Hey hey! I'm back! So it's summer time and school's almost out! Sorry for not updating for like, two months? but well, I just wasn't in the mood to write. Ah well, I'm back now. So, here's chapter 4! I hope you like it... it's sorta just a filler.

Just before the door opened, I quickly slammed shut the cover and grabbed my rag, pretending to clean the bookshelf. Thank goodness I left it on the bookshelf instead of putting it away. I expected Prince Zachary to walk through the door, and I started panicking inside. Please, please, please don't let him notice that I touched his photo album. Luckily, he wasn't the one that came in.

In walked Bex, calling, "Cammie! Are you done cleaning the Prince's room?"

"Yes," I replied. "Is there something you want me to do?"

"The prince requests your presence for dinner. It's a formality required for all new maids. Tomorrow, you'll be eating dinner with us. Oh, and wear a dress."

"Oh. Sure. Well, I know where the dining hall is so, I'll see you there. I just need to change first."

"I'll wait for you if you want."

"No, uhm.. it's okay. I'll be fine. You go on first." In addition to changing, I still wanted to take a peek through the Prince's album.

"Bye then." Bex walked out of the room and down the hall, undoubtedly heading for the dining hall.

I opened my closet and looked for a dress. I wasn't sure which one to wear, so I used my surefire method of choosing something.

"Eenie Meenie Minie Mo, catch a tiger by the toe. If he hollers let it go, Eenie Meenie Minie Mo." Okay, I guess I'm wearing this one. I slipped it on and looked at myself in the mirror. The dress was a really pale baby blue one shoulder dress, with a white sash around the waist. It fell to just below my knees, and the skirt looked like it was made out of chiffon. I'm not one to wear fancy, lavish dresses with millions of sequins sewn on, so I was glad I got this one. I spent some time braiding my dishwater blonde hair and pulling it into a bun, letting some pieces out so it'll frame my face. Once I was satisfied with my appearance, I made my way back into Prince Zachary's room.

I walked over to his desk, back to the mysterious photo album. I flipped open the first page and caught a glimpse of a young girl. She looked to be about 3 or 4 years old, with long dishwater blonde, large blue eyes, and a cute heart shaped face. Before I could take a closer look, I heard someone call me.

"Cammie! Are you ready yet? Dinner's about to be served."

I suppose I'll have to wait until the next time I'm left alone to really take a look at this girl. I walked briskly across the room and opened the door, meeting Bex.

"What took you so long?" she asked as we started down the hall. "I thought someone had kidnapped you and then I would have to barge in the room and use my ninja skills against your captors!"

I laughed. Only Bex would think that; she was such a nice person, but ever so strange.

"Don't worry. There's no way anyone would want to kidnap me. I'm not anything special; I'm just a maid," I replied.

"You never know," she said in a creepy voice, an ominous look present on her face.

"You sound like you want me to be kidnapped!" I exclaimed, feigning hurt.

"Come on, you know I'm just teasing."

By this time, we had reached the dining room. I cautiously pushed open the door, and saw the eyes of dozens of people on me. Bex pointed to where I was sitting, and gave me a little push in that direction, seeing as I was frozen with terror. I tried to ignore the stares, making my way over to a seat at the end of the table. I sat down, making no attempt to start a conversation with the people around me. In front of me sat Macey, who had a strange look on her face. It was a mixture between contempt, irritation, and… jealousy? As I waited for the food to come, I wondered why Macey would be jealous. It couldn't be of me, I'm just a lowly maid, right?

Soon, the food came, waiters walking up and down the aisle with large silver platters. They set one in front of each person, taking off the lid and letting the steam escape. There on the dish was a small bowl of beef stew. I picked up my spoon and scooped up a bit. It was the best thing I'd ever tasted, with a rich flavor and small chunks of succulent beef.

At home, all we could afford was rice with a few carrots. If we were lucky, we might have had a little piece of chicken that was a quarter of the size of my palm. It was a pitiful life if you weren't very good looking.

I finished my stew quickly, and once everyone was finished, the waiters swarmed the tables again, taking our bowl away and placing a new dish in front of us. First it was a salad, then the main course, then the dessert. Throughout it all, no one tried to start a conversation with me, and I didn't try to talk to them. Although everyone around me was chatting animatedly, I stayed silent, preferring to focus on my food instead. At the end, before dinner was over, we were each given a flute of champagne.

That was when Prince Zachary got up and started speaking. "I propose a toast. To my new maid Cammie, in hopes that she won't quit her job by the end of the week." Everyone burst out laughing while I turned red.

Macey yelled, "Unlikely, but we can always hope, I guess." That made me blush even more. I wasn't that weak, was I?

Everyone raised their glasses and clinked them together.

Finally, embarrass Cammie time was over, and we were allowed to go to our separate rooms. By this time, it was almost 9, so I decided to head back to my room and get ready for bed. I took a nice soak in the bathtub, and changed into my nightgown. I poked my head into Prince Zachary's room and said, "If you need me, just ring the bell and I'll be here as soon as possible."

He grunted, which I thought meant that he heard me, and so I closed the door, and slipped under the covers of my bed, falling into a deep sleep.

Please Review! ~Alice