(Hey there, readers! SonicTheHedgehog-Nerd here with my first story! I haven't read many stories on …in fact I've only read one. But my friend keeps talking to me about it and I decided it's time to post something, just to counter his popularity on here. ) So let's have some fun! A/N's will be in bold and parentheses. Since this IS my first story and I haven't read many, please bear with me and help me out by telling me how I can improve! I want to become a writer someday, so I'd appreciate your input!

And a fair warning….I can get crazy. w Very. Crazy.

So enough jibber jabber, LET US BEGIN!)

Intro – Sally POV

I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

It couldn't have been him. Sonic would never steal from the Freedom Fighters. But this footage was proof. That was him on the screen, stealing one of the seven Chaos Emeralds. I couldn't see his face, but who could mistake those blue quills, or those red shoes?

I know Sonic, and something is seriously wrong with this situation. Why would Mobius's greatest hero turn on us? Is he working for the enemy? What is his goal? I guess I'll find out for myself during his interrogation.

I knew what had to be done, and I didn't like it one bit.

Chapter 1 (The rest of the story is in Sonic's point of view.)

I'm definitely not a morning person.

So why couldn't I sleep? I usually try and get as much sleep as possible between missions for the Freedom Fighters. But at this particular moment, I was alert, kept awake by my own thoughts. I was thinking about a mission I'd completed the other day, and about something my arch-enemy, Dr. Eggman, had said to me before I'd left…

"This is a minor victory for you, Sonic the Hedgehog! I already have the ultimate revenge weapon. You shall fall, rodent, at its hands. Mark my words!"

After that I just knocked him out so I didn't have to look at his ugly face any longer. But what did he mean, ultimate revenge weapon? How soon before I find out what it is? I stared at the ceiling, hands behind head, deep in thought.

That's when I noticed the sirens.

They stopped in front of my house. The next thing I knew, the door was being kicked down by the Mobotropolis Police Force. A man – or shall I say, a dog – I recognized as Sgt. White, was barking through a bullhorn. (XD I'm sorry, but I had to use that pun.)

"Sonic the Hedgehog, come out with your hands up! You're under arrest for treason!" said White.

I sat up and shielded my eyes from the bright car headlights shining in my room. "Treason?" I asked. "What're you talking about?"

"Don't make me force you, Mr. Hedgehog," White replied. "I said come out with your hands up."

Curious as to what this was all about, I obeyed, standing from the bed and putting my hands up in surrender. One police officer snapped a thick pair of shackles around my wrists and led me off to a van. I was surrounded by cops. It looked like all of Mobius's forces had come just to arrest me, which made sense in the long run. I could fight if I wanted to, and get away quite easily; not many can match my strength and fighting skills, and no one can match my speed. But I was no traitor, and I wasn't going to run. What would I be running from, anyway?

I was placed in the back of a van, with several armed officers. The doors were sealed firmly, and the van drove off. I sat quietly, listening to conversations over the officers' radios, and it sounded to me like they were discussing what happened and what they were going to do. From what I could gather, one of the Chaos Emeralds had been stolen from a high-security building and I was the top suspect. They were taking me to a prison to be interrogated and tried. Knowing I was innocent, I decided to play along, let them think I was guilty, and find out exactly what this was all about.

(So what did you think of Chapter 1? This was greatly updated from my original, premade story. Hope you enjoyed it! Can't wait for more? I'll post Chapter 2 as soon as I can. Please leave feedback, and see you all next time!)
