"What time are your parents getting home?" I ask with as much innocence as I can muster.

"No." She shakes her head laughing. "Not tonight."

It is probably the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. She is so beautiful, the tendrils of her hair caressing her neck like I long to when I dream of her, her mouth opened slightly as she throws her head back with abandonment. She is free and happy and apparently a mind reader.

"I didn't say a word." I whisper softly in her ear as she runs her hands through my hair, pulling me to her body.

She pulls my face back, looking into my eyes.

"You have dirty written all over your face." She raises an eyebrow as she speaks. "We don't have time…"

She trails off searching for the clock in her room.

"I didn't ask." I say, deepening my voice.

I feel her shiver beneath me as I suck on the skin underneath her ear and snake my hands into the front of her jeans.

"Fitz…" Her scolding voice fades into a moan as I sweep my hand across her clit, making her legs fall open in surrender. "We can't."

I laugh at her will to stop me. She always does this, plays this game like she wants me to stop but I know she doesn't really want me to. Everything that I needed to know was in the bow in her back, the way she threw her head back in pleasure, the sweet smell of her sex dripping for me.

"Do you really want me to stop?" I ask, halting all of my movements.

She looks up from under me, eyes hazy, confused at my question.

"No. What are you doing? Keep going…please." She growls towards the end as I slip my fingers into her.

There's no point in stopping now. I pull her jeans all the way off of her body, leaving the lacy panties in place. There's nothing that turns me on more than Olivia writhing under me in nothing but a pair of underwear. Before I can remove anything else her hands are at my waist undoing my belt and dragging my pants down as far as she could get them before I kick them to the floor along with my boxers. If a girl removing your belt better than you can, with absolute skill, doesn't turn you on, then you're probably not into girls.

"Liv?" I whisper into her ear as my hands find their way back to her clit, standing up nice, thick, and wet for me.

She moans back in answer and pulls my face to hers for a sloppy kiss where she bites my lip and pulls at the thick curls that were previously perfect.

"Olivia?" I mutter against her neck, trying to create the perfect mark.

She's squirming now, pulling my member closer to her as she jerks me with both hands gently, teasing me.

"I'm ready…I promise." She groans breathlessly. "Please…I'm so ready."

I look down at her wantonly rubbing me through her lips, taunting me with how wet and hot she is.

"Are you sure?" I question, mostly to test her patience.

She nods with her eyes half shut. One thing that always makes her regret telling me no the first time is when I make her wait for it, leaving her saturated in sexual tension. She doesn't tell me no very often anymore. I kind of miss our waiting game.

She's already taken initiative by pulling her panties to the side, leaving herself open to my advances. I place myself right at her entrance and she braces herself for me. As I begin to slowly slide into her, her hands come up to stop me. She looks me right in the eyes with her hands grasping both sides of my face.

"Tell me." She says with a slight smile gracing her features.

I laugh at her last minute request.

"Eh…." I say, donning a small smirk.

"Fitz." She scolds. "Tell me."

I shake my head at her, admittedly, playing with fire. She sits up and the small part of my head, that rested inside of the heaven that she provided, slips out. She closes her legs and raises her eyebrow at me.

"I'm not going to tell you again before I put my clothes back on." She chastises.

I kiss her softly, laying her body back and re-positioning us to where we were before, sliding myself back to my previous postition.

"Fitzgerald Grant…" She moans into my mouth. "Don't you dare."

And I know exactly what she wants so I brush the hair back from her face and caress her cheek with my other hand.

"Olivia Pope." Her smile is bright as I start off. "I love you. I love you more than all of the words in all of the books in the entire world."

She giggles, an incredibly feminine sound that always takes me off guard, taking my mouth into hers but her laugh is cut short by an almost feral growl as I push into her with force. Her eyes are glazed over after the first thrust and I love it.

"I love you. I love you. I love you." I admit, punctuating each phrase with a thrust. "I love you." I tell her one last time before losing myself in her.

I've never spoken truer words.

By the time her parents' car pulls into the garage I am fully dressed again and she is freshly showered, having washed the sweet smell of sex off of her.

"Fitz, what a nice surprise." Her mother speaks sarcastically.

She didn't have much patience for my family and their notoriety so that tended to trickle down to me. I definitely wasn't a first choice when it came to being Olivia's boyfriend and I knew the only reason she even tolerated me was because I kept her daughter so obviously happy.

"His car is in the driveway, mom, you had a whole two minutes to bad mouth him before you came in." She pauses giving her mother a look. "Let's all be amicable now."

Her father laughs coming over to pat my shoulder and give Olivia a small hug.

"Olivia." Her mother calls in a voice so sweet that I'm already steeling myself for the chastising we're about to get for whatever we did wrong. "Why is your hair wet?"

Her eyes slide over to me, blatantly calling me out as the trouble maker.

"Mom, I just got out of the shower when Fitz got here." She pauses briefly, no doubt assessing whether she should add more to the story. "And he and I are going out so I put on more clothes instead of pajamas."

Her mother is looking at me like I'm the devil and it makes me wonder if she could possibly know that I defiled her sweet daughter in every way I possibly could in the allotted 20 minutes.

"Joan," Liv's father spoke from the kitchen. "Let'em go. It's 9 o'clock and Livi needs to be home by 12. You can talk about this later."

"Thank you, daddy." Olivia spoke up immediately. "We're just going to go."

She grabs my hand and her leather jacket, which hung on the end of the banister, and practically drags me out of the house and to my car. By the time she's settled into the passenger seat my brain has finally caught up with what has happened and I grin at her through the dark. Starting the car, I turn to look at her.

"Are you going to say anything or are you going to sit over there and smirk all night." She playfully chides me.

I laugh softly at her. If there's one thing that I've learned about Olivia Pope it's that she doesn't like not knowing, which is ironic considering how private and secretive she is in general.

"I was just going to say I don't know how your poor mother is going to handle it when I knock you up." Liv rolls her eyes at that. "She must think you're the Virgin Mary all sweet and pure."

She laughs loudly. The type of laughter that fills my soul and makes me love her ten times more.

"She doesn't think I'm the Virgin Mary…" She pauses turning in her seat to look at me full on. "She does however believe that you're scared enough to never touch me."

I raise my eyebrows at that.


"Well…I guess not never but she probably thinks that you've coerced me into giving you a really bad 'I don't want to touch your penis' blowjob."

I snicker and she sticks her tongue out at me as we pull into my driveway. I've never had a girl be more zealous about a blowjob than Olivia. She's definitely a person that believes that oral sex is one of the most intimate acts that we could perform on each other. She'd given me her virginity and we'd had sex three times before she agreed to let me go down on her and vice versa. Oh, her mother is in for a shock when she finds out the plans that we've made for after graduation.

I get out of the car and quickly move to her side to open her door for her. Her face in glowing in the darkness and her eyes are shining up at me as she takes my hand and guides me into my house. I move in front of her as I go to close the front door, trying to get her up to my room as quickly as possible before my parents see her. I almost succeed too, however, my mother spots us halfway up the stairs and makes it her duty to engage us in conversation.

"Fitz? Is that Olivia?" She yells as she walks into the foyer. "Don't try to hide her from me. You bring that beautiful girl back down here."

Liv smirks at me. She knew exactly what the plan was, to get her in and out without any parental interference.

"Hi, Mrs. Grant." Olivia mutters as my mother pulls her into a hug. "How've you been?"

"Oh, darling, you don't want to hear about me. I want to hear about you. What have you been up to since the last time I saw you?" She looks at me glaring. "Fitzgerald hides you away like his favorite toy."

Olivia laughs at that because she knows that she is my favorite toy. Of course I'm hiding her away because every time I bring her around I seem to lose her to some stupid conversation about how much community service and garden parties my mother can do. My sulking catches her attention.

"Fitz?" She says, chastising me. "Don't just stand there, come back down to the kitchen. I'm sure Livi's hungry."

She turns her attention back to my girlfriend, who politely declining my her invitation, guiding her to the kitchen and rambling on about the dessert that she's prepared. I stand on the stairs for a moment trying to prepare myself for this inevitably long conversation. As I make my way into the kitchen it is dead silent and I'm already regretting bringing her here.

"What did you say to her?" I growl at my father who looks bored with the situation.

"Fitz." My mother says in a shocked tone. "Watch your tone when you speak to your father."

"It's all right. The boy never used manners before, why should he start now?" He speaks from behind his papers.

There's a silence after he speaks and I'm doing everything in my power not to lunge across the island and choke him.

"It's fine." Olivia finally speaks up, touching my arm gently. "It's okay. Your mother was just asking me what my plans were for school and-"

"And I told her that it was ridiculous of you to tell her that you two would be together after graduation. Olivia's a sweet girl but she doesn't factor in to your plans. I figured I would be honest with the girl since you were not." My father interrupted, finally making eye contact with me.

I can see the disappointment on her face as her smile falls. Her hopes are always that one day he'll stop with the nonsensical jabs that he makes at her and the fact that she has to hope for a good outcome with every meeting with my parents, and is often disappointed, just pisses me off.

"I don't know why you would be speaking to Liv at all, dad. You don't know what I have planned." I counter back.

"Fitz, you're running for president and that is all there is to it. Cochran's little girl, what is her name?"

"Mellie, nice girl, that one." My mother chips in.

"Mellie would be the perfect first lady. She comes from the right background, she is smart. You need a girl like her." He finally looks up at me as he pauses. "Olivia Pope just is not a hue that our Republican constituents would appreciate. I know that you are teenage boy and you are only thinking about when's the next time you're going to get laid but you need to think a little farther ahead and that girl can't go that far with you. Have all of the fun and sex you want to now and then after high school you need to buckle down and start thinking about your future."

I look at both of my parents incredulously while my father goes back to his work as if everything he has just said is fine and my mother turns back to the fridge to continue digging for dessert.

"Olivia, let's go." I try to say as calmly as possible but I know that the gruffness in my voice won't go away until my parents are out of my sight.

"Fitz…" She tries bargaining.

One thing that I'll never understand is why my girlfriend puts herself in the line of fire when it comes to my parents. She wants their approval so much that she willingly lets my father tear her down and I don't know who I want to kill more. My father for hurting her or her for being the strongest woman I know and putting up with his crap.

"Let's go, Olivia!" I raise my voice a little more.

She stands slowly, putting her small hand in mine and starts to guide me from the kitchen.

"I hope you guys have a goodnight." She says as we get to the doorway of the kitchen.

My father doesn't even acknowledge that she's spoken, big surprise there, however, my mother looks apologetic and I'm don't know if it's because she feels bad for Liv or if it's because she feels guilty for the way her husband acts. I hope it's the latter. She should feel remorseful for being married to that asshole. I'll never forgive her for not taking up for me. For not taking up for us.

"Where are we going?" Liv asks as I pass up her street.

She's been silent the entire car ride, knowing that I'm fuming and could blow up any second.

"You have plenty of time before you need to be home. Unless you want to go home now…"

"That didn't answer my question, Fitz."

I can tell by the tone in her voice that she is starting to get irritated with me. I sigh in answer.

"The hill. I just need to calm down a little." I finally reply.

Her expression softens as she reaches over to grab my hand and place it in her lap, interlocking our fingers.

As we pull onto the dirt at the top of Signal Hill she let's go of my hand and takes initiative by getting out of the car first. All of L.A. is sitting in front of us like blanket of fireflies as I follow after her, moving to sit on the hood of my car. I pull her under my arm and she rests her body against mine as we watch the twinkling lights in front of us.

"You didn't tell me." She whispers against my chest.

"What are you talking about?"

"The Navy. You didn't tell me that you were thinking about going." She pulls my face towards hers. "What happened to our plans, Fitz? You said Harvard or Yale. That was the plan. We graduate, we go to school, we have a life together. Why the hell did I have to find out that you were thinking about going to the Navy from your father?"


"No." She says firmly. "Don't try to pacify me. Just tell me the truth."

I sigh before looking out at the landscape ahead of us.

"I just…you know…the more my father talks about the Navy the more I don't want to do it…" I pause to gage her reaction. "but I went to the recruitment office a few weeks ago and I love it, Liv. It's so much more than a political move."

"Why didn't you just tell me?" Her voice is small as she speaks and I can hear the hurt in her voice.

"The plan was for us to get out of here together." I answer as honestly as I can.

I see her nod in the near darkness and she opens her mouth to speak before closing it again, so I rub my hand up her arm to comfort her.

"Liv…" I start.

"It's time for me to go home." She speaks softly, sliding off the car and making her way to the passenger door.

I follow her lead, opening her door, and we make it to her house after a car ride of silence. After, what seems like an long walk, we make it to her front door and I'm at a complete loss for words. I still don't know if she's angry or sad or confused or all three.

"I don't want you to make a decision about your future based on me." She finally speaks up. "We had plans but plans change."

She pauses to play with the thin gold ring that rests on her index finger.

"You could always go to the Navy and we could be together afterwards. It's not like you can't write while doing basic training. We would be apart longer than we're used to but we could make it work." She looks up after making intense eye contact with the ground. "If you wanted to, we could make this work."

I nod at her, promising to think about it. I kiss her forehead softly and open her front door for her. She smiles and turns to go inside without another word.

"I love you, Olivia Pope."

I know is her only response before the door slams shut. I take that as my cue to vacate the premises before her mother tries to have me arrested and I head straight home to what looks like utter commotion.

There are flashing lights everywhere and the only familiar face that I can find are those of my little sisters' who's hair is tousled on top of their heads as they stand in their footie pajamas. Once I neared high school my mother started nesting. I had just met Olivia and had friends and all she could think was that her time had passed so my father, wanting to get her out of his hair, grudgingly agreed to have another child. Thanks to Invitro it became two children. Twin four year old girls that now stood alone outside of a house covered in reporters, who surprisingly paid me no mind as I pulled onto the premises. I exited my car and made my way straight to the girls, whom, as soon as they spotted me they took off running. All I heard was a chorus of unanswerable questions:

"Fitz, where were you?"

"Can we go back inside now?"

"What's happening?"

"Is somebody going to jail?"

"Be quiet." I finally said after a few seconds of their yelling.

I turned to Cassie.

"Where is Mina?"

I figured my first question should where is the woman that takes care of them? My mother wanted another child but that didn't mean she necessarily wanted to take care of another child. Annie ends up speaking for her.

"Mina's with daddy." She says around the thumb in her mouth. "They told us to stand here 'til they got back."

I realize that I'm not going to get much out of them if they were moved out of the way of the action so I turn on the heat in my car and lock them inside before going to find my father.

"Dad!" I yell, flagging him down. "What the hell is going on? Why are Cass and Annie outside?"

"We're about to do a broadcast and Wilhelmina is helping the camera crew set up. Cassidy and Aniston won't be in the way outside." He replies, nonchalantly fixing his tie.

"Dad, it's cold outside."

"Fitzgerald don't overreact, it's California, they're fine. I'm about to go live so if you're just going to be in the way you can go join them. I know how antsy you are." He starts to walk away from me as he finishes his sentence. "Don't go far, though, they might want you to say a few words."

I have no idea what he's talking about but at the moment I don't really care, I'm just really angry that my house has been overtaken by reporters and police for no reason. I find my way to my car through the plethora of people that seem to have taken residence in my home and I get in with twins.

"Libia's here, Fitz." Cassie speaks up when I get in.

"Who?" I ask.

"Libia. Your girlfriend." Annie answers.

"Yeah, we just sawed her."

I laugh at their pronunciation. They love Olivia but because of my parents they don't get to see her as often as they would like albeit I can't fathom a reason why she'd be here right after I've dropped her off so I start looking around for her without leaving the car. What I do know is that it is past her curfew and although her father likes me, he doesn't like me that much. I see a blur run in front of my car and suddenly my door is being yanked open and my beautiful girlfriend is sitting in my passenger seat.

"Liv, what are doing here?"

She opens her mouth to speak but is interrupted by Cassie.

"Hi, Libia!"

She smiles gently at both girls before kissing their heads and whispering a soft hello. Her smile catches me off guard. It's not the smile that I'm used to. It's a sympathetic smile. What did she have to be sympathetic about? Breaking up with me? Was the Navy thing that big of a deal?

"Fitz." Her voice brings me out of my reverie. "Can we get out of the car for a second?"

I nod at her and we both quickly find ourselves embracing at the hood of the car where she, quite unreasonably, burst into tears.

"Livi? What's wrong, baby?" I ask, trying to soothe her and wipe away her tears.

She shakes her head.

"Are you alright? I'm just sorry that it happened like this. The girls are still so young and you're graduating and there's just so much-"

"What are you talking about? So much what, Liv? I'm fine, calm down."

I see a look of panic come over her face as I interrupt her.

"You don't know." She states matter-of-factly. "No one's told you."

My confusion rises as she stands in front of me and refuses to give me answers.

"I knew your dad would be busy but I figured someone would have told you." She pauses briefly, stalling. "Plus…it's all over the news…"

"Spit it out Olivia." I'm getting more and more agitated the longer that she drags it out.

She's silent for a moment and I have no idea that the decision spawned from this next statement will change my life forever.

"She died, Fitz. Your mom died."

And the contents of my stomach end up on the front hood of my car.

I got the inspiration for this story a long time ago and I just found it on my computer so I thought I would share. I love the movie The Family Man which has Nicholas Cage and Tea Leoni in it and if you've never seen it, you're missing out. But that's basically what this story is "modeled" after. It won't follow the storyline of the movie but it has the same concept so if you have seen it, you still won't know the ending :-p

So tell if I should continue or if I should just step away from the computer indefinitely or anything.