue with being siblings took place.

He could not stop himself from feeling sad – Itachi was hurting and he had no one else to blame but himself.

What if they were brothers? Sasuke knew that despite the promise they made, he was really not sure how he would react if they were indeed related. How will Itachi react? Sasuke wanted to know how Itachi can go on with his life if in case this information will go out to the public.

Itachi was a very famous man – this will greatly affect his business and may even cause a massive downfall – not only with in monetary aspects but emotionally as well.

Was Itachi ready for this?

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the door before him creak open. Itachi came out, wearing a smile that lit up the entire room in his eyes.

He was still at awe how he managed to get someone like Itachi to love him. Itachi did not deserve the negative thoughts his mind was brewing right now.

Itachi sat beside him as he started to roll his sleeves up. "Hey, sweetlips – did you miss me?" Itachi asked as he leaned over and gave Sasuke's lips a soft peck as he sat down.

Sasuke chuckled as he gave in to Itachi's kiss. He loved sweet moments like these – it meant the whole world to him.

"You know the answer to that, Amore…" I stated. Itachi smiled, I knew he loved it when I call him that. He said I had an accent that drove him crazy – I did not believe him, but probably it was because I lived in Paris for a few years.

They remained silent for a few minutes – just enjoying being beside each other. They were content like that. They did not need gifts to proclaim their feelings nor cheesy declarations of love - their hearts communicated through their eyes, words were not needed. They both understood each other that well.

It was a good thing that the said clinic was deserted. The said doctor only opened because Itachi asked him to.

Sasuke wasn't sure how long they sat there – probably an hour or so. Funny that the doctor didn't bother to check on them. Maybe he was too engrossed with his task.

"When will the results be available?" Sasuke asked. Itachi looked at his lover thoughtfully and responded, "Perhaps, next week." . Typical, it was already Friday today.

"Shall we go home?" Itachi asked. Sasuke nodded and got up, offering his hand to his lover and pulling him up.

They silently walked towards the parking lot. Sasuke waited as Itachi open his car and got in and opened the door for him.

"You seem silent… is something wrong?" Itachi asked as he reached out to touch Sasuke's hand. Sasuke gave a small smile, "I'm fine… don't mind me." he stated as he leaned over and brushed his lips against Itachi's cheek.

The drive home was quiet. Sasuke closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. But deep within, his mind was ticking wildly. He did not care about the results – though he wanted it to be negative. But he knew that he could not win it all.

He wanted to make his own investigation, for he knew this issue surfaced for a reason. This was not an accident – based on the sudden turn out of events – it felt very wrong… and somewhat very planned.


Sorry if it was too short.

I am still having this dreaded writer's block from being away and too focused on my job's demands.

I will be in touch. Thank you all for waiting… hugs and kisses from the bottom of my heart.