Possession - a Gakuen Alice Fanfic for Natsume x Mikan. Written by Crystallised. Hello; it's been a while. I was inspired to write again from a private message from , and with that inbox, the story ended up flowing out the next day. HAHAH. I sincerely apologise for the lack of updates - it's been over a year, I understand. I've completely neglected this after Gakuen Alice finished; as I lost interest in the manga, I lost interest in my story. However, I still have many ideas I'd like to input, so I'll see if I can screw around with your minds and wrap up this story this year (unless I suddenly get a writer's block. Apologies in advance if so), heehee. Enjoy!

Chapter Eight - Extravagance

Silently, Ruka held Natsume's hand as his friend's façade was broken for the first time that he came here. Filled with pain, sorrow, ire and desperation, Natsume silently cried until he was completely empty and numb once more.

Hotaru stayed silent, listening to her boyfriend's heartbeat as she laid one of her palms against his chest. It was rapidly beating and she smiled softly. Unfortunately, Ruka didn't notice his girlfriend's rare smile.


He looked surprised to hear that coming from Hotaru.

"Huh?" Ruka blurted out, making Hotaru glare at his untactful response. He flushed immediately and quickly apologised.

"Thanks for sharing it with me, even though I basically forced you into it. It's getting to an uncomfortable point, right? I'll hold back for today, but if I don't get the answers I want before I become impatient, I might just come back to attack you again. So, prepare yourself for that." Hotaru shot him a sly smile. Ruka smiled softly at her.

"Thanks, Hotaru. You're really thoughtful."

"But, you'd better not tell me to keep this whole thing a secret. I'm going to be telling Mikan to get the rest out, and once she has, you're going to tell me. Got it?"

Ruka laughed at Hotaru's persistence.

"I love how you've got it all planned out already."

Hotaru grinned, "I am an Imai, after all. You've known that for ages."

"So I have." Ruka winked, "And I'm really glad."

The couple settled back into a comfortable silence, with Hotaru resting her head on his shoulder, their hands intertwined.

"Hey, hey, Natsume, did you hear about it?"


Natsume looked up at Mikan, who was, unlike her usual beaming, gazing at him with wide eyes and a slightly open mouth.

"I heard from a few maids that Ruka-pyon exploded earlier when he was with Hotaru."

'Ruka? Exploded?' Natsume raised an eyebrow in amusement, silently telling her to continue.

"Uhmm... Something about yelling out 'FINE!' and then locking the doors before having some sort of talk. The soundproof walls kinda' blocked it all out." Mikan smiled sheepishly, making Natsume roll his eyes at her. On the inside, though, he was thinking something completely different.

'...He spilled his story to her, huh?'

"And then, he-"


Mikan looked over her shoulder to find her best friend. Natsume, standing protectively next to Mikan, narrowed his eyes slightly.


Before she could run over and hug her, Hotaru walked over and put a firm hand on her shoulder.

"Mikan, we have to talk."

Natsume inwardly sighed. 'Here goes Ruka's story, out in the open. I really wish he wasn't so whipped by that girlfriend of his.'

Mikan only tilted her head in surprise. "Natsume can't come?"

Hotaru glared at her, "No."

She laughed sheepishly before looking up at Natsume, sending a silent apology. He only nodded and the two girls made their way towards a separate room.

'But if he's fine with me talking to Hotaru, why does he look so... Sad?'

"Mikan, you're going to listen to this story, and what I say without any interruptions. Okay?"

Mikan looked like she was about to protest, but she faltered and only nodded. Hotaru smiled softly before repeating what Ruka had told her. Mikan's expression changed several times throughout the whole thing, and by the end, unshed tears were glistening in her darkened, hazel eyes.


She bit her lip, unmoving. Hotaru's eyes narrowed.

'...I knew it.'

"...Natsume's an idiot." Mikan mumbled under her breath. Her vision was blurred, and her voice was shaking with sobs.

"I don't care what reason he had! Him playing the 'bad guy' isn't going to do anything! He'll only keep hurting himself and everyone else around him! Why doesn't he realise that?!"

Tears fell onto the floor, and Mikan paused, sobs shattering the silence. Hotaru pulled her closer comfortingly.

"...How could he... Do that to his parent...?"

Hotaru's expression softened slightly.

"...That's why you have to help him, Mikan. Mend him, because he's hurt, and he's been alone this whole time. I doubt that even Ruka understands him completely."

"I... I really want to."

Hotaru smiled. "Then do it."

Mikan managed a smile through tears back at her best friend, "Yeah."


Natsume glanced up at his friend. He knew what was coming.

"I... I'm sorry, I told Ho-"

"What, you're apologising for being whipped?"


Realising his friend was jesting, a defiant expression landed on his face.

"Natsume!" He shouted. Said boy stuck his tongue out, and Ruka's eyes softened.

'...You really are too nice for your own good, Natsume.'

Then, his train of thought was abruptly shattered as Mikan burst into the room, Hotaru walking in after her, a picture of elegance... And then she rolled her eyes at her friend's antics, and the delicate air around her dissolved.

"Mikan, you idiot." She muttered under her breath, sighing. Ruka grinned.

"Naaatsume!" Mikan yelled, before stepping on the hem of her dress... And falling.

Straight into Natsume's arms.

"Geez, you're so clumsy..." He chided, an amused glint in his eyes. Mikan puffed her cheeks out in indignation, glaring at him, a blush blossoming across her cheeks.

"Shush, you."

Hotaru silently commended her friend for being able to forget their conversation within a few minutes enough to act naturally around the very person they were talking about.

'She has the memory of a goldfish.'

But even so, she knew that Mikan would be able to make her way through Natsume's heart, and that no matter what, she wouldn't hurt him.

She wouldn't judge him because of his past...

And that was probably just what he wanted.

'I've made my move, and now she's going to find happiness... Just like you always wanted. Just like the rest of us all want. Now, what are you going to do?'

"Mikan-sama, Hotaru-sama!"

Both of the said girls looked up, visible surprise on Mikan's face, whilst Hotaru remained stoic. Before them was a maid, flustered and words tumbling out of her mouth like a waterfall.

"-And Sakura-sama said-"

Mikan instinctively flinched.

"Sayumi-san, you're speaking too quickly. Repeat what you said." Hotaru said firmly, glancing at her best friend in concern. The maid cringed.

"Oh, I'm so sorry - that was very rude of me, I- Ugh, this isn't the time for it! Sakura-sama said that there's a formal party in two days, and it's going to be including many wealthy families - and their heirs!"

At that, Hotaru's eyes instantly narrowed, whereas Mikan's widened.

"So Ruka-pyon's parents could come, too?! And I'll get to see Nobara-chan and Rei again so soon?! Yippee!" Mikan cheered, not waiting for the maid to answer. Silently, she nodded, as Mikan pranced around, narrowly avoiding slipping and falling flat on her face. Ruka stifled a nervous laugh, smothering his excitement at the possibility to meet his parents again. After all, he hadn't seen them since he arrived.

Natsume's eyes narrowed, and his expression darkened.

'If they're coming, that means...'

Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. You'll never escape. Maybe this time, she'll-

Ruka glanced back, and saw the familiar look on his friend's face.

'...No, Natsume...'

Quickly, he shook Natsume's shoulder, and that seemed to snap him out of a trance.

"...Thanks, Ruka."

"Don't do that again, Natsume."

The said male only turned to his friend, a weary shadow in his scarlet orbs.

It was a look that didn't suit him; one that made him appear many years older than he was. A gaze of one who'd known pain for much too long. Ruka's fists tightened, and his blonde locks shadowed his eyes.






"...I can't believe-"

"It's not- wasn't-"

"I'm a-"


Pain. Pain. Pain. Ire. It had built up for too long.

Hotaru's eyes widened slightly and she gripped her lover's hand, gentle and firm. Ruka bit his lip and shook his head a little to dispel the thoughts. Natsume lowered his head slightly, attention diverted from Mikan as he watched his first, his closest friend trying to tear away from the death grip of the claws that haunted him.

They were all so haunted, he supposed.

There was too much phantom pain.

"Hurry, Mikan-sama!"

"I-I'm coming!"

Mikan dashed around the mansion frantically, her figure a blur of lavender and mauve. Natsume, leaning against her (their) bedroom doorframe, hands resting behind his head, absentmindedly wondered how she hadn't tripped over the hem of her, once again, overly extravagant gown. He raised a brow in amusement as she literally flew in and out of the room in thirteen seconds flat.

"Hyuuga." Hotaru acknowledged, giving Natsume a quick once-over as he turned in her direction.

"Imai," he returned. "How come you aren't crazily charging around the house like she is?"

"Because I can properly schedule my preparations for a formal celebration unlike," Hotaru nodded towards the frenzied figure, "Mikan."


Hotaru watched as Natsume's eyes softened slightly, gaze never leaving Mikan's frame once.

'Yes,' she noted, 'Mikan really is the only one who'll be able to change you.'

Two days.

Two days.


How does one lose track of two days in a timespan that seems no longer than an hour?

Clearly, Mikan didn't find it hard.

'This is terrible,' she repeated in her mind over and over as she scampered around her mansion, 'this is so bad.'

"Mikan-sama, wait!"


Mikan panted as the maid caught up to her, and she looked up exhaustingly, "yes?"

"Your father deems the preparations fine, now... Uhm, would you accompany me to get your make-up done and attire changed?"

Mikan gave a somewhat tight, yet still genuine smile as she nodded to the maid. The maid breathed a sigh, "it's been tough on you, Mikan-sama. We offer you our deepest apologies for that. If we had gotten the preparations properly completed beforehand..."

"It's not a big deal." Mikan waved, a weary grin gracing her lips, "this much, I can take. So, you and everyone can stop stressing over everything, okay? I'm glad I can lighten the responsibility that you all have to handle every day!"

The maid's gaze softened as she took in Mikan's heartfelt confession.

"You really are such a sweetheart. I'm so glad." She whispered under her breath before asking more loudly, "what colour gown would you like tonight, Mikan-sama?"

"Hmm... Maybe... No gown?" Mikan offered cheekily, and the maid rolled her eyes, chuckling at the princess' antics.

"That won't do, Mikan-sama. Your father would most definitely be scandalised; perhaps even more so than yourself."

"Hehe. Maybe..."

A certain someone's silhouette flashed by her mind, and before she could rethink her words, they flowed out of her mouth.

"...Crimson, perhaps?"

"Crimson...? A rare choice."

"Ahah..." Mikan laughed sheepishly, "I just felt like it."

The maid nodded, "we'll certainly get it ready" before averting her gaze to the ground and giggling softly under her breath, which went by unnoticed to the brunette.

'They really are such a cute couple, Yuka-sama.'

"Wah... Hotaru, it's painful..."

"..." Hotaru let out an exasperated sigh that was laced with a slight hint of concern. She glanced to the side meaningfully, catching a certain male's gaze.


Natsume rolled his eyes before tapping Mikan on the shoulder. She instantly stopped struggling and dragging her feet, and turned to face him.

Fitting snugly on her curves was a gorgeous dress sewn with several shades of red silk, albeit the differences weren't extremely discernable. They varied from vermillion to crimson to maroon, and the subtle distinctions accentuated the dress all the more. It was a high-low dress with long, long open sleeves, and the back flowed out like fire. She looked like a princess of all things bloody and scarlet, and as ominous as it sounded, she was beautiful. There were black diamonds and silver crystals that reflected the light decorating the hem of the dress and sleeves, and on her feet were matching stilettos sparkling with jewels. She had a small, yet grand tiara perched amongst her golden caramel waves, and her wrists had multiple crystal bracelets adorning them, with matching ruby and crystal earrings. Right in the middle of her chest resting proudly was the pendant Hotaru had given her - the very one that matched Natsume's.

She was the epitome of beauty, and the sight of her was purely breathtaking.

Natsume's breath hitched slightly, but he quickly recovered. He was donning a simple yet stunning suit. Unlike the usual jet-black that he was forced to wear by the maids, he was dressed in a very different colour tonight - gold.

'Or, perhaps, hazel; what was the exact shade of Mikan's eyes, anyway?' Natsume mused silently. He found it strangely comforting that they were donning outfits that suspiciously, coincidentally, as Mikan had called it, matched each others' eyes. He was extremely handsome, with the golden jacket highlighting his toned, muscled; yet not overly so; arms. Beneath it was a plain, white, silk dress shirt. The matching pants fit nicely - of course, that was a given when it came to custom-made suits - on his long legs, and he had maize coloured leather shoes on his feet. Of course, once Hotaru had not-so-subtly dropped a hint that Natsume had a pendant matching hers, he had been coerced into wearing it.

'They look like a couple, even more so than usual.' Hotaru chuckled inwardly. Their constant habit of being attached at the hip - for safety reasons, they had both explained futilely - was only emphasised by the matching attire. Hotaru's eyes narrowed slyly as she knew Mikan's father would be disapproving. Hopefully infuriated, too - because he wouldn't be able to lay a hand on her. Of course, none of them would allow him to make a move at the mansion, either; he certainly had understood Hotaru's threats regarding his family, and he was intelligent enough to tread carefully by now.

Ignoring Mikan's protests, Natsume swooped her up in a grand gesture, and his eyes sparkled with amusement as she pointlessly jabbed him weakly a few times, indignant. Regardless, the trio walked up the long staircase, and Natsume let Mikan walk again, much to her relief, right as they reached the large entrance of the party.

"Mikan-sama, Hotaru-sama, and... Hyuuga-sama, I presume. Right this way, please." The guard at the front bowed, before signalling for another to take his post as he led the three into the party. They immediately spotted a certain familiar face.



"Ruka," Natsume nodded. Ruka grinned. If Natsume was devillishly handsome, Ruka was stunningly angelic right beside his friend. They both looked tantalising, and they were a matching pair of gold and white. Ruka gazed at his lover, a silent flash of hunger in his eyes.

Hotaru was a vision of violet and snow. Her usually straight, slightly puffy ebony locks had been brushed and curled slightly at the ends, framing her slender face much more. She had a sparkling, intricate, amethyst hairpin clipped to the right side of her head. Her dress fit tightly at the top, the spaghetti straps wrapped snugly. The back was made up of criss-crossed silk strings, and the bottom of her dress was not flowly like Mikan's, but puffy. It was sewn with a myriad of purple, ranging from indigo to lavender to mauve, with wisteria gems littered around, forming a winding path across her gown. She had heels that were slightly taller than Mikan's six inch heels. They wrapped around her feet, adorned with clusters of crystals. Resting on her chest was a beautiful diamond necklace that Ruka had given to her on her birthday. It shone all colours of the rainbow, and Ruka smiled proudly.

"You're so gorgeous," he whispered in her ears as he wrapped his arms around her from behind. An unusual, faint blush dusted Hotaru's cheeks. No matter how many times he did this, she'd never get accustomed to it, it seemed. She clicked her tongue slightly in exasperation and pushed her boyfriend back slightly, but the affection in her eyes spoke a different story. Ruka grinned, and Mikan cheekily giggled at the couple.

"They're so cute, aren't they, Natsume?"

Natsume's eyes had a sly glint to them and he mouthed the word, "whipped" to Ruka, whose eyes widened. Ruka stuck his tongue out slightly, brows furrowed, before a devious smile graced his lips and he mouthed back, "I could say the same back to you."

Natsume frowned. The challenge was on.

"Looking good, huh, Mikan-chan? Who's the handsome man you have there with you?"

The four turned in surprise, and Mikan let out a little gasp as both her hands flew up to her mouth.

"L-Luna, is that you?"