Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep and related characters belong to Square Enix & Tetsuya Nomura.

A/N: Resisting Vanqua is like resisting chocolate cake. No matter how much you tell yourself it's bad for you, you still go for it. Co-authored with DaQiao17. It's great to be bringing the Vanqua love back!


My Sanctuary

Today sucked.

Vanitas didn't want to spend another hour being poked and prodded at by creepy Even. He didn't like how cold the metal slab was, nor did he like the fact he had to be freakin' naked either. Not that he cared - it was just too damn cold.

He assumed that the creepy scientist got some sick thrill out of causing his test subjects pain and humiliating them. Well, at least Vanitas hid his embarrassment well. Unlike little Naminé - she was just like him, but clearly insane and kept in her white room unless Xehanort needed her to use her witchy powers and mess with someone's memories for research material.

She was just like him. Neither really could remember anything before the time they were seven. Even always referred to them as 7 and 9 - not by their names. Who had named them anyway?

Meh. He didn't honestly care. He knew his duties. He did his Master's bidding and got to breathe another day. That was fine with him.

His damn arm was starting to itch though.

"Hey, hurry up would ya?" Vanitas said, his tone ringing with his evident boredom.

"Insolent brat," Even muttered, before rolling his eyes. He pulled off his latex gloves and then turned to mark down some notes in the thick file that said No. 7 - "Vanitas" on it. "Your results are peculiar. I'll have to send them to Xehanort later on."


He honestly had no interest in his lab results. He really wanted the damn itchiness from whatever drugs he shot into his system to stop though.

Once Even was done jotting the notes, he tossed him the simple black pants and a red shirt, along with his boots. Vanitas pulled his clothes on and then left the room, leaving the castle and sneaking his way down into the streets. That's when the curious creature that had caught his interest appeared in sight.

Soft blue hair, falling passed her ears and curled in with little spikes, and pale blue eyes that reminded him of rain. She was pretty, but in a way that seemed unattainable. It was strange, to find something beautiful when usually the only thing that brought glee to him was his strength and slaying those who opposed his master.

She was out getting a few things for dinner that night since school was out for the day. Being a senior was pretty easy for the most part. The marketplace was bustling with shoppers as she pushed her way through, watching for any pickpockets that thought they could get lucky with her. Though they were always proven wrong.

Glancing up, she caught sight of intense gold eyes. They belonged to a boy, maybe a year younger than her who was tawny-skinned and had dark hair, wild and unkempt in spikes. There was something about his eyes though. They were full of anger and hate but she could sense something, just underneath the surface.

Suddenly she felt it. Someone decided to try their luck today. Reaching back, the blunette grabbed the wrist of the hand trying to pull her wallet from her pocket and twisted around until she was behind them and had their arm wrenched back behind their back.

Another kid.

The blunette sighed before she let go of the boy but quickly grabbed the back of his shirt. She pulled a couple munny from her pocket, "Here. Don't steal, cause the next person might not be so forgiving."

The boy snatched the munny and ran off. There were too many kids on the streets stealing these days. They had families but times were hard for the poor district. Things had been that way for almost a year now.

Vanitas tipped his head to the side, amused by the actions the one who caught his fascination gave toward the street rat who had tried to steal her munny. It confused him - at first she seemed angry, but then she showed... kindness was it? He didn't really know.

Naminé was kind to him, but that was only because they both shared a similar fate. He stepped closer, careful to keep his hands in the pockets of his pants and close to the shadows.

He had been watching her for awhile now, usually from within the castle grounds. Technically he wasn't supposed to be seen out and about the streets of Radiant Garden - the only time he was allowed out was at night whenever he would be carrying out orders for his master. No one was supposed to know of the Masked Boy or what he truly looked like during the day.

Yet this girl drove him to sneak out. The thought of her made him restless. She fascinated him and sparked something within him.

Was it yearning?

As if he knew.

Vanitas gave a soft snort, before turning his eyes back on her retreating figure. She seemed to be shopping for food. He didn't understand that either. He didn't really eat or drink anything other than whatever weird concoctions that Even would make him.

Finishing up her shopping, the blunette made her to the west entrance of the marketplace heading home. She still had dinner to make and a paper to bullshit through.

She was heading toward the housing area of town now. He assumed probably home. His eyes glanced toward the lamp-post to see the time. He still had awhile before they realized he wasn't on the grounds. Knowing Naminé she probably would stall for him. She was like that, just so he could have some more freedom. He guessed that what they had between them was a form of friendship. If anything she was the only person he could call a relative - as far as he knew he was just a street urchin, unwanted by his birth parents, and the only person who remotely had any interest in him had been Xehanort.

Creepy old man.

At least he had a home...

And Naminé wasn't that bad to be around. She was just insane. Then again, so was he. Sanity had long since fled him.

"Oh, hey there! How are you today?"

His attention was once again on the female, surprised to see she had been halted by a brunette he kind of recognized. He knew that she sold flowers from a cart for a living, and always wore the same pink bow. Her name sounded earthy, but he couldn't remember what it was. Not that he cared.

She wasn't the one that had caught his interest.

"Same as always. I was just out getting a few things for dinner tonight. It's Kairi's birthday so I'm making her favorites." Pale and nimble fingers tucked a few strands of cerulean strands behind her ear.

The other female giggled, "You're such a good big sister to her. When's the party?"

Vanitas tilted his head at the unfamiliar words. Party? Birthday? Well, the second was easier to comprehend. Day of birth. Another thing he didn't know. All he knew was that he had been alive for roughly 16 years.

"Tomorrow afternoon. You and Zack should come if you can. Kairi would love it." She gave a smile as she continued on her way. "Sorry for leaving so soon, but you know how ravenous the munchkin can get!"

"Alright, I'll make sure to tell Zack!" the two parted ways, heading in separate directions.

Vanitas quickly stepped back and crouched behind a carriage, making a face as the hay started to make his nose itchy and his eyes watered a bit. He waited until the pink-clad woman had moved on before stepping out. He rubbed his face, fighting back the tickling in the back of his throat and that strange sensation of his heart stopping every few seconds.

Then, it happened.


Blinded by his sneeze, he lost his footing and walked straight into her.

"What the heck?!" she yelped as she was pushed to the ground. "Oof!"

He sat up and rubbed his nose, "Dammit..." Opening his watering eyes, the dark boy froze as he realized the girl was beneath him.

She groaned as she sat up slightly, "What did I hit?" She opened her eyes and yelped when she saw the same boy from the marketplace on top of her. "You! Are you following me or something?!"


Why the hell did he stammer and why was his face hot?

A dark brow quirked in disbelief. "Uh-huh. Could you at least let me up?"

Vanitas was quick to climb off her, his reflexes almost cat-like as he leapt back, landing on the balls of his feet and his palms pressed to the cobblestone street. Gold eyes flashed, and his face was darkening to an unpleasant shade of red. He recognized this emotion - one that was lacking in his natural genetic make-up.

It was embarrassment.

He had seen Naminé display it countless times, but was startled to actually be experiencing it for the first time ever in his own life.

Pale blue orbs inspected the strange boy, "Are you okay? Your face is really red." She picked herself up and checked to make sure none of her groceries had been ruined in the fall.

He looked away from her, "I'm fine...are...you okay?" It sounded so strange, expressing concern for someone else. The words sounded bitter - and there was even a bitter taste in his mouth. His guts felt all squishy and slimy inside.

Ugh, these emotions were really messed up.

"Yeah. And thankfully so are my groceries." She straightened up, said groceries in hand. They stood there awkwardly for a few minutes before she finally asked, "So...what's your name?"

"...why do you wanna know?"

Suddenly, his entire demeanor changed. He had limited social-time with people outside of his duties, but he did quickly learn what buttons he could press and he liked to see how far he could go to make a girl blush. A grin crossed his face, one that rivaled a Cheshire Cat's, and he leaned in a bit.

"Ah, I get it. You want me to take you on a date~!"

She jerked back in surprise. "What?! No! I just met you and I don't even know your name!" Her face pinked slightly from the boy's abrupt statement.

"Tell me your name, little blue bird, and I might tell you mine!" he sang, his tone chipper and yet oddly devilish.

She stared at him like he was crazy, "The hell I am! You're the one who bumped into me. Your lucky I didn't start screaming rape! If you want MINE you have to tell me yours first.

He stared at her, his fascination increasing. He hadn't expected her to throw the ball back in his proverbial court. It amused him before he placed a hand on his hip, before gazing steadily into her pale blue eyes.


"Excuse me?"

"My name. It's Vanitas."

Her lips twitched in a small smile, "Mine is Aqua. See that wasn't so bad was it, Vanitas?" She thrust her hand out politely.

He stiffened and looked away, "I guess," his finger idly scratched at his cheek, avoiding looking directly at her.

Her name has taken him aback - a name that meant water, which she eerily reminded him of the first moment she actually talked to him directly.

She was calm and soothing - a feeling he only knew from whenever Naminé would treat his wounds - and yet she could turn as quickly as the tides and be fierce. He had seen it work the other way too, like when she had dealt with the pickpocket.

He glanced out of his peripheral vision, seeing her hand extended and that she was smiling at him.

That smile made his breath left him, a strange feeling stirring in his chest. Hesitantly, he lifted his hand, before he recalled just exactly who he was. He did not hesitate for anything - did not hesitate to raise his Keyblade to do his master's bidding, he didn't hesitate to give a witty remark or sarcastic reply, and he most definitely didn't hesitate because of a female.

No matter how much she took him aback or stirred strange emotions he had never felt before within him.

He took her hand, shaking it quickly - trying hard to not pay attention to how soft her hands were - before hastily shoving his hands back into his pants' pockets.

"It's getting late. Shouldn't you be getting home?"

He glanced at the sky, seeing it fading to a deep violet, streaked with red before turning to glance back at her. That cat-like grin was back.

"Can't leave you to walk home alone, can I?"

She blinked, surprised by his gesture. Aqua cocked her head to the side, "You're a strange little kitty, aren't you? But if you want to walk me home so badly, you can." She turned towards the direction of her home, assuming the boy would follow her if he was serious.

Vanitas walked beside her, glancing around. Night was his territory, and he knew what kind of rats came out after the sun set. It wasn't exactly like he was going to protect her - no, he probably would enjoy hearing what her scream sounded like, but more in a non-violent aspect. He grinned a little, glancing at her rear and tempted to touch it, just to see what she would do. Instead he settled for folding his arms behind his head, making a small face of annoyance as his arm started up that confounded itching once again.

"Dammit!" he hissed, scratching at it. "What the hell did he inject in me, anyway?" His voice was a low hiss, and he didn't expect her to hear him over the sound of the people closing up shop.

"Inject you? Are some druggie or science experiment or something? Here let me see." She grabbed his arm before he could do anything and examined it. "Looks like whatever it was caused a minor allergic reaction. When we get to my house I'll give you something for it... if you want?"

He chose to ignore the first inquiries - technically he was a science experiment or whatever. He just hadn't labeled himself as such. Yet the fact she wanted to help him surprised him.

She was full of surprises, as he had seen from his observations.


They turned down another street, to a house set on the corner. There was a nice little garden growing underneath the large window, which was squared out and there were deep blue curtains in the window, and from one glance he could see a woman with long deep blue hair talking to a younger redhead. The two looked nothing alike, but he didn't see any other children that could be the little sister Aqua had mentioned. She noticed his eyes locked on the two through the window.

"Oh, that's Kairi. She's adopted."


He wasn't sure what to say to that. Technically, he was adopted himself, so didn't that make Naminé his foster sister? What startled him was that the redhead inside was the spitting image of the insane girl.

"She supposedly has a twin sister."

His eyes widened, "Really now? She's pretty - bet some creepy old man would've tried to take her in."

Aqua looked at him, a frown on her face. "But the hospital and orphanage never had any records of her."

"That sucks..."

He focused on a pebble, kicking at it. It hit an old watering can. His nails dug at the inflamed skin, scratching until the skin broke and started to bleed. Unfazed, he simply looked at his red coated fingers a second later, the blood sliding down his arm and dripping to the street.

"Thing is I believe Kairi. Doctors say her twin sister was an imaginary friend or figment of her imagination, but she has a picture. An old one, but a picture nonetheless." She trailed off and finally glanced at him, jumping. "Don't do that!" Aqua grabbed his arm and drug him inside.

"Hey! Let go, Mousey! That's not for you to grab and - what's that smell?"

Aqua looked at him weirdly again, "It's a blackberry cobbler. It's Kairi's favorite dessert. Now hold still while I clean this up."

The house had an aroma he didn't recognize. He was used to the stale, musty scent of the castle. Or the strange chemicals that filled the sterile lab as he laid there, getting jabbed and drawn on. The foods he ate were always blended together and a murky color, but odorless. So this was...strange.

And painful.

"Mousey. I said that is not for you to grab." He growled, glaring at her as she once again dragged him by his arm and towards the source of the scent. "What is that?" He pointed at the strange looking food on the counter, cooling.

"I just told you, cobbler. You look as if you've never seen it before in your life."

His nose crinkled, "I haven't."

She cocked her head to the side. "I've decided you're staying for dinner. Have you ever had barbecue chicken?" She grabbed a brown bottle from a cabinet by the entrance and a small white package as well as some bandages.

"No. What's that? Aren't chickens those annoying birds that cluck?"

"Um...yes. Only they've been killed, plucked and chopped into pieces that you can buy and cook. And eat if you like it." She opened the brown bottle and got a cotton swab and dipped it in before she placed lightly the wound on Vanitas' arm.

He winced, "What the hell? That burns worse than-" Pursing his lips, Vanitas bit down on his tongue to keep from blurting out what Even liked to use on his wounds. Why couldn't this female do magic like Naminé and just heal him that way?

That's when he remembered something the Master had said. Most spellcasters had been either killed or escaped from his world long ago, during the Keyblade Wars.

That's why Naminé was so special and vital to him.

"Worse than what? It's just peroxide - better than using rubbing alcohol, that stuff hurts. Now hold still while I put this bandage on." She placed a square piece of gauze over the wound and held it in place as she taped it down. After she was done she handed him two white pills and a glass of water. "Take these, they should help."

"...is it poison?" Vanitas lifted the pills to his eye, inspecting them between his fingers. "You're not trying to kill me, are you?"

Poison wouldn't kill him so easily, but it was a bitch to get pumped out of his system.

"...No, it's an allergy pill. It helps when your allergies act up...have you been living under some kind of big rock your whole life or something?" She turned away as she began to prepare dinner. Luckily her mother already had the chicken grilling and all they needed was some sides. Mashed potatoes, green beans, and rolls along with a side salad. Potatoes were already cooking as were the green beans. "Now sit there until dinner is ready. You can meet Mom and Kairi in a bit."

He looked down at the pills, shrugging before taking them. He wondered how he ended up in this situation in first place. What was that saying from witchy's nursery book?

Oh, yeah, curiosity killed the cat.

She made him beyond curious...


It didn't feel right calling her by her name.

It was as if he did, she would disappear. Maybe it would be better if she did - then Vanitas wouldn't feel like his guts were slimy and his chest wouldn't have that weird annoying fuzziness. His heart wouldn't be pounding painfully in his chest either.

Just what the hell was she doing to him?

Awhile passed before a racket was heard as a red blur came crashing into the room, "Aqua! Is it time for dinner yet? Mom's bringing in the chicken!"

Aqua smiled as her younger sister demanded her dinner, "Yes. Everything's done. Why don't you say hello to our guest Vanitas while I get everything on the table?"

"Vani...Vanitas?" Kairi tipped her head to the side. "Strange name. Can I call you Vani?"

He stiffened, giving a "Tch!" sound before crossing his arms and looking away from the face that was identical to Naminé's. She looked roughly around the age of seven - the same as the blond child back at the castle. Could they really be twins?

Wasn't his place to find out. All he cared about was getting through this "dinner" thing and getting his ass back before the Master found out he was gone.

A plate was placed before him and another in front of the child by the older woman who looked like Aqua once they were seated. She smiled at him kindly as she took her own seat between him and the child as Aqua took the other between them. "Welcome Vanitas, its been awhile since Aqua has brought such a handsome young man home. Are you her boyfriend?"

Aqua choked on her bite of chicken she was taking.

Kairi began to chant, "Aqua has a boyfriend! Aqua has a boyfriend!"

Their mother giggled as she began eating her own dinner.

"Sure am! Isn't that right, Aqua?" He nudged her, grin in place.

"You are not!" she hissed, her face as red as Kairi's hair. "He's just a friend, Mom! He's only teasing! I met him at the marketplace."

"Oh really? It's strange, I don't recall seeing you around before."

"I live in the castle. I don't get out much."

Aqua's mother looked at him strangely, "The castle you say? A lot of the people there don't seem to get out much."

"Uh... my guardian's a researcher for Lord Ansem." Vanitas shifted uncomfortably.

It wasn't really a lie - lying usually came so smoothly for him - but Ansem had long since fled the castle of Radiant Garden, Xehanort taking his place.

He still hadn't touched his food, picking up the pointy metal thing that they were using to eat with, and awkwardly trying to hold it.

Aqua's mother had a suspicious look in her eyes but left it only saying, "You're welcome here anytime, Vani!"

Aqua sighed before lifting her own fork up and showing Vanitas how to hold it, "This is how you hold it. And then you really just stab your food with it and put it in your mouth."

Kairi gasped, "You don't know how to use a fork? Do you use chopsticks or something?"

"...They usually blend my food..."

At least, he assumed it was blended.

Why did he feel like a burden? Like how annoying it was to teach Naminé how to dress herself or strap her sandals. He felt like a small child.

Heck, there was a child next to him eating like a full grown adult.

A hand was suddenly placed on the one holding the fork. "Don't feel bad or weird. People grow up differently, Vanitas. You're not the only one in the worlds who can't use a fork or hasn't used one before. Just practice and enjoy your dinner. I don't know what they feed you at the castle but it sure doesn't sound good." She made a face.

He felt that confounded warmth again in his face as she touched him, gold irises locking on her blue. He quickly looked away before taking the fork and mimicking the way she was using it, stabbing a piece of the chicken and then putting it in his mouth, wedging it between his teeth and pulling out the metal prongs, pulling the fork free. He then bit down and started to grind the meat with his teeth.

His eyes widened after he swallowed.

"This is good! Great!"

For the first time in his life, he actually enjoyed something. He started to scarf down his food.

Aqua smiled while her mother chuckled in amusement, "Chefs love to hear such things. Knowing someone likes the food I make, it makes me feel warm inside."

Aqua smirked, "I can't wait to see his face when he eats the cobbler."

"I get to eat that too?!"

Kairi giggled, "Brother Vani is funny."

"...you're not too bad yourself, kid." He gave her a cheeky grin.

"Of course you get to eat it. Dessert always comes after dinner." Aqua's mother stood up from the table seeing as how everyone was done with their own dinner and went to dish up the cobbler while Aqua gathered the dirty dishes. Placing one plate in front of Kairi, she placed an extra large piece in front of Vanitas. "Eat up there's plenty."

"Th..." He struggled with his words before muttering. "Thank you."

He never had spoken words of gratitude before.

Vanitas began to eat, liking the cobbler much more than the chicken and the other food. He was eating it as eagerly as the child beside him, his actions almost childlike as well. Aqua smiled at him before going to join her mother in the kitchen, to help clean up. She glanced over her shoulder at Vanitas joking with Kairi - his tone playful and actually not intimidating. He was even minding his language around the girl.

"It's not like you to bring someone other than Terra or Ven home with you, especially someone you just met." Her mother stated, smiling. "What do you think of him?"

Aqua had a thoughtful look on her face, "He's...there's something about him. I can't place my finger on it, but it felt right to meet him. He can be a real weirdo, but looking at him now, I know he's capable of being sweet and kind... but I get the feeling that he has a really deep dark secret. And not just from how he's acting, I can feel the darkness in him, Mom, but there's also light, a lot of it. But it's over shadowed by the darkness. I...want to help him...if I can."

"Invite him over again tomorrow then." the older woman paused in her scrubbing, "He reminds me of your late father..."

Aqua smirked, "Oh I already planned to. I can't wait for him to meet the other kids and introduce him to cake and ice cream."

"I have the feeling Terra and him will be fighting for your attention." Her blue eyes closed as she smiled, "Go on and join them. He keeps looking in here like a lost puppy."


She wiped her hands dry and made her way back into the dining room. She giggled at the look on Vanitas' face as he listened to her sister chatter away. She pulled the chair beside him closer and sat beside him.

He glanced at her, once Kairi was called by their mother to go take her bath and get ready for bed. "She reminds me of my own little sister." It was the first time he openly admitted his relationship with Naminé.

"You have a sister?" Aqua looked thoughtful. "You know...today was Kairi's birthday and we're having her party tomorrow and I was...wondering if you wanted to come?" She started to babble, a blush on her face. "It's at 2:00 and you could bring your sister if you want, there'll be plenty of other kids her age there so I'm sure she'll have fun and-"

Vanitas stood up abruptly, which cut the blunette off. "I can't make any promises..." Sneaking out for him was hard enough, but sneaking Naminé out too would be too risky. "Listen, I need to go. Thanks for...dinner and...being nice to me."

Aqua smiled as she walked him to the door. Before he could leave she grabbed his arm lightly, "Vanitas?"

"Want a kiss goodnight, Mousey?" a devilish smirk appeared across his lips.

She blushed smacking his arm lightly, "Oh hush you! That's not what I was going to say at all!" She took a breath before looking him in the eyes, a serious look on her face, "If you ever need someplace to go or stay you can come here, if you ever need to get away that is...and if you ever get into any trouble...I'll be here, for you and your sister. Be careful, okay?"

He took a step back, "Better watch yourself, otherwise you may fall for me!" Vanitas teased, but there was a look in his eyes that he took her words to heart, but he most likely wouldn't take her up on the offer. "Bye, Aqua."

With that said, Vanitas left, disappearing into down the cobblestone street without looking back.

A/N: So…tell me what you guys thought? Review please!
