Hey I'm Alice and this is my first fanfic! Actually, it's the first story I've ever written, so constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. Just press that little review button and tell me what you think.

Disclaimer: I don't own Cammie, Bex, Zach, or any of the other awesome Gallagher Girls characters.. I wish I did but they belong to the one and only ALLY CARTER (unfortunately)

"Cammie Morgan, starting today, you will be the prince's personal maid."

"Yes sir," I replied.

"Bex will show you to his room."

As soon as the king's aide finishes speaking, Bex drops into a curtsy and briskly walks out of the kitchen without a second glance. I trail slowly behind her, noticing the halls are changing. What used to be a tiny corridor allowing only one person to walk at a time has widened into a grand hall that could fit 10 or more people walking side by side. What used to be drab brown wallpaper has brightened into vibrant blues and greens, covered in decorations and paintings. I'm finally free from kitchen duty, scrubbing dishes and washing vegetables until my hands turned red and raw.

"Come on now, we don't want to keep the prince waiting," Bes says, startling me out of my thoughts. How did she get so far in front of me? I hurry after her, catching up to her once she stops at the door.

Behind that door is where the person I will serve awaits. What the prince will be like? We kitchen workers have seen the prince in photos of course, but we've never met him in person. After all, we're Averages, we're nowhere near good looking enough to meet the prince, one of the rare Exquisites. In a society based solely on appearances, the Averages are near the bottom, besting only the Ugly. Our purpose is to serve the others above us, the Pretties, the Beautifuls and the Exquisites; for me, it's the prince. I wonder, will he be arrogant and perverted, or will he be sweet and charming? Well, there's only one way to find out.

With a nod from Bex, I push open the door to see the one and only Prince Zachary lounging on his bed, making out with a girl I don't recognize. "Oh my goodness, I am so sorry to interrupt you, I really should have knocked but oh, I didn't expect someone to be here. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," I say, apologizing profusely. Oh how I wish I knocked first to save me from this embarrassment.

"You should be," declared the unknown girl, "Who are you anyways?"

Flustered, I manage to introduce myself. "My name is Cammie Morgan and I am His Highness Prince Zachary's new personal maid."

"You, a maid? What's next? Will pigs fly?"

"Now Macey," soothes the prince, "don't be rude. You'll scare off another one of my maids; I've lost 6 already this week."

"This will probably be the 7th then. Look at her! She's practically shaking in her boots!" replies Macey.

I'm about to defend myself when a sharp rap comes from the door, preventing me from saying anything.

A voice calls out, "Lady Macey, it's time for your dress fitting. You don't want to be late and displease your mother now."

"I'm coming!" Macey responds, sweeping through the door and out of the room, but not before stepping sharply on my foot.

I try to keep in my cry of pain to avoid embarrassing myself yet again in front of the prince.

After Macey leaves, Bex speaks up. "I'll leave you two to get to know each other," and she too walks out of the door, allowing it to close behind her.

"Well, it's just you and me now," remarks the prince.

So, what did you think? REVIEW!