Hey sorry that I took so long to update. I have had a lot of things to do for my friends and school but today because it's almost Valentine's day I decided to stop ignoring the fact taht I have to update and wrote this chapter. Sorry if it's a bit ruff I didn't have time to find a friend to pre-read it. Well I really don't have much to at this point but I have a few things.

The two kages found themselves in a crater several miles away from Iwa. It wasn't long after Onoki declared his conditions for an agreement that the person he thought was a just a 'snot nose child' went on a rampage against him.


"What did you say!" Naruto yelled as he shot forward and grabbed the kage by his collar. The Tsuchikage felt something that he hadn't felt in several years-fear. It wasn't as much as when the Hokage randomly transformed into a strange energy form but his years of leadership helped calm himself.

"I said the cost will be the Uchiha and Uzumaki bloodlines and I will take no less" He didn't get to finish as he was thrown through his own window. The older kage corrected himself with his jutsu and watched as Naruto floated up to him. "I guess I underestimated you brat." He said with a shaky smirk. He couldn't help the feeling of fear within him but he would put up a strong front even if it killed him.'Which it might.'

Naruto's eyes narrowed on him, "I dare you to say that one more time." The blond said as energy cloak flicked wildly like flames. Most of the village was either knocked out by his KI or was too scared to get in between a battle between two kage. Wind swirled around the two of them as they powered up.

"I want the Uchiha and Uzumaki bloodlines." Onoki insisted as he created a pale chakra pyramid between his hands.

"Bijuu Dama!" Naruto yelled as he fired cone shaped tailed beast ball at the Tsuchikage. Onoki responded by firing his own attack. Thanks to the ability to destroy anything on a subatomic level, Onoki's managed to stop Naruto's attack but wasn't able to block or dodge the powerful punch that sent him through several houses. "That's it. If you want to be so unreasonable, then I'll just force you into an alliance."Naruto said to his fellow Kage but every waking person in the village heard it.

In one of the houses on the outskirts of the village the three women Naruto brought with him looked on with widened eyes as there kage started a fight with this village's leader. It wasn't long before a few Iwa shinobi surrounded their live quarters.

"You're kage has assaulted our leader. Until this matter is resolved the three of you are under house arrest. Should your leader the Hokage be found guilty of attempting to kill the Tsuchikage without proper cause you shall be executed." The Iwa ANBU said to them. Anko looked like she was going to start a fight with the Iwa nin but was stopped by Kurenai.

"Stop Anko-chan, we're outnumbered." She said to her long time friend before turning her attention to their capturers. "You guys seem to be rather okay with what is going on. A battle between Kages isn't a light matter." She said only to receive a nervous chuckle.

"We love our Tsuchikage and will follow him to our deaths but this isn't the first time he's done this. When the fourth Kazekage came our Tsuchikage demanded the Ichibi Shukaku and both the Scorch Style and Magnet Style bloodlines. When the Raikage came he asked for the Nibi, the black lightning jutsu, and the Storm Style. And when the Mizukage came before his death he demanded his Sanbi and several other bloodlines. I guess you can say Onoki-sama has pissed off a kage from each of the four other villages now." The man said a bit embarrassed for the reputation his kage had.

"Really…" The three Konoha kunoichi deadpanned as they heard the small explanation.

Back to the battle Naruto was currently dodging a barrage of rocks that were being thrown at him by the older kage. "Take this!" Naruto said as he created a black sphere in his hand when he meant to create a Rasengan. The blond looked down at his hand in shock at the new technique that had randomly occurred when he tried using his rasengan. The slight distraction was an opportunity that Onoki attempted to capitalize on by hurling a massive rock at the Hokage.

Both cages were shocked when the ball in Naruto's hand shot forward and expanded while simultaneously looking for. The black mater molded itself into a massive shield. The boulder that Onoki threw at Naruto was pulverized by the barrier leaving behind nothing but dust.

"Well that's new." Naruto muttered as he attempted to recreate the technique once again only to get a surprisingly plain looking rasengan compared to his usually of colored one he had since he became the Juubi.

"Jinton-Atomic Dismantling Jutsu!" Onoki yelled. A large cylinder shaped jutsu extended from in front of him but was unable to penetrate the black barrier. "What!" the old kage yelled in shock at the fact that his jutsu had connected yet failed.

Naruto turned his attention back to Onoki as his barrier retracted into it's ball form and floated behind the blond's figure. Eight more joined it and simply floated behind the Hokage. "There's more now?" He asked confused. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw another Dust Style jutsu coming at him. He didn't even have to react himself as one of the balls behind him acted on it's own and blocked the attack when he just thought of blocking.

"Great!" Onoki muttered as he saw his attack was once again negated by those spheres. "Now he has some kind of barrier." He said as he attempted to figure out a way to hit the Hokage without being caught by those balls. His most powerful jutsu was already proven to be useless and he was sure most if not all his Doton jutsu were not going to be able to penetrate the shields they made.

He wasn't able to formulate a plan as Naruto appeared before him and punched him back into the air. The still pissed yet slightly confused blond charged at Onoki. The sandaime tsuchikage attempted to dodge it only for Naruto to grab him by the leg and threw him towards the village ground. "Give up now Onoki-san, if you don't I'll destroy this village." Naruto said as he charged up a massive Bijuu Dama and pointed it towards Iwagakure. He really wasn't going to fire it but he needed the old man to surrender and fast before any new powers came out of no where and hurt the man. He was pissed at him but wasn't going to kill him.

Onoki growled a bit at being backed into a corner so fast. Normally he wouldn't give up but at the moment the blond was able to negate his attacks and had the power to destroy his entire village with a single attack."Grrrr. Fine. I surrender." He said as he put his hands in the air.

The juubi smiled and retracted his attack. "And you must join the alliance." Naruto added as he floated down to Onoki with his hand forward offering a handshake.

The Tsuchikage grumbled something incoherent but shook the blonde's hand. "Fine."

"Oh and one more thing…" Naruto said as he leaned forward so that his face was a about a foot away from Onoki. An overly creepy smile spread across his lips while his eyes glowed bright red. "If you ever ask me to hand over my loved one, I'll destroy you in the slowest most painful way possible." He said before back off. Onoki was currently paler than Orochimaru as he watched the blond walk back towards his village.

Later that day

Naruto was laughing as Anko retold what the village shinobi had told her about Onoki and his habits of getting in way over his head sometimes. It was funny how some things changed slightly from his would yet at the same time remained largely the same. He had heard from Gaara how stubborn Onoki was during the Summit and how he had almost outright rejected him and Mei as powerful shinobi just because they were young compared to himself-especially him.

"Wait so he's pissed off the kage of every village? How is this place still standing?!" Naruto laughed as with Anko. Kurenai and Yugao had gone out for some night training leaving just him, Anko, and a bottle of sake he had gotten from Onoki as an apology for his behavior. He knew that the old man was basically forced to by both his son and granddaughter-yet another difference.

Naruto wouldn't deny that he was having a fun time even if Anko's sense of humor was a bit twisted at times. 'Well she was trained by Orochi-teme. I still have to kill him don't I?' Naruto thought completely obvious that Anko was going far past tipsy while downing the rest if the bottle. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Anko place the bottle on the table again.

Naruto went to pour a bit into his cup but only got a few drops. "Why is the sake always gone?" Naruto sighed before getting up, "I'm going to get something to eat." Naruto said walking towards the kitchen. After only taking a few steps he felt something wrap around his entire body. "Really Anko-chan? A snake?" Naruto asked as he substituted himself with a pillow.

"Oh don't be such a stick in the mud Ho~ka~ge-sa~ma." She said wrapping him. Naruto raised an eyebrow when he felt her rather large breast push into his back. He then noticed that under her trench coat and mesh, the snake summoner wasn't wearing a thing. "You know, not many guys even try to talk to me and most that do are just perverts. Hmmm I don't know if it's because I'm drunk or you're just that attractive but how about I give to a little gift." She said licking his right cheek.

The blond shuttered a bit at the feeling but decided against acting in his primal desires since she was drunk and wasn't really in the best state of mind. "Go to bed Anko-chan, you're drunk." Naruto said breaking her hold on him. Anko frowned as he walked out, as soon as she was sure that he couldn't see her a large smirk spread across her face as she moved to her room.

A bit later Naruto sighed as he got out of his clothing and got into the soft bed he was provided as Hokage. Unlike the other beds in the house they were given, this one was much larger. "What a long day." he muttered as he closed his eyes and prepared to go to sleep. His eyes however snapped opened when he heard a noise from above him. Looking at the ceiling he saw Anko falling down on him nake. "Anko-chan! I told you to go to sleep." He said as he tried to push her off only to find that he hands had been tied to the bed posts by snakes wearing a strange armor that covered their whole body and made them look a bit like chains. "Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope! I am not into that sort of thing Anko!" Naruto said as he tried to break the armor with shear strength or absorb the snakes chakra only to find that the armor had protected the snakes from his chakra stealing abilities and the armor was somehow holding up with his strength.

"Oh hush you." Anko said rubbing her crotch against the blonde's He snake-like smirk grew. As she felt him slowly getting harder under her. "I'm going to have some fun now that no one is around." She said getting off of him. With a single movement she tore his underwear allowing her to see the blonde's manhood.

"Anko-chan, stop this now, this is your final warnin-" before he could finished Anko leaned in and took it all in in one shot. Naruto held back a moan as he felt her throat tighten around his member. Anko smiled when she saw her leader fighting back the urge to enjoy her blowjob. Anko pulled back until only the head was in her mouth and went down till her nose was buried in his blond pubic hair.

Naruto fought to break the bonds on his arms only for more armored snakes to come out and wrap around him. "The fuck are these things made off!" Naruto moaned out. Anko released his member but much to the blond's surprise her tongue extended out of her mouth and wrapped around it.

Naruto's brain was nearly turned to mush as Anko's tongue coiled around his girth. Anko leaned down and once again devoured Naruto's cock. The combined sensation of her extended tongue and her snake-like throat overwhelmed him. The snake summoner felt her hokage's manhood twitch in her mouth. Going all in, she deep throated him as he came in her throat.

Naruto grunted as he launched several streams of cum down his subordinate's throat. The Hokage looked at the kunoichi with a looked that scared her, not because it was one of anger but one of unending lust. "You're going to regret that!" Naruto said as his eyes transformed as if he were in a battle. Within a second Naruto had ripped the snakes around him apart and turned the tables on her. "My turn." he growled as his more primal side started to take over.

Anko opened her mouth to say something but was unable to as Naruto speared her with his lower sword. Anko's head snapped back letting out a silent scream as Naruto continued to plow into her. Anko looked down to see a small trail of blood coming out of her folds and even though she was in pain, a large smile rose on her face as Naruto moved within her.

"Yes...don't stop. Make me yours." Anko said as he the blond went wild on her. This wasn't what she was expecting but in her mind it was a lot better. Even now the pain from losing her virginity today was going away thanks to the the blond reforming her pussy in the shape of his manhood.

Naruto reached down and gripped one of her breasts which were bouncing wildly from the force of each of his thrusts. "You are mine." Naruto growled. His voice was an octave lower than normal and filled with the untameable lust of a crazed demon. Anko reached down and rubbed her clittoris adding to the pleasure she was currently feeling. "Take this!" Naruto said filling her with his cream. Anko moaned louder than before as her womb was filled with the blonde's cum.

She didn't even notice that she herself came at the same time as her leader since he hadn't even slowed down even after ejacualting within her. Anko's eye started to roll back as she experienced orgasim after organsim while the blond ravaged her body.

"Kami! Harder Hokage-sama! Punish me!" She cried out riding out the constant state orgasim the blond had placed her in.

Naruto growled as he lifted her up and slammed her against the wall. "Don't you dare order me around." He said ramming up her. Naruto covered her mouth with his own forcing his tongue into her. Anko moaned as her mouth was dominated by the crazed shinobi. His mouth muffled her scream as she came. Naruto finally had enough and shot several more squirts into her.

Anko's eyes closed as exhaustion overcame her and she fell asleep. In the blonde's arms. Naruto's eyes fluttered as he came back to his sense. Look around him, his mouth dropped at the state he and Anko were. "What the fuck did I do?!" he yelled out before hearing a few light snores coming from Anko. Naruto said as he pulled out from her and carried her over to his bed and covered her with his blanket. Naruto walked out of the room and left the house.

"Had fun?" Naruto heard next to to him as he sat on one of the rocks that littered the outside of the village. Looking over he saw A standing there with Mabui by his side, beside him was his assistant and wife Mabui.

"A-san, what are you doing here?" Naruto asked the Raikage.

"I was here because I heard you were going to meet with that old man Onoki and wanted to give you a warning but it seems there are two things I'm not fast in if you know what I mean!" A laughed while Mabui blushed at the message in A's words. Naruto chuckled before feeling a heavy hand rest on his shoulder. Looking at A he saw the serious expression on his face, "That wasn't one of my girls you were ,messing around with was it?" The Raikage said.

"No it was Anko-ch…" Before he could finish A punched him into a mountain with a lightning covered fist. The blond dug his way out of the rocks that had fallen on him and glared at the Raikage. "What was that for!?" The hokage yelled at the older kage who scowled at him.

"I let you marry my girls and you haven't even taken the virginity of a single one of them! But here you are having sex with a kunoichi you aren't even married to you! Please explain it to my fists!" A yelled as his entire body was covered in his lightning armor. Naruto spent the rest of the night dodging the Raikage's attacks while Mabui cheered her husband on from the sidelines

Next day

Both A and Naruto walked towards their respective village tired from a long night of A chasing the blond while the Hokage tried his hardest to avoid him.

Well I hoped you guys liked it. Now as a few of you have noted some of my stories are well missing and I have no idea what happened. Since I haven't had luck getting them back I decided to start a new Naruto/Hellsing story posting next Tuesday. Now I might write a second story and if you have any suggestions please feel free to suggest them, but please no mass crossover or stuff like that or some obscure thing. Also no comics. I have never read a comic in my life. Keep it anime people.

*****This is for the people who have asked for a Naruto/DxD crossover. Why do you guys want me to add to the mass of stories that already exist for that section? There is literally a story of nearly every kind in that section. IF I did write one it would be a Fallen Angel Naruto story. Heaven seem like it has too many rules and Hell has a majority of Naruto joining it. If you want me to consider it then PM me a proper reason why I should.

Now please review and send your ideas in the reviews, PM or even twitter 1wingedangelofD and see you all later