Hello readers! Due to all my reviews consisting of nothing but an encore I have granted that wish. However, this is the last continuation of my story for I wasn't even really sure what to write for this one but I gave it a shot. As you can clearing notice, this chapter is a lot smaller. I wasn't really planning on continuing it so this was the best I could do without ruining it with a sequel. I hope enjoy! PLEASE REVIEW MY STORIES!
Chapter 2
The Forgotten Freak
Danny and his parents made it out of the vacant building not worrying about Freakshow. He would be rescued when Danny let Lydia out of the thermos and into the Ghost Zone. It might take her a while but nobody in the Fenton family really cared. Once they were out in the open Danny surveyed the surrounding area. Thankfully, they were not that far from AmityPark, probably just outside of it. He glanced over at his parents. Danny wasn't sure if he could carry both his mom and dad at the same time. His dad wasn't heavy due to his ghost strength but he was awkward to hold nonetheless. Noticing it was dusk, Danny had to make his decision. He had school tomorrow and it would be nice to actually get to bed at a decent hour. Suddenly, Danny was struck with an idea. One he wasn't sure his parents would like.
"We are just outside of AmityPark so it will be a long hike to get back to our house. By the time we would get back it would too late to talk." Danny looked at his parents disappointed looks as they found out they won't get an explanation tonight. After seeing their faces, Danny knew they would accept his proposal. "I think there is an easy solution to this but you may not like it."
"Why won't we like it?" Maddie and Jack asked at the same time.
"Well, I would have to umm… overshadow one of you and carry the other." Danny mumbled almost reluctantly.
"Would that hurt our body in any way?" Jack asked curiously. Jack asked another intelligent question, making that a world record!
"No, you just won't remember anything that happens. My ghost strength will be doing all the heavy lifting." Danny assured his dad as he sat with his legs crossed in the air. "I carried you before remember?" He looked at his dad as he though of the Vlad and portal incident.
"Yeah, you're right!" Jack exclaimed, "Let's do it!"
"Wait a second dear." Maddie interrupted before either of the two males could move. "Have you overshadowed people before?" She watched as Danny looked away with a slight tint of guilt on his face. "You have haven't you?"
"Yeah, I've overshadowed Dash, Dad, and a one or two others so I could get them to leave so I could deal with a ghost or just get out of trouble." Danny replied honestly then quickly assured his mom. "I don't like doing it unless I have too! I've only overshadowed Dad twice anyway."
"That wasn't you at the college reunion was it?" Jack asked narrowing his eyes. In fact, it was the only time he really remembered being overshadowed.
"Plasmius overshadowed you but then I knocked him out of you and we fought. I overshadowed you to catch mom when you too were trying to attack Plasmius and I drove the assault vehicle to fight invisibly." Danny rushed his story along a little bit for he wanted to talk about this stuff at home not in the middle of nowhere. However, he missed one important detail.
"Who is Plasmius? Is he the Wisconsin Ghost?" Jack asked causing Danny to face palm.
"Yeah, Plasmius is his real name." Danny answered. "Are we doing this or not? I would feel much better explaining this in the house."
"Go for it Danny-boy!" Jack yelled excitedly. He really wanted to know if he really couldn't recall anything from being overshadowed. This would give him the perfect controlled experiment to find out. He watched as Danny flew towards him and phased though his body. A small shiver ran through his body but it quickly faded away just like his consciousness.
Maddie watched as Jack shivered slightly when her baby boy plunged into her husband. She watched in complete fascination as Jack's closed eyes snapped open. Instead of their normal color, they were neon green. How could Maddie miss that? After Danny just admitted to overshadowing his dad before, Maddie never realized this had happened. It was very depressing to know she was not as observant as she thought she was. She couldn't even figure out her own son was half-ghost!
"Are you ready, mom?" Danny asked in Jack's voice as he overshadowed the big man. His neon green eyes stared into hers and for a split second she was speechless. She nodded as Danny picked her up and flew into the air with Jack's body. From a citizen's perspective it would look like only Jack and Maddie were in the air, not realizing there was three people not just two. However, Maddie also didn't realized Danny had turned them invisible. She chalked the cold, tingly feeling to being in contact with a ghost…a half-ghost anyway. The ride was quiet as Maddie took in the aerial sites. Danny was content just flying in silence but he took his time. He didn't want to fly too fast and freak his mom out so he kept it around 40mph. They made it home in a few minutes even at that speed. Danny phased them through the house and laughed slightly when Maddie flinched as they passed through the solid object. He set her on the ground and existed his father.
"I should probably tell Jazz I'm home. Don't want her freaking out too much." Danny excused himself briefly phasing into Jazz's room before they could stop him and tell him he was still in his ghost form.
A shrill scream echoed through the house before Maddie and Jack heard Jazz scream at her brother. "Danny, if you do that one more time I swear I will suck you up in a thermos for another six hours!"
Maddie muttered aloud "Jazz captured Danny and had him trapped for six hours?" She asked in disbelief. She would have to ask how it felt to be inside of a Fenton Thermos.
"Jazz knows Danny-boy is a ghost?" Jack asked dumbfounded. He watched as Maddie smacked herself for not even thinking of that. She would have to ask about that too.
"You wouldn't!" Danny yelled back in disbelief cutting through Maddie ad Jack's conversation.
"You want to bet!" Jazz dared him to not believe her. Loud stomping was coming down the stairs as Jazz raced after Danny who was flying down the steps. In her hands held a thermos.
"Hey! I never said I didn't believe you!" Danny cried as he entered the living room. His own thermos clutched in his hands.
"You thought it! I could see that much on your face!" Jazz giggled as she was about to suck Danny up in the thermos but stopped cold in her tracks when she saw her parents just standing there watching what was happening.
"Stupid psychology," Danny grumbled as he floated slightly behind his parents.
"Danny...," Jazz trailed off with pure confusion when she saw her parents not reacting to Phantom floating next to them.
"Well that was one way to get you to come downstairs." Danny smirked at Jazz's face, "They know."
"You Jerk! You could have told me instead of go through all that!" Jazz yelled chucking the thermos at Danny's head but he easily caught it.
"Love you too." Danny quipped back as he landed on the ground and proceeded to give Jazz the load down on what happened to him today. "So I thought you could listen as well since I never really sat down and told you all of it." Danny finished when Maddie came back in with a big plate of cookies.
"When I tell you of my adventures please don't interject until I ask for questions," Danny asked his family before he started. He saw everyone nod in agreement and continued. "It all started when I accidentally hit the 'on' button inside of the portal…" Danny continued to tell his family about his adventures but he made sure to leave out a few things. For example, he left out Vlad being half-ghost too. It was a smart move for now Danny has an ace up his sleeve that Vlad doesn't have. He also left out his evil future self and Clockwork. Clockwork liked his privacy and Danny wasn't going to infringe on it anymore than he needed too. By the time he finished telling his stories Maddie and Jack were hugging him tightly and telling him how proud they were of him.
Jazz smiled as hugged her brother too, much to his complaints. After an exciting dinner, the reversed Plasmius Maximius wore off and Danny changed back to his human form. He laid in bed that night gazing up at his ceiling with a ghost of a smile perched on his lips. He hadn't had a good day like this in a long time. Yet he still felt like he was forgetting something. Danny shrugged it off, "If it was important I would have remembered it." He muttered before he was swept away into a blissful sleep. The thermos containing Lydia long forgotten along with the still tied up Freakshow back at the building outside of town.
I hope this quenched that thirst for more even though I didn't really explain Maddie and Jacks reactions but oh well. Sometimes a little fluff is needed. I hope you enjoyed. Until Next Time...